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Council Proceedings

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[official.] Regular meeting. Called to order by Clerk Guller. Boíl cali- Present: Aids. .Manu, Allmendinger, Fiïlmore, 'OHearn, FerguBon, Taylor. Rehburg, Hall. Absent: Aids. Wlnes, lier. Martin, Kitson and President Cooley. Aid. O'Heara moved thai Aid. Hall act as president pro tem. Carrled. Minutes oí previeras meetings read and approved. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petltion Bigned by Mack & Schmid, Sedgwick Dean, Win. Wagner, and 85 (ithcrs asking ihat Pourth ave. be opened and lald om Into a street trom Madlson to llill streets. Referred to etreet committee. A communlcatlon and claim lor rehindlng $80.00 license pald b s. i:,, entbaler. Reíerred to license committee. A petition signed by 22 residente and property owners on Detroli si., city ■of Aun Arbor, asking tnal stone sidewalk ordlnance be repealed, trom ('aih:rine to Depoi streets. Reíerred to ordinance committee. A petition signed by Alpheus Fclch and eight othera asking for au ordinaoce that Nortb state ■,. . o Korth B&, :l Bidewalk be built of the same material as on South State st. Referred to ordinance commii tee. To the Honorable the Common Council ofihc City of Ann Arbor, Mich. The undersigned who was appointed tO examine the bOOkS and vouehers oí the city treasurer and city elerk would resp ectiuliy report that he has performed duty and finds that the VOUChers of the city treasurer auTee Wlth the bOOks, that the interest aecount oí the Ann Arbor Sarillas bank is correetly made and the -warrant s issued by the City elerk agree with the repons made by vuur iinance committee. Respectfully snbmitted, Jolin K. .MiniT. Vnn Arbor, Mich., May 23, 18'Jl. ïieceived and filed. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE To the Common CounciU Your committee on Finance respectfnlly report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FUND. V. OHearn. salary 204 00 W. F. Ureakey, salary, health oflicer .. 100 00 W. J.Miller, salary 66 6 E. 11. Norrip, salary 25 oo .1 H. Stark, janltor ;) 00 Rli W. Mooie, salary to May lst, 1891... 2T 00 "W. C. Jacobus, latior on ele'ot. booths. 5 60 Aon Ar'nr Demoerat, election notice 4 (10 L. Van Itaaler 4 50 MiofaaelSeery, recordinj? of deeds 8 00 W. J. Miller, express charges, stamps, eto 5 45 511 71 CEMETKItY F. Ml. 7acob Kiilunibaeh, labor 30 50 lat Luypold, labor a m Wm. Kapp. labr 2 63 Joe Bekora, labor ' i; -,:■, Eli S. MuDly, labor 10 50 $ 42 38 PÓLICE FUND. James Murray, salnry 65 00 David Colllns, salary 50 00 Clareooe Tioe, aalary 50 00 M. C. Petersi.n. special pólice 2 00 James D. Smalley, burying-dog 1 00 $ 16S 00 POOI! rUND. W. G. T)1eterle,poor orders . 10 00 John Goetz & Son. poor orders 3 14 G. Hoef er, poor orders i 13 W, K. Lodholz, poor orders 7 00 Jacob Kalamtmch 2 00 Win. II. Mclntyrc, poor orders 5 87 Hlnsey & Seabolt, poor orders 3 6B '. Rinaey, poor orders ; :;■; .ï. Werner, poororders :; ',; Warner & Bon. poororders 1 99 Mrs. Rvans, aid fi j Ui88Shaw, aM 3 00 9 52 BÍ F1RE DIPARZXERT FCSD. '. I!. Preston & Co., sappUes " 10 Hale Pito Harncss Co., collar and har. '.'i ::, tíeo. Siniih, ciats 84 65 Mrs . Ream. witshingr 400 William (.'arroll. Balary 40 uu CA. Kdwards, salary 40 uu LouUHoelzle, salary 40 00 Henry Mol-aren, salary 40 OU Frank Camplon, Balary 40 00 Horgan Wiltiams, salary 800 Herman Kirn, ealary 8 00 Kobert Rosê, salary 8 00 TjOuis Weinnninn, salary 8 00 -John Kinney .salary 400 Vlotor Sohnelder, salary 4 ou ieo. Jeedele. hay 58 80 Mann liros., clippers UJ 2 00 Heinzmann & W„ supplies '.1 :]t JPred Sipley, ealary 60 00 ï 386 50 STREET FUND. Michael Williams, labor 2!) T3 N. Sutherland, horee :'.'. 88 Wm. Kuehn, labor 8160 WilliR Clark, labor 3ij 98 Cari Yardt, labor g go Jacob Hissinirer, team work ra K, Iliram Kittredge, teuming ]8 ÍK) Wm. Kapp, teumia _ 14 oq JUbert Pcttys, teamiDg 7 00 Jerry Manhan, teaminif 10 00 A, T. Herbert, teaming 19 8 k Schuit., labor 8 25 TliS. Manly, labor 6 00 louis Miilliscin, labor 24 48 Eseünger Bros., repairs 2 T0 Fas. Nelson, labor, 3 75 ('liristian Hebm, labor 225 Win. J. Just, lumber 202 oi Chas. Gorlfrey, labor 2 80 August Herinann, Labor 75 M. 1!. Murphy, labor 33 qq Jonathan Drako, labor . 