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DUBING the month of April last there were issued from the pension office 31,972 certiiicates of all classes, against 14,562 during the same month of last year. Herman Stephanski and his wife were burned to death in a lire at Roche.ster, N. Y. Tiikrk men were drowned at the outlet of Rraddock's bay on Lake Ontario by the eapsizing of a boat. At Ottumwa, Ia., William West shot his wife and then killed himself. Domestic infelicity was the cause of the crime. C.vr.DER & Co., commission merchants at Kew Orleans, failed for $265,000. a Siixiedewend&Lee, a printing-press firm of twenty years standing in Chicago, failed for $100,000 Secretary Fostkk hassigned a warrant for 81,651,711 in favor of the governor of the state of Pennsylvania. this amount being that state's share of the direct tax f und. J. K. Brati.ey, cashier of the Iron Mountain railroad at Little Rock, Ark., was said to be short !?20,000 in his accounts. A coi.d wave thronghout New York and New England did much damage to fruit and vegetation. The def alcation of Cashier Percival of the Shoe and Leather national bank of Lewiston, Me., amounts to .Y100,000. At McNamara Uros.' ore mines near Birmingham, Ala., a cave-in caught five men and killed two and wounded three. Capt. L. Nortox, who, with his wife, niece, engineer and crew sailed from New London, Conn., November 24 last in his small steam yacht on his way to Toulon, France, have been given up as lost. Thousands of acres of valuable timber in the vicinity of Davis, W. Va., have been burned by forest fires. Three years ago F. Smith, of Lincoln county, Tenn., killed John lirooks in a quarrel about a girl. On the 5th he killed James Wakefield, who had married the girl a few weeks ago. BSLOIT (Wis.) saloon keepers have all closed up their places of business and many were leaving town. The city voted "no license" at the recent elec. tion. Over 100 families were evicted in the Pennsylvania coke región. The Hayes county (Neb.) courthouse at Hayes Center, with all the county records, was destroyed by fire. The schooner Atlanta foundered in Lake Superior off Whitefish Point and three of the crew were drowned. The commission firm of D. R. Calder & Co. at New Orleans has failed for L265,000. Fike among business houses in Pittsburgh, Pa., eaused a loss of .40,000. The New Orleaos grand jury reported the result of their investigations in regard to the Hennessy murder and the Mafia lynehing. No indictments were returned against persons connected with the lynch ing, but several were found against the alleged jury bribers. BlXTEES ljorses perished in a livery stable five at El Paso, Tex. Ice formed in portions of Michigan, Illinois. Iowa, Minnesota and the Dakotas on the 5th. Three men were arrested at Wooster, O., for robbing Michael Shelby of 312,000 last August. Lee Bakton, a young negro who was sold from his home and wife and children in Virginia thirty-eight years ago, and carried away by the slave traders and resold in Mississippi, has just been reunited with his family at Houston, Miss. The American Medical assoeiation in annual session in Washington elected Dr. N. S. Davis, of Chicago, as president. In a New York concert saloon C. S Wilbur shot and killed Ida Breevor and then killed himself. Jealousy wa the cause. Fire destroyed the county infirmary near Muncie, Ind., and the inmates nar rowly escaped death. A break occurred in the levee in Concordia parish, La., and the country for miles around was under water. Fkost was said to have greatly damaged fruit of all kinds yi Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan and parts of Ohio. The treaty entered into between Spain and the United States stipulates that coal, petroleum and machinery shall be admitted free into Cuba and Porto Rico, and that the present duty on flour be reduced one-half in exchange for the free admission into the United States of sugar, coffee and cocoa. The National association of machinists at its meeting1 in Pittsburgh, Pa., decided to exclude negroes f rom the organization. A case of leprosy was discovered in New York city. John Tuunbull, an attorney at Port Townsend, Wash., has been arrested on the charge of helping to smuggle Chinamen into the United States. A rise in the Rio Grande river flooded a large portion of El Paso, Tex., and over fifty families were driven from their homes. The shops of the American Wheel Company at Sidney, O., burned, causinp a loss of L100,000. The entire lumber district of New York, covering seven acres, was burned over, causing a loss of 31,000,000. Actin'G under orders from Secretary Blaine the United States marshal at San Diego, Cal., seized the steamer ítala which was receiving' contraband of war for the use of Chilian insurgen ts. Tuk bank of Allen county at Scottsville, Ky., has closed its doors. J. Dickinson, of Pueblo, Col., a crank who said he had a mission to kill J ay Gould. was arrested in New York. Henry BdBT, of Syraeuse, N. Y., Btole 325,000 from his father and left for parts unknown. Deputy Marshal Spattlding, on board the Chilian insurgente' vessel Itata wlien she sailed (rom San Diego (Cal.) harbor, as put oiï at Hallast point, and returned to that city. He reportcd that thj vessel was