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W. W. Lozer, of Detroit, was in town last Thnrsday. I'. Donovan, ol the Fifüi ward, visted Detroli lasi Thursday. Geo. Keds of Grand Raplds, was in n the city lasi week, on business. J. .1. Farrand, of Port Iluron, the i boiler Inspector, is In town. George V'. Shelmire, of Minneapolis, Minn., Is the guesi ol I!. F. Watts for i few days. Trof. Denison'a mot hor and sistor, of RoyaKon, Vt., are hls puesta for a short time. Mrs. Elon Pond and daughter I-ouise, of Corunna, were vlaitora in the city last Thnrsday. Mrs. W. W. Watts returned home Monday from a week'H atay wlth her Bister in Wayne. Dr. Fair. of Dnrand, a gradúate of the medical department, was greetlng oltl friends here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henne wil] now recelve their friends at tbelr home No. 85 W. Liberty et. Mrs. X. D. Hlggins and daughter Allie, oí Jackson, were guests Ol Mrs. Geo. H. Pond. last Friday. Frank Bannigter, a former Ann bor boy, now of Owosso, visited his parents hore last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, oí Hudson, have been guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Nichols during the week. T. wis W. Jamea of Saratoga Springs, has been visiting his cougin J. L. Babcock, at the Franklin house. George R. Barker, ol Fllnt, lormerly i t v editor of the Flint Journal, is in tlif city visiting relatives and friends. Tilomas Hayley lias moved into the residence on E. Washington et. formerly occupied by the late M. M. Green. Mrs. Mable K. rond and son Kenaoth. leit yesterday lor a two week's visit witn relatives at Noble, Braneh county. Fred ('. Brown, editor and proprietor of the Daily Times, Ieaves Friday [op a short vleit with friends in Sioux. City, Iowa. Eev. Samuel Haskell, the tonner paa tor of the Baptist church, now retired, left for Kalamazoo yesterday to reside permanently. .Mrs. Kate McCarthy nee McGuire, ui Scranton, Pa., is expected in the the city this week to remata during commencement. Mr. and Mrs. John Muir, oí flrand Rápida are in the city. called here by th ■ severe illnesa oi Mrs. Muir's mother, Mrs. II. Kittredge. Mr. and Mrs. Cco. W. Millón will probably remove to Detroit soon. A decisión their inany friends here will regret to learn. btegeni Bleci Peter X. ('ook. of Corunna, spi'in Saturday and Sunday with his daughter, Mis Fannie Cook, vho is i:i the literary department. Mis. (has. Hutcliinson and family have gone to Battle Creek for permanent residenee. Mr. Hutehinson had preceded his faniily some weeks. Mrs. Margarei Bower and datighters, Miss r.ower and Miss Maggie Bower, have gone to Detroit tO-day to attend the marriage of Mr. 1!. F. Bower ihis evenlng. Wm. Stagg, once a resident of Ann Arbor, now in the Wayne County Savings bank. was a caller a1 the Courier office lasr Thursday. Ie looks as natural as life. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. V. Rinehart, oï Seattle, Was!... are exp cted in the city in a few days to remain daring commencement time. Mrs. Kinehart, formerly Miss Mattie Wal., has many friends here who will be glad to see her once move.


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Ann Arbor Courier