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iy All Odds tii ;eful medicine is Ayer's ■■:- for the varioua dis : ■ miach, liver, and bowels, Ui e no eqaal. Tbelr sugar-coating i ot imly to be easy and - . but preserves t'.ieir mediin all c!im;ites and for any :me. The best fainüy Pilla are, also, unsurpn ravelers, Boldlers, sailorg, pioneer. In sume of itio wlien all other remedies Ayer's Puls ■ tivc. ■ 1:1 the summer of 1864 I was sent to t!io Anm ui, sulferlng with chronio there, I became so rei that I could nnt sjieak and wrlte everythlng I wanted ' waa Uien havlng gome a or 30 st0 -1 ed ;i medlI was satisfled woiüd be of no i 1 dia not take it, but pi rnurse to get me some of Dr. I TOO'clock in the ;::- no n i to ix six ol these pills, and by midnight began to feel better. In the mornlug - '.'ame again, and after decli troptoms were more favorable, gave 111 adifl r mi medicine, which I did no( but took four more of the pills [nstead. The lie doctors carne to see me, and Chought I was dolng nlcely, (and so dld 1). i Uien tookone pilla day for a week. At the end ol that öme, T ooasldered myself cured and that Ayr'r's Pilis had saved my nfe. i was then weak, but liad no return of the dlsease, and gained in strength as fast as oould be xi ted.''- F. C. Luce, Late Lieut. B6th Regt Mass. Vol. lufantry. "Aj "i"s l'ills are The Best I have ever used for headaches, and they acl Uke a riciiii! in rellevlng any dlsagreeable sensatton inthestomach after eating." - Mis. M. j. Ferguson, Pullens, Va. ■■ I was a sufferer for yeara from dyspepsla and liver troubles, and found no permanent relief until I commenced taking Ayer's l'ills. Tiiey have effected a complete eme." - George W. Mouney, Walla Walla, V. T. , Ayer's Pills, 1'REPARKD BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists aud Dealurs iu Mediciue. W. F. L0DH0L2 IS OFFERI.NG BAÜGA1N& IN Groceries and Provisions FIEST-CLiSS GOODS i SPEB1ALTÏ. New Teas at 25c, 30c, 40c and 70c a pound. Kettles, Porcelain lined, FREE with 1 lb. Baking Powder at 50c. China Ware FREE with 1 lb. Coffee at 25c per lb. The best goods at the Lowest prices. Ahvavs full weight and measure. All Goods fresh and warranted. Delivered to any part of the city. You will save money by trading with W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 JBROADWAY. 1588 lts Farmers' & tam' Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SUBPLUS $10,000. Adöitional Liaftilities of Stocttolöers $5O,OOO. 'iidition of the FAIÍMEKS & MECHANICS' BANK at Ann Arbor, Michigan at the close of business, Dec. i - RESOl I Loan s and discounts $330401 SO , bonds, mortgages, etc ' 74,42156 Overdrafts. 4459 89 Due from banks in reserve cltles 8,695 77 Due from other banks and bankers.. 5,959 04 Due from Washtenaw Countv 28,225 60 Furniture and fix tures gxiü 00 Current i-xpouses and taxes paid 59 interest pud 3.110 4S - and cash items Nickels mul pennies Gold 6,762 50 Sllver 1,720 15 ü. S. and National Bank Notes ."..i;üO 00 I Total $375,517 70 UABILITIBS. Capital Btock paldln s -,0.00o 00 -n,]u Eund ' [1 1 ndmded profits 9,917 21 Commercial ■' . ■'-■i', ngs .i:).s"i 7! Due to banfcs and baniers 469 64 Totl' S75,517 70 í STATE OF MICHIGAN, - ÜOÜN I V OF WASH] ENAW, . "'■ I. F. II. BELSER, Cashler, of the above named Bank, do somenlj swearthat the above statement is trae, to the best ni mj knowledee and belief. F. 1. BELSEB Snbsi rlbed and Bworn to before me, tbi-; 3Oth day 01 December, 1890 WM. W. WHEDON, _ Notar] Public. CcBBJtcT-Attest: Chas. E. Greene, Reuben Kunipt, D. F. Schalrer, Directors. The Farmers' & Mectanics' Bant having died their certifioate with the State Banking Departnent ure uow authorized to do business as aSavlngs Bank, and In pursuance thoreoi nave opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savings department on all deposita of $1 and upwards, interest pald June lst and Die. lst, of each year. The savings department Is open Saturday nights trom 7 iiutilSo'cliicl; Honey to loan in sunis of $25 to $6,000 secured by unencnmbered real estáte or approveDIRECTORS-Reuben Kemi)f, Clias. E. Groene, E. Dufl'v, AinbroMi Kearnev, AVm. C. Stevens, W. F. Breakev, J. È. lieal, Jolin Burg, D. F. Sehalrer. K. KE31PF, Pres. E. DUFFY, Tire.Pres. F. H. BELSER, Cahier. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Of all the Laten Designs. PE1CE3 tlie I-iCrWEST. AT OSCAR O. SORG, 1h.e IDecorator. 70 S. MAIX ST., AKX ARBOR. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Pears and Grapes a Specialty KÍmLrÍUfS f í"nuit' Ornaental Trees and Flowers, trom Ellwanger md Barry. Order eariy by mail. s;, ru,,.. kedicinal Wiues, Kasperry Öyrup, Boneset, Dandelion and oth'-r EMIL BAUR, West Kuron St., Ann Arbor. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, A N D FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constnntly on hand BREAD. CR iCKJsKs, cakes, etc, for Wholesale aud retall trade. We shall also keep a supply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S KEST White Wheat Flour! í EED, 9to., st Wholesale and retall. A general stock oí GROCERIES asfl PSOVISIüifS Constnntly on hand. which will ho sold ou ns RINSEY & SEABOLT. do Tou jK::tNro-Ts7 TIÍAT IS SELUNG Wall Paper CHEAPBK TIIAN AXY OTIIER HOUSE IX THK CITY? LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Besl papers at 5, O, 7, and 8c. Beat Gilt Papers io, 12, i:-. Heavy Embossed Papers 18, 20,25c. We have the most Complete Stoek of Fine Decorations in the City. Remember we have the Beet Decorators in our eniploy. Window Shades Made 1 Hung io Order GET OUK PRICES. GEOEGE T7A.:ee:R, BOOKSELLER AND WALL PAPER.


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Ann Arbor Courier