a well-armed privateer. Pkoi-i.k were out sieighing on the Tth at Norfolk, Conn. Two PASSENGER trains on the Paniai-ile collided at Tusearawas, O., and "). Longenecker was killed and C. D. Eogers, G. F. Marvin and Otto Miller were fatall; injured. The national board of fire underwriters held its twenty-fifth annual meeting at New York and elected D. W. C. Sküton, of Hartford, Conn., as resident. In a sleep-fasting contest in San Trancisco W. C. Woodford went 158 ïours and 45 minutes without elosing ïis eyes, breaking the previous record of 144 hours and 20 minutes. Dr. O. H. Marv, of Boston, was elected president of the American Medical association at its annual session in AYashington. The association petitioned congress to oréate a new cabinet officer to be called the secretary of public health. The wife of Gen. Foster dropped dead at her home in Indianapolis. FE8E destroyed the planing milis, warehouses and lumber yard ol Schroth & Ahrens at Winona, Minn. Loss, 8100,000. Wii.i.iam Wrightman, living neaï Middletown, Ind., while removing wheat from his barn for market found in the grain an old pocketbook containing 811,600 in gold coin and paper currency. How the money came there was a mystery. The safe of the iron works at Marinette, Wis., was broken open by burglars and robbed of S7,000. Josei'H Baroxdkss, a noted labor Leader, was sentenced in New York to twenty-one months in state prison for extortion. The statement of the pension office shows tliat during the month of April there were isffned 51.415 pension certificates, the first payments on which aggregated 88,874,815. The four children of C. Pardee who left East Tawas, Mich., in an openboat and who were supposed to be drowned reaehed Port Austin in safety. By an explosión of gas in the Ocean mine at Clarkesburg. W. Va., four miners were killed and several others badly hurt. Secretary Blaine has written another letter to Sir Julián Pauncefote on the Behring sea question in which the claims of England are refuted, and Mr. Blaine wants to know if England can exercise exclusive control in an open sea why the United States cannot do the same. A shortage of Sïö,000 was found in the accounts of the late Rufus Prince, of Turner, Me. He was the trustee of ninety-five estates. In the United States the business failures during the seven days ended on the 8th numbered 242, against 255 the preceding week and 209 lor the corresponding week last year. A i,akge meteor passed over the Victor (Tex.) región, finally explodiug with a noise like the report of a big cannon. In Chicago Miss Jennie Tupper was burned to death by a gasoline explosión and Miss Clara Peng met a like iate from burning alcohol. The Western Farm Mortgage Company of A berdeen, S. I)., with a capital of $250,000, has failed. Minnih Wbittakeb, aged 15 years, committed suicide at Indianapolis, Ind., because her father had been sent to prison. The Massachusetts board of healtb. reports seventeen deaths from hydrophobia the past year, the highest number ever recorded. Ir was alleged that the navy department was unable to find able seamen enough to man the warships. WlLLIAM PbiCK was hanged at Marshall, Mo., for assaulting Miss Alice Ninas, who later committed suicide rather than testify at the trial. Forest fires were burning on the Sth at scores of points in the upper península of Michigan and heavy damag-e was reported. Several farm houses and other buildings were burned. In Wisconsin fires were raging all through the northern portion of the state, doing immense damage, and in Minnesota a wide area had been burned over. The Spring (arden national bank oi Philadelphia closed its doors. The bank's deposits were $2,000,000. The tinware manufactory of F. A. Walah & Co. in Milvvaukee was burned, the loss being $150,000. A shock of earthquake was feit in San Francisco, and buildings were shaken quite severely. The Santa Fe railway shops were burned at Galveston, Tex., causing a loss of 8100,000. Vandals desecrated the grave of Dr. Cronin in Calvary cemetery, Chicago, by tearing up all the flowers and shrubs surrounding it. A FIBK in Chicago made thirteen f ilies homeless. Six persons committed suicide ia Chicago on the 8th and six others were killed in aceidents. Twenty valuable horses were cremated by the burning of August Uauntzman's barn at Manson, Ia. A shortage of 8147,000 was discovered in the treasury of the ]5ay State Shoe Fastening Company at Nashua, N. H. Two CHILDKEN, aged 13 and 10, ol Mrs. Susan Hardwick, residing near Little Rock, Ark., were killed by lightning. The village oi St. Louis, Minn., was wiped out of existence by lire. Mrs. George Bennett, of Ottumwa, Ia., was burned to death. She was standing by a bonfire when her clothg caught fire. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The supreme court of Nebraska has rendered a decisión in the Boyd-Thayer quo warranto case ousting Boyd and declaring Thayer the legal governor of the state. Boyd is disqualitied on account of non-citizenship. The Iowa republican state central committee has decided to hold the state convention at Cedar Rapids July 1. Jonx M. Thayer has resumed the office of governor of Nebraska and has reappointed all the republican officeholders deposed by Mr. Boyd. Hon. JOHN S. ClABKSON, president of the Republican National league, has gone to Europe. Mrs. Angélica Bear, an Indian woraan living1 in Door county, Wis., is saidto be 124 years old. Tuk Kew York Herakl advocates the nomination of .James ü. Blaine for president. Prof. .Ii lius E. Bilgabd, latesuper7ii sndent oí the United States coast survey, died at Washington. FOREIGN. The [talian government, írom motives oí eeonomy, has decided not to take part in the world'sfair at Chicago. Advices from Odessa say tli:i t 60,000 .Tews. endeavoring1 to escape Russian cruelties, have joined the (ireek and Lutheran churohes. M. Roche svasexpelled for one day from the Frenen chamber of deputies 'for usinjr violent langnage against M. Constans, minister of the interior. It was reported that the British warship Pelican had been fired on by Newfoundland bait catchers in Fortune bay. The house of a workman at Mons, France, who had refused to go out on a strike, was demolished by a dynamito cartridfíe, and a ljorab of the same material wrecked the residence of a capitalist at Leige. Presidk.vt H.u.mackda has solicited the good offices of France, the United States and Brazil in an effort torestore peace in Chili. An attempt on the part of socialista to burn the city of Rome, Italy, was discovered. The Swedish bark Helged went ashore on one Newfoundland coast near St. Johns and the captain an;l ten of the crew were lost. Wii.i.iam JacQDKS, an American from Newton. Mass., was set upon by a mol) at Florence. Italy, and his daughter, who was A'ith him, was severely injured by stones thrown by the mob. A St. Peteksbubg dispatch states that the government has suddenly pended the expulsión of the Jewa f roía Moscow. B.EPOBT8 say that a revolutionary movement was in progress in Co a l!;ca. and that the president had declared a state of siege and suspended personal gnarantees. The Chilian insurgent v:ir-ship Blanco Encalada was blown up in Caldera bay by two torpedo cruisers and 180 of the crew were drowned. Advicks from Yokohama state that a band of Tonquin pirates were surprised by Krench troops vvhile escorting sixty-seven native women over the Chinese frontier and eight of the kidnapers were killed. Eighï persons wnre killed and seven were injured in :, m ., explosión at Saarbrucken, Prussia. Aïi attempt was made to take tha lives of the leading members of the Chilian ministry by means of a bomb. A BoxniiD warehouse was bumed at Rotterdam, Jlolland, the loss being S-l.250.000. Six blocks of buildings were burned at Alliston, Ont. They contained six hotels, fortv-five stores, twenty-five residences, the post office, market buildings and the fire hall. A Roman newspaper is authority for the statement that the Italian governinent was about to address a circular to the European powers submitting the conduct of the United States government in the New Orleans affair to their judgment. LATER NEWS. The nnveiling of the monument at the center of population of the United states 20 miles east of Columbus. Ind. , at 2 p. m. on the lOth. wiU go into history as the seeond event of the kind in the past hundred years, the first being ui 1810, and the place 28 miles west of Washington. I). ('. Tuk wholesale grocery house of Pranci ; II. FjefTgett & Oo. in New York was burned, the loss being 11430,000. The bteamer Lucy bowe was lost in the straits of Juan de Fuca with fiftyÖve eolonists on board. ïhe party left Tacoma April 31 to settle on land near the Guestahes ri .er. A firr at Manninsf. ia., destroyed alïmist the entire business portion of the city. LOSS, $125 U0 '. The villajes oí WalkervU e. Foxville and Morley. in Michigan, u-ere destroyed by forest fires. and at other points maiiy houses and barns were burned and millions of feet of timber wrc reduced t" ashes. Martin Gbintcb shot and killed his niisln ss. Mis. Anna Keister, at Lo{,ransport. Ini., urn! then killed himself. Mus. TIonnki.i.y. ap-ed LiOyears, committed suicide at Hazle ton. Pa., by settinj? Bre to her bod Bhe feared she was to be sent to t!i ■■ poorhouse. Cu a Pobd vyas hanged at Ottawa, 111., for the muvder of David Moore in June. 1890. The [Tnion Pacific Tea Company, the principal office of which is in New York, has made nn assignment. The company did business in teas, e iffees and gToeeries, and had ninety-tíve branches in different states. A firk destroyed Robert Ennis' barn near Kuthven. Ia., anda boy and ten horses perishpd in the ñames. A kokkst lire near Austin. Pa., destroyed 80,000,000 feetof logsand 10,000 cords of bark, besides ten miles of tram lailroad. A stock train on the Santa Fe road was wrecked near Trinidad, N. M., and :;(iü head of eattle and four men were killed. Twkt.vk persons were badly hurt by the wrecking of the New Orleans limited train at Duquoin, 111. The percentages of the baseball ciaba in the National league for the week ended on the 9th were: Chicago, .('.(iii, Uoston. 00: Cleveland. .662; New York. .588; Pittsburgh, .45(5: Philadelphia, .488; Brooklvn, .438: Cinoinnati, .;ïi2. The percentages of clubs in the American association were: Boston, .696; lialtimore, .(iñ'2: St. Louis. .602; Louisville, .6865 Columbus. .444: ('incinnati. .428; Athletic, 4ÜÍ); Washington, '227.


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