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COUNCIL CHAME! ) ASN LBBOE, M.vv 18, Regular Meeting. Called tó order by President Oooley. Roll cali- Present : Aldermen Mann, Wines, Hen, .Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley, 12. Absent: Aldermao Rehbirrg, 1. Minutes of previous meeting were rea and approved. The following communication from th( Mayor was received : Ann ARBOE, MICH., May II, 1891TO TUE 1'iniMiA COUNCIL. Gentlemen- l have the honor herewith to - mit to yon a eopy of the actlon of the Board of S ï, aml oí tht' CommOD Conncil of the city, relatlve luilid ourt House Square, which I hare been reqvested by the clerk of Baid Board to cali to your attentlon. I would suggest its proper relerence for sueh tion ns you deern advlsable, Respectfully, Wll.I.IAM G. DOTT. Mayor v v. Mareh 7th, 1879. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Koll called and quorum present; Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Gregory.lrom the eommlttee to confor with the City authorltles of Ann ArbdT, presented the íollowü g resolution pused by tlie Commou Councll, (uarch rth, i.'nT'.i. Ataspecial Bession of ihe Common conncil on Thursday, Mareh iith, 187, the followlng resolution was unanimously adopted : The Board of Supervisors of the County of Washtenaw having offered a resolution proposing to place the irrounds of the t'ourt House Bquare ander the charge of the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the CltJ of Ann Arbor for protection aml beautiflc&tlon after the baine shall have been completad, accordiug to contract, and the walks umi HaRing luid, provided that said authorltles shall not i'ut any shude trees, unless by conseut of the Board of Supervisors, Bemlved: That the proposition of the Board of Supervisors be accepted, and that the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor wlH assume the protection and beautification of said grouuds. Very Kespectfully. WK, A. Cl. ARK, Recorder. On motion of Mr. Le Baron the report was accepted. Received and referred to Park Committee. A petition eigned by Ellen Paquette and Peter Paquette, stating that a sidewalk had been constructed on their premises, instead of on the north line of Fiteh Street, and asking for a conimittee to investígate and determine the North line of the Street. Received and referred to the Street Conimittee. A petition signed by forty-five residents and property holde rs in the City of Ann Arbor, asking for the extensión of East Summit Street, on the lines of Snmmtt Street as uow located in said City, from Beakes Street to Detroit Street. Keeeived and referred to Street Comrnittee. Ann ABBOR, MlCH., April 30tli, 1891. To Me. Eli W. Mooiie, l'resideut of the Board of Health. In accordanee with usage I herewith present the Annual Report of the Health üllicur to this Board. I urn pteased to say that at this date, the city is free from eontngious or communicahle diseases. I have no reports of the existence of such cases. nou', and the nuniber reported during the year is very much less thau for each of two or three years past. The numberof deaths algo froiu such cases have been few. and in smaller proportion than for some years hefore. Excepting the prevalence of Influenza, whlch has been somewhat epidemie, and complicationsof Pneumouiaand Bronchitis, the general health of the City is very good. I take this occasion to recommend that this Board urge upou the Couucil the necessity for the City doiiiK rhatever it eau in its corpórate character to secure and maintain the best Sauitary Conditions for our Citlzens. It does not need argument to show that the material interes ts of our City. our Schools, and the Vniversitv, as well as the health of our citlzens. would suffer by any causes whlch reinier less heallhy or safe or desirable, our Citv as a place oí realdence. There are several niatters, subjects of quent complalntsto this Board, direct ly affectIng public health. comfort and saiety,ln which the Couneil can, in my opinión, reniler effective public service to their fellow cltizens, who baye no other remedy, and who look to their representativas in thé city Government to regrieYances. First In Importance are the slaughter houses, the troublea arlslng trom their location, the Board of Health eau only palllate. The CounclI can radle&lly correct the trouble iiy removing them from ao central apart of the city. I cannot do better thau to repeat agaln, the substunce ofaspecial report on thls subject, to the Conncll two yeara ago. It was suppoBed at that time tiiat