14 40 MicliiKi Resalon, labor 18 00 Peter Paquett, sand 1 30 .Nclsijii Butherland, salary.. 66 66 tieorge Jt. Schwab, plans g QO John Hu rus. tabor 'w ?.-. Smlth Motley, salary ..'.Y.'.".'.'.'.'.'. 50 00 Jacob Hausor. labor 78 40 Joscph Hutzel, labor .-..._.. 88 60 'has. Kadke. labor ._" "7" Wrn. Nimps. labor mr j John Motfugh. labor 3 g jciiui A Cinmann, labor 1 so ■Chas. Stierle, labor ... " 1n1= Peter Feterson, labor 7I1 John Philips, labor 1? ó Mií'hael Heary. labor 5 s Albert Hanser, labor... ■! (Ji Andrew Zeijfler, labor 20 85 Miclmel Kinney, labor " 17 Ohristian Koth " 9 John liuumg-artner, stones 'ffi mi 3eo. Stoll, labor , John Kettle, labor . ï O. M. Halleek, labor.. """ n ín Morgan O'Brien, labor.... lío Patrick MeCabe, labor ' is 60 Jfert. Luypold. labor " B nn Michael Stabler. labor.. " 46 -Daniel Crawford, labor "..".".".".".".'. 26 S $ 1370 7 nECAPiTur,ATioj. SSSLLï::: ? "g i:::::::::: -::::::: :: ::::::: ::::: H lani:::EE:ïï;:;:;: L?o Total ."800 97 Respectfully submitted, k. G. Mann, Louis P. Hall. WlLLIAM HERZ, Finance Committee. "To the Common Oouncil: Tlw: board of public works would Teapectfully vm iend tliat tlio folIng sidewalka lie ordored built. mi wciuiii further recommend that the ai)propriation of $50 be made ïor building onc croaswalk on Ashley st., (on the weet side) crosalng Liberty si. On the ca st gide of East University v., trom II III to Packard st. On the south side of Hill st., from Wa.-hiena v ave, in Packard st. nu tlir north glde ol Ilill f!., irom Packard si. to .Main st. On the outh side of Mlller ave., trom Main st. tn Seventb st. "n the cast slde c( Seventh st., from Madisom si. to Ilnron st. 8TONE W.M.Ks. Duiican McMillan, No. 30 E. Huron et. Lucy Morgan Estáte, No, 86 E. IIuron st. ili'in-y Douglase Estáte, Xo. 3l' E. Huron t. William McCrerry, No. 28 E. Huron et. A W. Hamllton, Corner Huron st. and Fourth ave. M. H. Goodrich, Fourth ave. M. M. Green Eetate, l'ourtli ave. John K. Lawrence, Fourth ave. Mrs. N. l'.. Green, Fourth ave. Mrs. F. Nebel, Detroit st. Mis.-, ii. Glllshannan, Detroit st. Lucy Morgan Elstate, Detroii Bt. (;. Hoeier. Detroit st. .Miss Carey, Detroit st . v. .i. miller, Clerk. Aun Albor, June lst, 18(Jl. Reierred to sldewalk and tinance committ e, Aun Albor, Midi.. May 26, lS0;i. At a regular of the board of healtli, on motion, the allowance ol bill ol' Martin Clark for 2.". for extra eompensation, be recommended ín Councll, for the reason that hls Bervicea Baved Bhe employmeni oí special inspectora, at a greater eost to Hu1 city. viihin the paal x yeara i w-o Bpeclal Inspectlons nave been made costtng the city each time about $100. W. P. Breakey, Sec. pro tem. Referred to fiaianco committee. Aid. Taylor moved tliat the report bc accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for bhe same. Steas- Aid. Manu, Wlnes, Herz, Martin. AUmendlneer, FUlmore, O'Hearn, FergOBOH, Taylor, Rehburg, Hall, IvithCli and Pres. l'oolo.v- 13. Nays - None. Contingent fund- Robison & IIowlett, $8. Street fund - (ïoorjje B. Schwab, $3. Respectfully subraitted, i:. G. Mann. Win. Herz. L. P. Hall. Aid. O'Hearn moved that the report be accepted and adopted anl warrants oidered drawn for the same. Yeas - Aids. Mann, Wlnes, Herz, Martin, AUmendlnger, Plllmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Rehbuix, Hall, Kitson and Pres, Cooley. - 13. Nays- Nou To the Commoo Councll: Tlie eidewalk committee would respectfully report that the lollowing Bldewalks !