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Fohebt fires were raging in nearly every direction from Duluth, .Mimi., and a large amountof damage lutü been done. The forest fircs ra;,rir.;i through the lnmber región tn northern Michigan have mown a fiery swath through the heart of three counties, and besidesinilicting immense damage to property have probably destroyed human Ufe in many places. The villages oí Otia, Fields, Park City, Lilley, Clinton and Walkorvillc have been wiped out of existence. In each oase the destruction of the homesol the inhabitants v.;is ;iccompanied by heavy loss to the lumber firins having sawmills at the places uarneil. Thk schoonar W. C. Kiraball, of Northport, Mich., was lost in a gale ofl l'oint Betsey, north of Frankfort. Mich. There were four persons on board and all perished. Lew Bbos. & Co., one of the largest wholesaleclothinghouses in New Yoi'k, failed ior SUl),00ü. O. R. Wii.son, ex-mayor of Groat Bend, Kan., was said to be an zier and a defaulter in the imount of at least 840, 000. The boiler on a tug boat exploded near Cairo, HL, and Dick Sleason, James Lawrence and John Arnold were blown into the water and drowned. Francis Mubpiiy has closed a two weeks' series of teraperance meetings at Huntington, Ind. Over l,T00 signed the pledge. In Pennsylvania forest flres were raging along the Alleg-henies at Iluntingdon, Warren, Bradford and Mechanicsburg, and great damage had been done. The millers' national eonvention at New York elected A 11. James, of Iiuffalo, N. Y., as president. The plant of the Eagle Refining Company at Lima, O., was eonsumed by tire, causing a loss of $100,000. Au excursión of 1,000 negroes left Ilannibal, Mo., for Moutftra and Washington. Jam-: Seei, was arrested at Wellston, O., for the murder of John Cary. The crime was committed ten years ago. Richard Trumbum., a member of the Chilian congress. was arrested at San Francisco for violation of the neutrality laws, but later was liberated on 815,000 bonds. ANTHONY (i reex (col .red) was taken from jail at Centervil: . Md., by a mob of masked men and hanged: He had been convicted of assault on a white woman. Thomas Saunders, a Le Mars (Ia.) farmer, shot his mother-in-law, Mary Leister, and then put a bullet in his own brain. Dotnestic trouble was the cause. The aged wife of N. I!. Morgan, a farmer living near Evansville, Ind., eloped with N. R. Wedding, a young man who had lived on the Morgan farm. The breadstuff exports during April were 918,878,837, against L15,543,912 in April, 1890. By the explosión of a boiler in a sawmill at Wilson's station, W. Va., three men and a boy were instantly killed. Invebtigation proves that within five years child labor in the eigar faetoriesof Cincinnati hasdecreased wages ,f0 per cent., and that the children in the factories out number adults two to one. The Montana elevator at Bozeman, Mont., was totally destroyed by fire, the loss being 8100,000. The lOOth anniversary of the establishment of the capital of the state of South Carolina at Columbia was celebrated on the 13th. Forest fires have completely wiped out the town of Middlebury, Pa., and it was believed that over 100 persons had perished in the fires in the vicinity of Austin. The steamers George Roberts, Eagle and Twilight were burned at Pittsburgh. A committee of the New York Union League club have preparedthe formof a petition to be circulated among citizens thronghout the country, regardless of party affiliations, asking congress to pass laws that will protect this country from the tide of undesirable European immigrants. Michael SBBIiLT, of Wooster, O., an 80-year-old farmer who was robbed of over 56,000, committed suicide byshooting himself. The cotton exports from the United States during April aggregated 417,171 bales, valued at 820,5(50,977, against 208,122 bales, valued at .510,624,858. in April, 1890. The American liible society celebrated it seventy-fifth anniversary at New York. Kev. Dr. Thomas E. Vermilye, one of the forty delegates present at the organization of the society, pronounceil the benediction. A fire in the old "Sailors' exchange" building in Xew York caused a of $100,000. THB eighteenth national conference of charities and corrections, comprising meinbers o!' boards of charities, superiutendents and trn of benevoleni ions, directora and i ' charitable institutions, ut Indianapolis, Ind., ou I3th. Ovek L00 iquare miles of virjjin for.. were reportedto have d by lires. A. I. -:vi, .v Bros., wholesale dealers n boys' c ■ in New Vork. have failcd for 8300,000. By :;n ;ii"iost nnanimous vote the Order f Railway Conductora in qon■■ ention at st. I ■, join the Federation of Railway Employés. A fin:: quality of blue marble and ivered iv ex-I' . ■ Preu ■-■.::,! his ::'■ : . i ■ . ! Dmugoist St-:vi:sox. oí Nelson, Neb., who caused the death of Miaa Gftrry Easley by a mistake in filling a prese os been found guilty oí S ; : n - ' . 1 1 . i . li. 11 !i and Mrs. Eld ■ lr ]■!