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Mrs Helen M. GouRar, who wae there when the child was bom, says the third party is "a little still-born iaby." The great and beautiful Adlrondack ■Jorest will soon be a thing of the past. The greed of man is too touch for it. They are plowing by electrleity over ïn Spain. Spain! Spain! That"s wliere o many people'a castles are located. What deaecration. The faet tliat daring tlie past decade ïnsanity has lncreaaed 73.33, whlle the population has inereased but 28.8C 3b one that looks alarming. Rey. C. A. Parish, a Kentucky divine, asserts the first man Adam was negro, and that the forbidden fruit 'was watermelon. Yum! Yum! "It is no (honor to Detroit that she permita Sunday base hall pames, but it la a sliame -to her and her people to have the BaBbath thus deaecrated. The lady who made the red cross ■nnd herself both famous, Miss Clara Barton, is to be marrled, it is reponed, to a philanthropic milllonaire bachelor of liuffalo. Will she still ding to her cross purpose? Secretary Foster has deeidtd that Mormons, belng polygamiata, can not enter the Dnited Statea as emigrante iinder the new Immigratlon lawa. To "whtch decisión all the Rood people of this nation ■ ill respond "amen." Gov. Winana made a miatake in %-etoinR the G. A. R. appropriation that will not be lorgotten by either the öld soídiera or the people. It was -not i patriotic thing to do. It B&vored too much of the old spirit Oiat permeated the democratie party .all Ihroiigh the war. The Detroit Journal would be '.pleasel to have Detroit celébrate its "one bundred and ninetieth blrthday n Júly 2ith nest. On that day in 1701 Monsieur Cadillac lande 1 at that point Ü&d6ited that city. Detroit had o: horse cara then. If Detroit will celébrate we will all come down. Ii the Grand Army national encamptnent at Detroit next August is not a -suceess, the people of Detroit alone will not have to suffe:1, but the people of the entire state as well. It is _a meeting that every citizen of Mich"jí;iti ehould take pride in, and feel Geep iiuniiliation if it should be a fallare. The vote on Dr. Briggs case in the Presbyterian aasembly reaulted -1-4." to 58 against that gentleman, so the iiberality of the Union Seminary divine has coat him his head, in an of'Scial sense. The large majority against him can be attributed to the inasterful diplomacy of Dr. I'atton, who appears to le a wonderiul leader oï men. The Dundee viUage council lias dee.ided to t4t down on the public Btreets fceinjr made a trading place for travelIng prdilli ■■..- and auctioneers, and herealber '!1 vxact a round license from Unch pBflsons. The Pree believes in nnrisrêficted legitímate trade, but lias triendship tor fakirs, wlio hawk off titi ir abominable trasli. upon a CreduItbaa street erowd. - Adrián Press. Il they w-ere only imported, forelgn Tiorn, they would be all right in the cyes of the Press, of course. If the nntionnl banking system be the best ever deviscd. as it frlends claim, why does it need so mueh newgpaper defence? Information is what the people are after. - Saline Observer. And if the national banks are guch "bonanzas to their shareholders, why is it that our largest and best paying baaks are state banks? Why do not -all the banks organizo under the na■i.nal law instead of the state law? ' The cry agalnat the national banks i.s i'l bosh. 'Ttw English House of C'ommons has a-eïused to legalize the clection of women as members of county councils. That action has unseated Lady Sandrst, Miss Cobden and Emma Cons, three ladies of excellent ability ant noble records in charitable Unes, who were chosen to the London county eouneU by large majorities. They hav not only been deprived of the offices belonging to them, but have been iined for taking seats to which they were elected. And now men of luie rior capacity and less brains will bc gïven their places, undoubtedly Shame upon the old-fogyism of the English House of Commons! That body ought to recognize the fact that the world mores. If you see Itata anywhere please vhistle. April SOth. Let's see! Was there o! ;in anti-election promlse connectd with that date? Florida lias inreed a ('all on the 'niied States senate a.u'ain. The Bente ean stand it, probably, if Florida au, but it's tough. The funny" editors who used to vrite about "grandpa's hat," have rawled into their holes and pulled he holes in after them. The new so-ealled third party, "horned" by Ignatius Donnelly, et al., i ( inoinnati, is a conglomérate masa of amalgamated dead dnek politiclans. The state that tliinks it can save ïoney by withlioldins; a reasonable pproprlation for the World's fair, nakes a inistake in its thoughts. It s mlghty poor economy. Ex-Gov. Collquitt, of Georgia, v.o tlways has a keen eye on the direction the political eat is liab'.e to juinp , ecently paid Gov. Senator Hill a condentlal vleit. Grover was in Xew York at the same time. There was a "cloudburst" in Idaho he other day accompanied by a "volinie 'of water ten feet high." Supposng that deluge had strnek the cnpitol it Lansing! Ugh! how it makes one's ilood riin cold to even think of the consequences! It is said that the reason why Deroit does not want the electrle sysem introdueed in lier street railways s 'because the trolley wires overhead nterleree with the circus parades. Of course none of the councilmen get ree passes to the circus. The continual din of American made in is what makes the democrat haul lis head in, the republican proteetionst broadly grin, and the free-trade nnigwump swear like sin. They ouldn't make tin in the United Sates, ou know. "Oh! Ah!" Ex-Senator Regan of Texas talks: 'If Cleveland is nominated I suppose ie wlll get the electoral vote of Texas uid of Arkansas, but these are the only two states west of the Missisippi that he can carry." David has ïis ear to the ground all the time. Has Grover, also? Newfoundland has been mistreated jy the English government and is so ndignant about it that her people efused to observe the Queen's birthlay and attempts vrere made to desroy the royal Standard on the governnent house. All that prevents a erious revolt of the colony is its size ind powerlessness. The democratie editors who are enleavorlng to work up a feeling beween Tresident Harrison, Secretary Blaine and Ma]. McKinley over the presidency will do well to watch out or their own camp. Two to one Hill s still camping on Grover's trail, and he presidential lightning rods in the vest are numerous, if not attractive. An inventor in Paris has pntented a new kind oi eorset, especially for roting Iadie8. The eorset has a vhistle attachment, and when pressure s applied from tlie outside it shrieks oudly. Just now the inventor is wonlering wliy bis corsee doesn't geil. nventors are usually very simple ninded men.- New York Press. Sc-rious charges having boen made igainst the management of the State ndustrial school for girls at Adrián by the finance committee of the aenate, he board of control oí that institntion ïave pns.-e;l resolutlons conrting the ullest and freest possible investigaion. The committee charge too seere discipline, and a lainess about the ilacing of girls in homes. The ïnanigemeni aay they liave nothing to concal, and propose to throw the doors vide opea and aak fault flnders to step n and ,give their testimony. The atack lcoks very much like ptudlanlmous politics. During the month of April 85,000 emigrante arrived in this country at he ariotia ports. It looks as though he number of emigrante this year vor.ld reach 650,000. Just think of he number, kind reader! Euough to settle up a state! More than some of our states now contaba. And the ivorst ofit is a large portion of these migrante are of the ignorant, degrad■d and poverty stricken class from portons oí Latín and Slavonlc Europe. 3urely the recent commission appoint■d iiy Secretary Foster to investígate the emigration queBtion eannot get to work too soon, nat only tor the welfare tiut for the safety of this nation. The legislature proposes to appropriate only $125,000 for Michlgan'e exhibit at the World'8 Fair at Chicago. Better wlpe it all ont, rather than have a little etlngy two-peuny affair. The great state of Michigan, lying next to Illinois, whose evcry niember in congress vn.i'd for Chicago as the location, ought 1o provide for a liberal exhibit of lier vast resources. She eannot ford to be gtingy. It is uot only against good policy but against good Judgment as well. Nevcr, in the blstory of tliis republlc, has Michigan hadeo grand an opportunity to advertise lier rich mineral producís, lier mines, her milis, her manufactures, lier beautiful fertile fields, her divursified industries, her great wealth and lier wonderful beauty, as at tliis fair. The gum of $300,000 is even too small. It wlll all come back to the state and more too. It doesn't pay to be small in tliis day and age of the world.


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Ann Arbor Courier