■ ordered built. UQ the east sitte oí íJast I niversity ave., from Hill to Packard st. On the south sitie pf Hill st., from Wasbtenaw ave. to Packard st. On 'the north Bidé of Hill st. from Packard st. to Main st. On the south side of MlHer ave., from Main f. 1o Seventh st. On che east sidc ol Seventb st., from Madleon st. to Hurón st. 8T0XK WALKS. Duncan McMillan, Xo. 30 E. Hurón pt. Lucy (Morgan Estáte, o. 3G E. Hurón st. Henry Douglass Estáte, Xo. 32 E. Hurón st. William McCrerry, No. 28 E. Hurón st. A. W. Hamilton, Córner Hurón st. and Fourth ave. M. H. Goodrich, Fourth ave. M. M. enen Estáte, Fourth ave. John P. l.awrence, Fourth ave. Mre. X. E. Green, Fourth ave. Mrs. F. Nebel, Detroit st. Miss H. Gillshannan, Detroit st. i.ncy Morgón Estáte, Detrol (í. Hpefer, Detroit st. Misa Carey, Detroit st. L. D. Wlnee. Wm. Hcrz. Allmendinger. Earnest Rehberjï. Arthur J. Kitson. Committee. Aid. H;'.ll moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Carried. Yens- Aids. Man, AVinos. Herz,!m. Allmendinger, Flllmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson. Taylor, Rehburg, Hall. Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays - None. To tlip Coramon Council: Your commlttee on water to whom w.-is ri'fcri'cil the petitions for placing flre hydrants on South fniversity ave. corner oí Linden stroef, on Seventh street corner "f Madison street, and on i'.as-, Uoiveraity ave. between Hiii and Packard streets, respectfully reporl tlvat they have duly considered tinsa and wonld report tliat tho re(jiicsr of such petitions be denled and ask to ht' discharKed from the further considerntion of the subject. C. F. O'Hearn. E. G. Mann. Geo. AHmendinger. Commlttee. Aid. Taylor moved that tlie report !)'■ aecepted and adopted. Carried. To tlie Coramon Council: Your committee on rules wonld respectfully submlt the íollowing rules, inr your consideraxion and recommend t be adoption of the samo, and ask to be discharged trom the further consideration of the subject. M. E. Cooley. ('hrisüan Martin. L. D. Wtaea. Aid. Hall moved tliat tho report and rules be aecepted nnd adoptcd and commlttee (liseharjred froni the fnrther consideratlon of the sul)ject. Carried. The inonthly reports of the chief of pólice, poor master. elty treasurer, and city clerk were read and placed on file. By Aid. Wincs: Resolved, Th at the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days f rom July ioth, on the East side of Fourth avenue and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons: A. V. Hamilton, Lot 44 ft. front, B. 1. N. R. 5 E. Chaney Goodrich Estáte Lots 5 and 6, B. I N. K. 5 E. M. M. Green Eetate. The W. 100 ft. of the N 22 ft. wide of Lot 5, B. 1 ., N. It. 5 E. J. F. Lawrence, the W. 1U0 ft. of the N 22 ft wlde, of Lot6, B. l.,N. R. 5 E. Mrs. E. N. Green, Lots land 2, B. 2. N. R, 5 E. Thesaid sidewnlks on Fourth avenue nhall be eleven feet in width, and shall be conatruöted as follows: The 9toneflagging shall be laid upon clean sand and in water-lirne. Said tiigging shall bavea smooth uoper suvfiice, and ehrtll not bc less than three inche! in thickness, and not less tban two feet square, and dressed even on the sides so is to form close and even joints. In case the owneroroccupunt of any lot in front of which said walk is herebv ordercdlaid ►hall neglect to bulld said walk in accor(l anee with thie resolntion and the ordinnnces of the city, within the timehereinlimited, it sh;ill be the duty of the Board of Public Works 1 o at once cause the same to bedone in aocordance with lhis resolutiou, and make port thereof, and of the cost of he same, to the Cominon Council, in accordance with the ordinances oí the city. Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days from July 6th, on the south and north side of Huron street, and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons: Janett MoMIMen, 22 ft. of Lol ■;, li. 1, s. u. :, E., besrioning 22 u. E. from the Ñ. w. corner ut' lot 8,thono6 l'. atong tbe s. line of Huron B tree t, thenoe 8. to the 8. line of Lot L, thenoe W. BS ft. thenoe N. to the Dlaoe oí beginnlnjr. Estáte of Lucy W. 8. Morgan, lot 1, I!. l, s E. 5 E. Estáte of Hom-v Dougias, i piece cif land 22 ft. in wiilih. oí) the E. Bideof Lot -, 1!. 