the slaughter houses on the rlver in the 5th Ward were there by authority of the CounclI, butltapliears that they are wholly outslde the boundaiies of the territory designated by ordlnance, flxlng Units withln whieh slaugntering may be carrled on a business. Citlzena have freqnentlypetitioned the Board (.f Health and tlie CounclI to have some permanciit remedy fur the trouble complalned of. and the followlng Is quoted to sliow actiou heretotore taken: Tothe Matob and COUKCIL. Gentlemen- A% a meeting of the Board of Health, held June 17, 1889, the Health Offieer ustructed to requesl that your body take upand conslder the j.etition (made aoout a yiar aso), of a large Qumberof cltlzen cernlng the slaughter houses. and that the inununlcation of the Health Offlcer i panylng 1 1, referring lt toyour Honorabli be taken np and acted upon by yon. me compialnts mui peutlonsof laat suminer are all pertinent nou-, and there is tl). need for action of your body, tlmt there was i would especlally nrge tlmt the Council should take measuresto remove the most oifensive and troublesome thlng iu conuection it li the slaughter houses, vi ; Boneboillng and the rendérlngoi BOapand other Impure fats and greasefrom pntrid and decaying animal matter. The odors trom this business in the t'it'th Ward are well nlgn intolerable, and we bellere nothing Bhorl of removal me polnt outside of the city 1 i mits, distan t from dwellings or business, r.i'll permanently abate the aulsan i i tses. The Councii lias authority (1678 Howell'B Statutea "Regulatlon of Offenslve Trades") to asslgn a place for the oarrying on of thi Itseems bo manlfestly wrong as ooi to aeed argumi i many eltizens, families and schools, should suffer annoyance, discomfort, and risk ol healtb : and the city Itaelf sufEer discredit with Btrangers and travi the railroad station, by reasou of the al able odors of the business of one man. The dumping of rubbish and ashes on the and vacant lots. even wheo peTmitted by owners. is not only unsightly nnd out of keeping withefforts ui to beautif y our s..ivct and grasa plots; hut it is also a discomf ort and danger to health and eyesight by being blown over town. This practlce is mucb more abused recently since coal asnes and einders have been placed on the street, apparently by authority This by a cltizen vould viólate anordlnance N it any less a violatlon lien done hv the city? l would advlse that when snch matter U thrown upon tlie Btreets it should be 90 mixed orcovered witli gravel as to prevent it being blown away. More care on the part oi I would enconrage private enterprlse und remove excuse from the thoughtless. A similar objection arises agalnst the jirevalent haliit of burning leaves in the Btreel aaide from the. danser from lires, the smukc whlch iu the íall continúes for weeks ia often very injurióos to the eyes uud a serious drawbaokto healtb and comfort. Lbelleve there ure already ordtnances whlch prohlblt it I would advlse tlmt the attention of the Council be agalncalled to the aeed of re-gradlng and re-pa ving the alley from Washington to Liberty Streets, between Main and4tL so that drainage of alley may be effeotive. Another matter to which the attention of this Board bas repeatedly been calledlsthe 1 in the street ears on some of the streeta As it is made the duty of the lioard of Health to inspect Public Buildings and Public Instltutions and toguard against accidente or dunner to life or liini.. as ueii as against Infectlon ir unsanltary conditlons, ii seema to i it is uur duty to receive sueh complalnts, and them to the Council with snch recommendatlone public safety reqllires. These cal' . i" 1 1 - 1 1 run rate í to f rlghten horoes and ger persons ridins. Thi is particular!; tro wluMi ladies are dnvlng. I believe we bave a ordinance prohibiting driving horses, or eve running Bteam cara, beyond a certain Bpeed o uumber of miles per hour, within tlu1 cli limits. A team drfven at the speed this ca Bometimes runs at, even though it oould b turned out,would s&danger vehfcles and oecu Ê;int and would subject lts drlver to arrest ut these cara often meel carrlages where tb Bpace i narrow, and frighten unreasonin horses. whk-h are more airaid ilian they wouli be of the same oar drawn by other horses. l there are not sufflclent ordinances oow i forcé, such measurea should be adopted a would secure Uil1 safety of travelers in cai riaxes drawn by rell as in those pn pelled by any other means. And also glve u the advantagee and convenlencea of astree car service, without annecessary danser