■.. - :Mi:s. A i: in ei: Ubiscoe. aged 81 years, wae drowned in the riverjiear Alcano, Kan. Mrs. Briscoe had boen married six times and had thirty-one children, four oí whom died. All her husbánda were i Poi B members of the íamily of i II. Sconee, 1. Salem, Ore., were buried i íde, all having died of La grippe within a few hours of each o1 John D. Adams, r Snancicr at Little Koek. Ark., failed tor 8300,000. The National Order of United Labor and Proi issions vasorganized at Jaekson, Tenn. , wi! i .S. I'. M ol' da '., :i president. '1 ín; object "' i!'-1 order is to brmg about greal i .ni., gislation. Thi a Bve counties of Miehigai timated at 83,000,000. Hundreds of families in the state were destitute and many pei were Buffering from severe bnrns. The home of Robert ]nl', a Montraorency county (Mieh.) farmer, was burned by für;gt üres and two of his children perished. A forknt fire üü miles in length iva) earrying devastation to the country on the Pennsylvania & Northwestern railway. At Stanford, 111., J. A. Riley, Samuel Riley and Iierry Fowler drank aconite, which they mistook for whisky, and were fatally poisoned. The report of the statistician of tha department of agriculture shows an increase since April of last year of more than 100 per cent. in the price of corn and oats, and 30 per cent. and more in wheat. A PRIVATE baak known as the People's at Knoxville, Tean., has closed its doors. Camp Shebidan in the Yellowstone national park will hereafter be known as Fort Yellowstone. The switchmen on all the divisions of the Chicago & Northwestern railway were diseharged and new men put in their places. The company said the men were constantly making trouble. The brakemen and conductors stood by the company. A FIBE at Hardy. Neb., destroyed nine business buildings. The suprema council of Catholic Knights of America in session at Philadelphia favored exclusión from membership of persons addictcd to ardent spirits. The Evening Critic, of Washington, has suspended after twenty-three years of life. The chief of the government bureau of statistics reports that the total value of the exports of domestic mineral oils from the United States during the month of April was 83,898,259. The value of beef and hog exports for April was .9.299,781. A Russian exile, Maurice Lopatecki, a resident of Tacorna, Wash. , has fallen heir to $10,003,000 by the death of an uncle in Russia. Thk department of state at Washington has been otficially informed of the acceptance by the government of China of the invitation to particípate in the World's Columbian exposition. A COMMITTEB of fifty citi.ens of New Orleans appointed to investígate the matter of the existence of secret societies or bands of oath-bound assassins reported ninety-four assassinations by Italians and Siciliana in the past few years, and recommended as the only remedy the entire prohibition of immigration from Sicily and lower Italy to this country. In the United States the business failures during the seven days ended on the 15th numbered 237, against 242 the preceding week and 212 for the corresponding week last year. Justice Br.EWER, of the United States supreme court, has issued a writ of error in the Nebraska contested governorship case. The tour of President Harrison and his party, which began April 14, ended at 5:30 p. m. on the 15th, when the presidential train reached Washington. The party traveled over 10,000 miles and the president delivered 140 speeches during the tour. Neab Oak Grove, Ma, the house of Daniel Morgan, a quiet and reputable citizen, was demolished by an explosión of dynamite, and Mr. Morgan and his wife were badly injured. It was not known who perpetrated the outrage. Walteb Clabke, the 13-year oíd son of Robert Clarke,of Glen Garden, N. J., died from cigarette smoking. Henby Fleshee pleaded guilty at Columbus, Ind., to stealing three beef hides and was sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. The well-known wholesale drug firm of Mackoown, Bower, Ellis & Co., in Philadelphia, has failed. The house was established in 1740. Secrktaby Foster has approved the design for the new two-dollar certificates prepared to prevent a repetition in counterfeiting the old. The vignette of the late Secretary Windom adonis the center of the note. Six men were probably fatally burned by an explosión of gas in a sewer in a street in New York. Wakkkx M. Fiiamk, of Ra'eigh eounty, W. Va., was convicted of violating the lottery law by sending a letter through the United States mails to the Louisiana lottery and was fined 825 and eosts. The internal revcnue department estimates that the amount of whisky manufaetured in the United States during the present year will be 120,000,000 gallons, being 5,000,000 gallons more than was produced in the United States in any previous year of its history. TwKLVE inches of snow feil on the 15th at Sherman, Wyo. , the highest point on the Union Paciflc road. Tuk Hessian fly bas made its appearance in great numbers in the wheat fields of south central Kansas. At Atkins, Ark., Dr. (í. H. Home killed Adam and Sitt Hatley. the result of a íamily feud. Home said he had three more Hatleys to kill. Thibtt-fivb squares in the heart of Mnskegon, Mich., much of the best business and residence property and churches, were destroyed by a fire on the lGtli which started in a livery stable. and wlien at last the conflagration ended property valued at nearly a million dollars had vanished and hundreds ■ - ere homeless. Geori Walker, of Helena, Mont., and his w i ÍLr]itiiiiiy while driving and both fatally hurt. REUBEN MooBB, a negro 21 years oíd, was han.fed at Trenton, Ga., for the murder of Hcnry Slade, a colored companion, on June 24 last. At Birmingham, Ala., some bricks feil f rom a new building among a group of school chüdren, küling one and injuringfour. At Oemersville, Mont., a gambler named Jurden, who had killed a rancher for four dollars, was lynched by eitizens. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. I'f.ti:u McGnx died ;it his home in Rockford, UI,, aged lO7year . lv.v. l)ü. .1. I). Wickham, Vale's old-. pst li1 : at his home in Mam I '■'■ years. He was a 1815. Gi-;x. Lemuel Todd, a distinguished mem bar, died at his home in Carlisle, Pa. chairman of the first republican state committee in Mes. Makgert Lord died at tëlgin, fll., : I '.'.i j ears. Herhusbard, Capt Ralph Lord, was a soldier in the war of 1812. John Foüjtq Bbown was nominated for frovcruor of Kentucky at the democratie state convention in Louisville. lii:v. Wai.tkk L. Huffmas died at Peru, Iml.. aired 75 years. During his ministry of flfty-four years he officiated at 1,300 weddings and 1,600 funerala. FOREIGN. A DI8PATCH froin Constantinoplc reports that the lïussian government was ezpelling all the Jews living bcyond the C'aspian sea. Adviceh f rom Honduras were to the effect that the rebellion in that country had been crushed and the rebels dispersed. The Catholic mission and sevcral dweiling houses belongingto European residente were attacked and burued by natives of Woo Hoo, China. A WORKMAN at Havana, Cuba, rode a horse into the bay to give him a bath, when a shark scized the man. pulled him from the horse's back and devoured him. In the Italian chamber of deputies Premier Rudini said that the New ürleans affuir was simply a legal question, and that the departure of Fava from Washington had been ordered as a protest against the action of the United States. Ik Rochester township, Ont., John Stinson, his two sons, his hired man and his housekeeper have been found guilty of counterfeiting American silver coin. It was announced that E. Dwyer Gray and the two Harringtons, three of the ablest supporters of Parnell since the división of the Irish party, would hereafter give their support to the Mer Carthy party. John Camfbeix, a bookkeeper in the Montreal cus torn house, has absconded. His defalcations reached 850,000. Algekia is again devastated by locusts. A caravan from Morocco traversed through swarms of locusts for thirty-two days. The first mails from Yokohoma to London by the Canadian Pacific railway have arrived in the latter city. The time between the two cities was twenty-six days. Sixteen anarchists were arrested in Terni, Italy. Tliey had in their possession plans to pillage and destroy with dynamite banks, factories and other property. Nineteen %vorkingmen were drowned in the Dniéper river in Russia, the boat in which they were embarked being run into by a steamer. Neabia' a hundred members of the house of commons were down with the influenza, and it was on the increase all over Europe. LATER NEWS. Mayor Shakksi-kare, of Xew Orleans, informed some Italians engaged in a race war that he intended to put an end to the disturbances even if it became necessary to wipe every one of them from the face of the earth. Sheriff Luna, of Valencia county, N. M., reports over 2,000 people homeless in his county, their homes and crops having been destroyed by floods. Joseph Hali.aghan and James Sullivan, young men, stabbed each other fatally in a fight in Chicago. Mrs. Susan Pascoe, aged 24 years, her infant son Christopher and Miss Mary Carr, of Philadelphia, were drowned in the Schuylkill river by the upsetting of a sailboat. An incendiary fire at La Monte, Mc, caused the destruction of the business portion of the town. At the session in Chicago of the supreme council of the United Order of llailway Employés the grievanee of the svvitchmen on the Northwestern road was not approved of. Wili.iam Basnes and George Jones, two farmers living near Ardmore, I. T., killed each other in a fight. Thkee children of Abraham Newman, of Hawkinsville, C!a., were drowned, .Mr. Newman, while drunk, driving over au embankment into the river. At the annual convention in Newcastle of the Irish National League of Great Britain a resolution was passed deel ar ing that Mr. Parnell was morally and politically unfit for a position of trust. As attempt was made to mob Henry M. Stanley, the African explorer, in öhfefiicld, Eng., by socialista The percentages of the baseball clubs in the National league for the week ended on the I8th were: Chicago, .666; Boston, .571; Philadelphia, .f545; Pittsburgh, .528; Cleveland, .500: Brooklyn, .454; New Vork, .425; Cincinnati, .318. The percentages of clubs in the American aBBOCiation were: Boston, .?:!:;; Baltimore, .6öö; St. Louis, .592; AtMetic, .481; Louisville, .470; cincinnati, .4!4; Columbus, .:!8T: Washington, .269.


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