1, S. IC. 5 E., being-22 ft. on Huron strcet. Willlitm MoCreery, 22 fcet oír tlio W. slde of Lot 2, B. 1, S. B. B B. A. W. Hamllton, Lot M ft. front, by 101) ft. deep, B. 1, N. R. 5 E. Thesaid eidewnH-s on Huron straat slinll lie thlrtsen teel in wldth, and sliali be cooitruotad lts !u;1üws: The stone íltitísjing suall be laid apon clean sand and in wiiter-liine. 8aid Qbgftinfl have a smooth upper anrfaee, and shall col be less than threc iinlus in tbickneas, and mi[ ten tbsn two feet 8iu.ui , umldresstd i-ven on the tiiiea so aato form cloao and eren joints. In t:i;' tin ownar or occupant ofanylolm front of nhicii sald walk Ia hereby (jrdcred i.'ii'i liall aeglect to build b:ik1 walk in HCordance with this rei-olution and the ordinaDces of the city f wlthiD the time hereio limlled, Itahall be the dii y of the Itoiri ol' Poblli Worki to at onoe ouiae tüu same to l' dene ín accordance -with mis resolutioD, and make report ttaereof, and ofthe comí of the saine, to the Common Councü.in .n-cordiDce with the ordtnanoea u! theciiy. ByAld. Wines: '■■ ■;. Thiit follow Ingsidewalka be and are nereby ordered gradea and constructed wlthln ten daya from June mili on the west side of Twelfth street and In (rom of ota and premlses u ned and occupied by the followlng named persons : Willlara u. Stickney, Iots7and 8, B. 7 S , R. 12 E. F. L. Parker, lot 10. B. 7 6. ft., 13 E. Louis J. Liesmer, lots n and 12. H. 7 8., R. 12 E. The siüd sidewalkg shall be Bve (eet in width and siuill be constructed of good pine plank. free from sa. which símil not be lesa than two Inches in thlckness, re than twelve oí lesa than flve Inchea wide, and luid on oak. cedar, plne or hemlock sleepers not lesa than two by four Inchea in Blze, to be placed In paira not more than four leet apart. The plank shull be laiil lengthwlse of the street and shall be lald wlth nails not tesa than twenty penny, wlth at K':it two at cacti end ol each plank and not lc-s than two at any other hearing. Thcy shall be ralsed from thecurbstone in tlie proportion of elght Inches in twenty feet and conform to the establlshed rude. In case the owner or occuvantin front of which sald walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build sald walk in accordance with the resolution and ordinance of the city within the time herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Hoard of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance witti thla resolution and make reiort ttiereof and of the cost of the same to theCommon Council. in accordance with the ordinances of the city. Carried. By Aid. Wines: A'. tolved, That the folloiviiiK sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed wlthln ten days trom Jnne luth on the south side of ('atherine street and the enst side of Jihley street. and in front of lots und ses owned and oceupied by the following named persons : Estáte of James Kitson. The norto 26feet of lot.ï, B. 3 X.. K.8 E. Estáte of Andrew Burk. Lots 2. 3, 4,5, nnd 6, B. 1 8., K. :; E. The said sidewalks shall be flve feet in wldth and shall be coustructed of good pine plank, tree trom sap. whlch shall not be less than tui) taches in thiekness, more than twelve or less than flve inches wlde, and laid on oak, eedar.pine or hemlock sleepers not less than two by four inches in size, to be placel in pairs not more than fonr feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwiseoi the street and shall be laid ivith natie not less than twenty penny, with at least two at each end of e&ch plank and not less than two ut uny other bearing. They shall be raised from the cnrbstone iu the proportion of eight inches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owner or occupaut in front of which said walk ishereby orderad laid shall neglect to bnlld said alk in accordance with the resolutiou and the ordinanec of tlie city within the umiherein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once canse the same to be done in accordance with thitution and make report thereol and of the coat of the same to the Common (onncil. in accordance with the ordlnancea of the city. Carried. By Aid. V.'ines: Resolved, Thnt the followlng sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and coustructed within ten days from June lOth on the BOUth side of Uil 1 Btreet, anj in front of lots and ses owned nud occupied by the followlng named persons : N. W. Cheever, lot 19, B. 1., Smith'a Iota -' ■J:: and 34 1.. Addition. William .M. White, land bounded nol Hill strcet. east by Tappan Btreet, rea BOuthwestl - I Packard streets. Iliir Addltlon. Loto 13,14, 15, 16B.8 Hill'a Addition lotslT. 