an Ithoul prejudlcing the people agalnst its ex tenslOEL Many complalntl of rarlous kinds are mad to the board, and all its members, and partlcu larly the Inspector. Mi-. Clark Inspeots n grea many places where ii Ischarged thal nulsanoe cxi-i or that Uu1 couditlon i unsanitary. People bai shown a disposltion i aid in the workof the board and observe it recommendation. The total mortalityof the yearisl40. Amor detailed statement wil] be a;lven Later. Kr pectfully, W. F. BBEAKEY, Health Offloei Respectfully submltted to Mayor and Comnion Council Of Anti Arbor, Mich. Kl.I V. MOOBE, I'ivs. of Board of HeUtl. Aldermaii Wines moved that tlie report be received aud placed on file and be published iu full iu official papers. Carried. Ann Arbob, Mich., May 11. 1891. Tii tin HonorabU th Common CounciloJ tl" city Of Ann Arbor, Mirli. The Ann Arbor Arbelster Unterstuetzunss Verien (Worklngmens1 Aid Association) wíl] celébrate the irath anniversary, Wednesday, June 10. 1881. We respectfully invite your honorable body to particípate in our procession at 1 o'clock l. in., on the above-mentioned day. We hope tbat your honorable body will accept uur invitatiou, and remullí, Very respeotfully, ann Akbok Untebstijitzungs Vehkin. Eugene Oesterlin, Corresp. Sec. Received and placed on file. A petition signed by sixteen dray men requesting that the Council re peal an ordinance imposing a license fee for conducting withln the city the business of a drayman was receivec and retened to the Ordinance Com mittee. Asra Arbob, Mkhksax, May lltll, 1891. The Honorable, the Oommon Couucil of the City of Ann Arbor. Gentlemen: In reply to the notice given to the Ann Arbor Water Co. to erect a flre hydrant on the southeas corner of Hill street and Forest ave nue, the Water Company desires to cali the attention of the Common Council to the fact that the contrac with the City, relating to tire hydrants provides that when new flre hydrants are ordered by the City, the Watei Company shall be entitle'd to one flre hydrant for every seven hundred fee' of six-inch street main ordered laid The distance from Washtenaw avenue to the point named on II Hl and Fores avenue is fourteen hundred and si. feet. The distance on Ilill street from Twelfth street is ten hundred, an fifty-six feet. The Water Compau] are ready to comply with the tenor of the contract, and wil lay the six-inch street main seven hundred feet along Ilill street from Washtenaw avenue, or from Twelfth street, as the Council may direct and place the lire hydrant at the end of the seven hundred feet. The street main now laid on Ilill street is laid on the north side of the street. To comply with the present order of the Council it will be necessary to cro'-s the street with the street main. By an arrangement with the Gas Company we have agreed to lay our main on one side and leave the other side of the street for the Gas Company's use. We ask the Common Council to so cnange tneir order as to coinply with the tenor of the contract with the City. Also topermit the lire hydrants ordered to be placed on the north sida of Ilill stveet. Very respectfnlly. The Ann Akbok Watek Co. Per A. W. Hamilton, President and Superintendent. Keferred to Water Committee. A petition signed by flve reaidents and property liolders of the City of Ann Arbor asking tor tlie extensión of a six-ineli street main from Washtenaw avenue, along South Univarsity avenue east to Linden street and placing one fire hydrant at the corner of South University avenue and Linden street, was referred to Water Committee. A petition signed by three residents .ind property liolders in the city of Ann Arbor asking for the extensión of a six-inch water main along West. Jefferson street to Seventh street and along Seventh street to Madison street, and plaeing a lire hydrant on tlie corner of Seventh and West Jefferson streets was referred to Water Committee. The resignation of L. I). ('air ris special pólice at tlie Ait Loan was received. A petition signed by eight residents ind property liolders in thethir.l ward, Iliscock's addition, asking that a street light be placed on Spring street, lalf way bet ween Summit street and Chubb lioad was referred to Lighting Committee. BOARD OK PUBLIC WOKKS. J'o Uu ( lommon ' knmcü: The Board of Public Works would ■espectfully report and recommend nat the following aidewalka be ordered )uilt in front of the following propertj on Spring street: Mis. E. M. Eisele, 'liarles Balfanz, Sr., Charles Balfanz, Jr., and J. V. N. Gregory. W. J. Millek, Clerk. Referred to Sidewalk