18, i'J.-M I!. 3. Oeor ota 22, and 23 Hill'a Addition Kugene B. Glbney, Iota 1 and 8, ;. J. Hill' Additiou. . ♦ The said sidewalks -liall be five feetin widt] and sholl be oonstrncted of good pine plank freo trom sap, whlch Bhall be not lesa thai two inches In toickness, more than twelve or [ese than five inches wlde, and laid on oak cedar pine or hemlock sleepers not lesa thau two by fóur lncbes in size, to be placed in pairs not more than fourfeet apart. The plank hall be laid lengthwiseof the Btreet and aha) be laid vith Dalla not less than twenty penny witli at least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at any other bearing They shall be raised from the curbstone in t!ie proportion of eight Inches in ao feetand form to the established grade. In case the owner or occupnnt in front of which said walk Is herebv ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with the resolution and the ordniHUce ot the city within the time herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at om-e canse the same to done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereoi and of the oost of the sanie to the ('ommon Council in aceordance with the ordlnances of the city, Carried. By Aid. AVines : JtciolmJ, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days from June lOth on the north side of Hill street and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following naraed persons : Mr. Eoth, a piece of land bounded north by Seyfreid'a land. wist by Packard street. south by JIill Btreet, and west by Sheridan's land. M rs. Sheridan, Iota 9 and 10 J. 8. Wells' UU11. Henry Fisher, lot 11J.8. Wells' additlon. Willllam v. Derby, lot 13 .1. 8. Wells' additlon. Estáte oi D. W. Amsden, lots 18 and 11 J s Wells' addition. F. L. Parker, lote 9, 10, 11, 12,13,14, 16,16 l 7 8., B. 6 !;.: also loi 5,6,7,8, 1!. 7 8., K.S V. : also i, i", il. t-i, 18, and ïü, B. ;, u. i e. The sald sldewalks sball beflve feetin width and shall be constructed oL good pine plauk, om Siqj. which símil be Dot less than two lnches In thlckness, more than twelve or lesa than nve lnches wlde, and luid onoák, cedar plne or hemlock sleepers not less than two bj tour inches in size, to be placed in pairs nol lesa i luiii tour hei apart. The plank shall bo laid lengthwlse of the street and shall be laid with nuils not less than twenty penny, witli at least two ateach end of each plank and not less than two at anyother hearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight inches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owner or occupant in front of which said walk Is hereby prdered laid shall negleet to build said walic in accordance with the rpnlnrirn Unl tiio i.. dlnance of the city within the time herein llmlted. it shall be the duty of the Bourd of I'ublic Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Common Couneil, in accordance with the ordlnancea of the city. Carried. By Aid. Wines : ■■■■"'. That the following gidewalka be and are hereby ordered gradud and construct imI within ten flays from June lOth on the east side ui naat umversuy Avenue, and in front of lots and premisos owned and occupied by the followiug named persons: Mrs. Khode Phelps, lot 6, B. 2, Hill'g addi" tion. William M. White, lots 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 B 3 Hlll's additlon. George Keal, land bounded north by White's land, east by Forest Ave., south by Judson'a land, and west by Kust Unlversity Avi J.P. Judeon land bounded north by Keal's land, east by Forest Avenue, soutb byMlller's land, and west by Kast Universlty Avenue Samuel Mlller, land bounded aorth by Judson'sand Vauehan's land and Kast Dnlversïty Avenue, cast by Forest Avenue and Well'a strect, soutb I, y Wells and l'aekanl etreetg, and west by Packard ttreet. The said sldewalks shall be flve feel In wldth and shall be constructed of good pina plank, tree trom sap, bich shal] not be leas than two Inchesin thlckness. more than twelve or lesa than flve lnchee wide.and lnil on oak.cedar, plue orhemlock sleepers nol leas than two by rour indien in size, to be placed In pairs not more than four feel apart. The plant sh laid lengthwise oí the streel and shall b with na Is nol less than twen t y penny, with at least two ui each end of each plank and nol less than two at any other bearing. They siial I be raised frojn the curbstone In the proportlon ui i-i'.'ht lnches In 20 teet and conform to the establlshed grade, in case the owner or pant in front of whlch sald walk is bereby ordered laid shall neglect te. bnlld aaid walt Inac 'dance with the resolution and the ordlnauce of the city wlthln the time hereln limlted, ii shall be the duty of the Board of Public works to at once cause the -.■uur te. be done In accordance with this resolutloo and make report thereof and of the cosl of the same to the Common ( ouncil. in accordance with the ordlnancea of the city. Carried. l'.v Aid. Wines. Remlved, that the followlngsldewakld b '"'■ ''■ i i led and constructed wlthin ten trom June IOth, on the east elde ol Detroit Btreet and In front oí Iota and premiaes owned and occupied i.v the followlng aamed peri : Mr., k. Neable, the north one-thirdof lot i li. A., iv. [',. Miss M. Gilshannan, lot 16, B. 8 n i: ;, r Estáte of Lucy W. S. Morgan, the east M teel onjr, oi the aorth one-thlrd and 9 feel wlde of lot _ and that part o! the subdivisión of lot 8, e 181 " plattedln Llber 28 of deeda 5. Hoefer a part of lot l. B.8. N R. 6 E Chrlstina Carey, lots 2 and 3,and that part of ■:■- i theast of the linea between i. produced aoutheastward bj the de di lot 7. in B.9 Ormsby & Page addiald sldewalks on Detroit street shall be ■ in wldth, and shall be conatructed as foUowa: The Btone Baggina - ; „,,„„ clean sand and In water lime. Sald flai shallhare asmooth upper surface, and shall : e lesa than three lnches in thlcknes and 38 tban two. feet square, and dn even on the sldes soaa aa to fora close and iv,. ii Joints, x ii case the owner or ocoupant of any lot in front of which sald alk is bereby ordered laid shall aeglect tobuild sald walk In aocordance witli the resolutlon umi the ordlpancepl the city wlthln the time herein limiu.,1 lt shall be the duty of the Board of i ubllc orka to at once cause the same to be done in accordsuce wlth this resolution and nmke report thereof ud of the cost of the same to the Common Council, In accordance with the ordinancea of the city. Carried. By Ald. Wines : Beíoíwd, That the following aidewalka be jnd are hereby ordered graded and conatructed withln .tendays trom JunelOthon the south bide oi Miller Avenue and in front of Iota and premisas owned and occupied by the ïollowing named persous: Bátate of Alouzo Healev, lot 5. B 3 i' auO. L. Matthew8, lot 4, B. Í, N. R 8 E . E. and John Walker. 6 rods in wldth taken from the west fractional part of lot o, H. -, - . 1. J hit W. E. Walker, lot 1 Chímin' pHdiHT! Hosanna Haupt, a pleoe of land bounded Dorth i.y Miller Avenue, east by Allen'a Creek west bj Chapín atreet.southbySlpley's land .lames Toras, loc bounded north 'by Milíer Avenue, weet by Miller'e land.south by Noble's and Mills' land, east by Chapín street Jan. John F. MUler, lot bounded north by Miller Avenue, east by Toms' land, west by .school loto, sontb by Godfrey's land School District No. 1 in front of tlie iiroperty of the 3rd ward sehool on Miller Avenue. Charles (ianlncr, lot bounded north by MilIer Avenue, east by McDermott's lot, soiitii by "ist byTthl street. Aaron Long, oue-half óf lot 11 Mnynard's Mra.Emma 8t. finir. 