Committee. Jo iln Umi. Oommon CouncüofUu Oüy of Ana Arbor, Midi.: The undersigned respectfully begs eave to erect tvvo frame dwelling ïouses on his premises on South Main street and begs that the same courtesy be granted him that was granted to others in tlie same block. Very Respectfully, Ann Arbor, May 8, '91. J. Kai'i OUDINANCE COMMITTEE. Third reading by sections of au ordinance to amend Section Ten of an orlinance entitled an "Ordinance Relaive to Licenses," passed August 19, 889 and amended March 27th, 1890. The president having stated the ïuestion shall this ordinance pass, Aid. Manu moved that the ordiïiance be amended su that the same should prescribe a uniform fee of One Dollar for each hack or other vehicle so licenseil. Pending discussion tliereon, Alder man Martin moveil tlmt the ordinanc be recominited, which ïnotion pre vailed. BOND COMMITTKE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Bonds would respectfully report that they have examinecl the following bonds and would recomrnend their acceptance with the sureties uamed. LJQTJOK DBALER'S BOND. PKISCIPAL. SURBTIES. Ludwiif Wal.. Charles W. Grossman. John Walz. DltUGGIST'S BOND. PRINCIPAL. SURETIES. U:ssc-tt Bros. John H. Nickels. L. Basett. Respectf ully submitted, William IIerz, E. G. Mann, Louis 1'. Hall, Ann Arbor, May 18, 1891. The report of the Bond Committee was aecepted and adopted and bonds approved. By Aid. Hall: liesolved, That the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized toappoint for the term of twenty days W. II. Dellenbach special policenian, for the purpose of guarding the property of and preserving the peace at the Ann Ar bor Art Loan, to be held at Newberry Hall in this city, sucli policenian, how aver, to perform such service without cost to the City and also the City to be without liability for any neglect of duty on his part. Carried. By Alderman Martin: Whereas, The Ann Arbor Arbeitei Verein proposes to celébrate its twentyfifth anniversary, on the occasion of the meeting of the Arbeiter Bund ii this City commencingon thetenth daj of June instant and, Whereas, This Conncil has, through the courtesy of said society, been i'nvitt'd to particípate in the festivitiea of .hat occasion. ïherefore, Be it resolved tbat such inyitation so extended be and the sanie is hereby accepted. Carried. By Alderman Martin : This Council having accepted the invitation of the Ann Arbor Workingnen's Aid Society to particípate in the celebration of its twenty-fifth anniversary, Therefore, Resolved that the President do appoint a committee of three Tiembers of the Council of which the Presidentshall be chairman, and His Honor, the Mayor ex-oflicio, a member, who shall be charged with the duty of arranging and directing the manner in in which this Council, the Fire Department, l'olice and other ofBcers of this City, sliall carry out the invitation so made and accepted. Be it furi her resolved that the sum oí one nuiHireü dollars (100.00) be and he same is hereby appropriated out of lic contingent fand, and subject totlie lisposal of the said Committee and taid on tlie order of the chairman thereof, if so mucli sliall be needed for that pnrpose, to pay tlie expense of said committee, and for such other pui pose in connection with said celebration as the said Committee may leem advisable. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Perguson, Taylor, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 12. Xays- None. By Alderman Manu. Resolved, That the amendments to he ('halter be priotëd in official paiers for the Information óf this (,'ouncil and the public. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Ilerz, Mar;ln, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn -■"erguson, Taylor, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley - 12. Naya - None. Jiy Alderman Taylor: Resolved, That the Board of Public Vorks be and is hereby instructed to once and grade the newly acquired iddition to the City Cemetery at a ost not exceeding 8150.00. By Alderman Wines: Resolved that the resolution of Allerman Taylor in regard to fencing he addition to the City Cemetery be eferred to the Board of Public Works. Yeas- Aid. Wines, Herz, Martin, llmendinger, Hall, Kitson, and Pres. Cooley - 7. Nays- Aid. Mann, Fillmore.O'IIearn, rerguson, Taylor- 5. By Alderman Hall: Resolved, That tlie Board of Public Vorks be requested to submit a report n regard to the purchasing of a stone rusher, roller, etc. Carried. Council then adjouxned.


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