4 rods front by9rods deep taken Ironi the east side of lot ten Mavnard s pint. ' Mis. e. Hample, lot houndcd north by Miller Avenue, east by Sohultz'a land, south by Mam, s land,weat by George w. Smlth's lan.ï. Martin Adamacheck. lot 4 rods in width taken trom the west side oí lot X Maynanl's ,, lal. Maarf'ala""16'' tU' east one-Lalf uí fot 8 ( harles Mullsteimer. lot 7. and weal one-half Of lot 6, also all tl, ai pan of lot 8 tl, at lies aouthweat oi a Une Interaeotlng aald lot u rods front the center of the Gorman roí cording to the plat of the northeaat one-foürS {aSection 27, town a, 8. K. 6 E. Maynard'a r Petereon, part of Iota 8 and i Chapina addltion containii ,da bounded east .y Haupt a land. north by Miller Auue wè ipln street. TihSiV,d,si'k'"'alk" shaI1 '"■ivi1 lV't In wldth nul sball be constructed of good plne plank ■■■. tv, o in thicne88,more than twelve or les. than flve Inchea wlde, and lald on oak cedar i:!:1::':1:,1""1. ■" 'es? than twobV uul ui ucs ui si.e, to De piaced in paira mu P??Je,hatn.fur 'eet iapart. The planÉshallbe !" ; k'"i-;tlnv'sy "' "ie street anS Bhal] be lald uith palla not leas tlmn twenty penny with ut easl two at each end - ■ mk and not lesa tnaii tu-out anyother bqaring. They shall be ralsedfroni the curbstone In the proportion "i ejght lnchea In 20 feet and conform to the establlshed grade, tn case the owner or occupant m front of which sald alk Is hereby ordered luid shall neglect to bulld said walk In accordance with the resolutlon and theordlnance of the city wlthln the Urne hereta Public Works to at once causo the same tobe done Ín aceordaucu with the ordlnancea of the Carried. By Aid. Winea : i iiat the followlng sidewalks be ind are hereby ordered graded and constructed withln ten days from June lOth, on the east side ot 8eventb street, and in frontof lots and iremlsea owncdaud occupled bvthe lamed persons: " Wllllam P. Groves, lot commencing on the east liue of 7th street, J2 rods from the north íne oí Hurón street. thence east la roda to Melntyre's land, thence north 36 roda thence vest 12 rods to 7th etreet, thence south to the lace of beginning. FrederickaMiller, lot.r2S. P. Jewett'sadd S. P. Jewett's estáte, Iots57and 58, J addition. Hutzel & Co., lots 61, C2, 03, frl 70 Jewett'q addition. Frederick Kuhn, lot 71 Jewett's addition John Hagen, lot 76 Jewett's addition. Mr. Cocker, lot bounded east by Albert .larshka's land. wes by 7th street,"north by e Groves' land and Bouth by Hurón 81 Charles J. Gardner, lot bounded north by illler Avenue, east by UcDermott's lot, south iy a point, west by 7t street. Leonard Griiner. lot lu Maynard'e 8rd add John Eitig. lot P, ííaynard's 3rd udd. John y-, Herz, lot 8 Uaynard'a 8rd add Jlr. Wehlger, lot 7 Maynard's8rd a Wllllam Ililler, lot i Mavnard's 3rd add J. R. Baoh, lot o Maynard's 8rd add. Miehael Clise, lot 4 Maynard's 8rá add Louls Schneider lotSUaynard's 3rd add Frederick Graf, lots 1 and 3, Maynard's 8rd add. Estáte of Lucy W. 8. Morgan, lot CC, Mav3rd add. Mk. k. Eberbach, lot 1 córner of 7th and Jberty strcets. Mrs. Uarquart, lot 75 Jewett's add. Chnstlan Koch, lot 71 Jewett's add. iiiiiim Mmps. thcsouth half of lot73Jewtt sadd. August Behueke, the uorth one-half of lot 73 Jewctt's add. Lauger Herman, lot 72 Jewett's add. The said sidewalks sliall be live feet in widtli na shall be constructed of good ]inu plank ree Erom sap.whlch Bhall not he lesa than two icnes m thlckness, more thsa twelve o han five inches wide, and laid on oak, cedar ineor hcmlock sleepers not less than two by our menea in slze, to be placed in pain not more than four feet apart. The plank Bhall e,J lengthwise of the street and shall be ad with nails not less than tweuty penny with at least two at each end of each plan nd not less than tvfo at any other bearine. hey shall be raised from the curlistone in the iroportlon of eight lnches in 20 feet aud conorm to the establlehed grade. In case the or occupant in front of which suiil walk ■i hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build mi v.ulk in acoordance with the resolntlon nd ordinance of the city within the time heren limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of iibllc works to at once cause the same to be one in aceonhmce with this resolutioD and make report thereof and of the cost of the ame tri the Common Counell, in accordance i t ti the ordinances oí the city. Carried. Wbereas, There is mach discussion í. and a great desire on the pai-t of he cltizens In this city relativa to a ystem ol Bewerage, Therelore, Resolved tbat the subject I the construct ion ol 8 systcm of pubc sewerage In thls be referred to select committee of three and the oard of public worke, wlth dlrectlona to Investígate the subject .-111(1 report 1 t ïii.s couiifil withoui delay. Yens- Aids. Mann, Wlnes, Martin, Allmendinger, Flllmore, O'Hearn. Ferguson, Taylor, RehbuFg, Hall, Kitsou and Pres. Cooïey- l:_'. Navs None. Aid. Maitin moved tha1 thla coun■ i 1 ask iiiat acommlttee ol Hve business men be appolnted from the l'.usinrss Men's associatlon to act wlth the sewerage commlttee frena thls counell. Carrled. Aid. Willes moved ihat Aid. Martin ad as chalrman oi sewerage committee. Carrled. Aid. Martin moved that l'rcs. Cooley and Aid. Wiiics ac1 as the other two raembera ol sewerage commlttee. Carrled. l.y Aid. Hall: Resolved, Thai Streel Comm'lesloner Sutherland be (urnlehed wlth a teleplmnc at the same vates aa all Other city telephone are (urniahed the city, tor tin' men convenience of the board of public works and. alderincii of t Incity. Yras- Aids. .Manu. Wlnes, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Flllmore, O'Hearn, l'eriiuson. 'l'iylor, Rehburg, Hall, Kiteon and l'rcs. Cuolcy- 13. Naye- None. By Aid. Wloes: Resolved, Thai the city clerk bo instructed to determine the cost of a Iarge map of this city to be hung on the wallg of the council chamber. ('arried. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That the board of public works be and is hereby Instructed to felice and grade the newly acquired addition to the city cemetcrv al a COSt ïiot exceeoing $150. Veas -Aids. Manu. Wlnes, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguaon, Taylor, Rehburg, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 18. Nays- None. By Aid. Rehburg: Kcsolvpd.Tiviit Poor Master Sipley and the chalrman of the poor commititee are herebj ordered to purchase 100 cords of wood for our city poor ïeas Aids. Manu. Wlnes, Herz Martin. Allmendinger, FlUmore, O'HearD Ferguson, Taylor, Rehburg, Hall KitBon and Pres. Cooley- 18 Nays- None. By Aid. Kiisoi': Resolved, That the street commlttee find out how niany Btreet signa are needed and the expense of the sam .■mil repori to Hiis eouncll at once pending wiiich Aid. Mann moved tha th" resolutlon be referred to the boan oi public works. Carrled By Aid. Wlnes: Resolved, Thai iii-] copies ol Wa pies' Rules (,f Order be purchased l tiie cfty o.lerl; and placed in tlic coun cil chamber (or the use of raembers ïeas- Aids. Mann. Wlnes, Herz. Mar tin, Allmendlger, Flllmore, O'Hearn Perguson. Taylor, Rehburg.Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, Thai acommlttee be iiuiuu-u lo ucicrmiiic the cosí oí renorating and refurnishing and decoratImg thp council chamber. ('.■u-ried. Aid. Wimes moved that a warrani be ordered drawn in favor of the "Ann Arbor Thomson-Houston El Llght Co.," for three hundred and fifty-two 25-100 dollars for streel lighttag for the tnonth of May and fop lightiníí the clcrk's office. Aid. Hci-z objectlng to the consideration of the resolution, the objection was not sustained, as follows: STeae Herz, Allmendiger, Behburg- Xars- Aids. Mann. Wines, Martin, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Perguson, Taylor, Hall, Kitson, i'rcs. Cooley- 10. on the motlon: Vciis- -Aids. Mann. Wines, Martin, Fillmore, O'irpnrn. Ferguson, Taylor, Hall, Kitson, I'rcs. Cooley- 10 Nays- Aids. Herz, Allmendiger, Rehburg- 8. Council then adjourned.


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