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Although the Art Loan is no more its 'memories are very pleasant. Notwithstamling a bicycle is always tired, it always seems rcady to go. Ice please. Rev. Dr. Worcestor, of Chicago, preached at the I'resbyterian church last Sunday morning. The Young People's society of the Presbyterian church, liave a picnic at Whitmore lake next Saturday. A large portrait of Rev. Samuel Haskell has been placed in the prayer meeting room of the Baptist church. A temperance unión meeting of the churches will be held at the Presbyterian church next Sunday evcning. Señor Scovel, who recently compelled the London Times to pay him $1,500 for elander and make an apology besldes, is said to be a former resident of this city. Ann Arbor people always get there, you notice. Rev. Prof. Curtis of the McCormlck Theological eeminary of Chicago, preached in the Prcsbyterian church last Sunday evening. Mr. Curtis is a native of this city, his father havlng been a pastor here many yoars ago. The county fair people are securing pledges of Ann Arbor business men f guffictent fonds to make the races at the coming fair a success. Tliis is a feature tnat no county fair geems to eucceed wel! without. People do like to see horses go: The mineral propertlea of the water frora the flowlng wells on W. Washington st. are very much praised, mul people find ricli qiedlclnal quaUties therein. Not warranted to cure any ■ disease the human system is heir to, Jiowcver. Gov. Asliley, president oí the T. & A. A. E. R., has been sued by the Toledo authorities tor taxes upon !?S,000,000 worth of bonds. (.uit e a bandsome little sum of ïuoney if he is in posBesion of that niuch. There is no doubt that he has amassed a goodly fortune. "Had the motor cara been running ou the A. A. & Ypsi. line, the ladlea havlng in charge Uic Art Loan would have realtzed $200 or $800 more," w:is -the reniark of a gentleman trom that city last Saturday. And nis hearers said tliey belleved it, and go do we. The Ann Arbor Iif;ht Infantry propose to treat all Aun Arbor visitors to the camp at "Whitmore Lake, in royal style this erummer. If the T. & A. A. R. R. siimiid put on a dummy train the summer bot woon here and t.he Lake, the boys woold havo thoir hands full, ond they probably will anyway. Tlic G. A. R. room :U the Art Loan waa one of the sreatost attractions of the great exhlbit. Every artlcle had a history and the ladios in attendancc were untiring in their courtesy, and explained to the visitors the torlcal charactera oí the interesting relies. Mrs. Doig and Mrs. St.irk, who bad 'the room in charge, deserve great praiae. Carda are out announclng the marrlage, on Wednesday evening, June lOth, of Miss Minnle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Tagge, and Mr. William J. Miller, nt the home of the bride's parents, No. 25 Fifth ave., tí. The couple will be at home aft er Jnly lst, at No. 31 Fifth ave., N. Mr. Miller ïs the present genial and painstaklng City Clerk, and in lus new relationshlp he and bis bride will have the hearty good wishes of many (rienda. Tho Courier wishes them a long, happy and uscful life. The sale of the fine residenee belonging to tlie Dr. B. Wells estáte, at the corner of N. División and E. Ann sts., to J. Ti. Babcock, Esq., is announced, the price paid being $10,000. The looatlon is one of the finest in the city, and the residenee a substantial one. The grounds surrounding it are wel] kept and beautiful. There is only one thing lacking now for Mr. Babcock, and tliat want will probably be supplied by him in the near future. The gypsies are on the move once agaln. The ladles ol St. Andrew's clmrch glve a social at J larris hall Thursdny c enlng. During the last quarter there lias been pald Into the treasury $142.49 delinquent tax. The T. & A. A. 11. E. have been troubled wlth a new sink hole, thls time near Chlllson. C. F. Bnrkhnrdt has gold out his liarnos shop. and expecta to remove to (na.nd Rápida soon. Gov. Edwin li. Wlnana will be present at the county fair, on Thuraday, Oet. Ist, to address the people. Bev. Dr. Rust will preacb on Sunday moralng at the M. E. church on "The Test Questlbn of Today." Rev. Mr. Balcom, of Jackson, occupled the pulpit of St. Andrew's church, Sunday, in exchnnp;e wlth Dr. Tatlock. Tred Retticli, Jr. has commenced the erection of a fine house on E. Huron st., next to Hon. C. H. Eichmond'e. Hiscock fc TrVood nave a check to the T. '& A. A. R. R., of $1,407.00, in payment lor freighte Monday. The owner.s oí Iota in Forest Ilill Cemetery can have t luir grasa sprinkled by making arrangementa therelor. On Thursday e vening last, a number of Misa Daisy Earle's young frienda save her a pleasant surprise party. A íarewell social was glveo Ilev. Fr. Fierle Monday evenlng In the church grounds, by members oí St. Thomns cholr. Oaptain Hi.seock has lssned orders to members oí Compaay A to meet eyery Mooday, Wednesday and Frlday eveninjts for drill. If nn ambulance could be afíorded in tilia city, instoad of having to cart wounded pcople around on drays, it would be an humane thinf?. St-ation Asent Hayes, at the M. C. depot, lias:liad the foliage plants and geraniums set out and the grounds are much beautified thereby. BeveraJ membera of the Ann Arbor Oommanrtery Knights Templar will attend the lnstltutlng of Damascus Commandery at Detroit, this evening. The university boys feit so elated over the victory over Harvard by the base ball club Monday evening, that tliey Berenaded tlic whole town, almo Kt. Rev. Fr. Fierle preached his fareWfll sermón Snnday evening, and yesterday left for his new parish at Icjni.i. 'Hu' kind wishes of inany friends go wlti liim. The May meeting of the Detroit bnuioh of the collegiate alumnae, held in thisciiy Saturday, was a very pleasant session. Delegates from several colleges were present. Stanley E, Tarkill, of Owosso, member of the Ktate board of pharmacy, is in dellver the addresa at the coming annual banquet of the pharmacy alumni during the coming commeneement week. The Junior auxillery of Kt. Andrew's church will hold a la ir on the lawn of Mrs. Rathbone, on N. División st. Saturday P. U. Ifthe day is Btormy it will le held tn Harria hall. The constant racket of people and children coming into and going out of the hall at the memorial exercisee last Saturday p. m. was an unploasant feature to those Avho %vent there to listen. County Treasurer Brehm paid over to City Treasurer Beakes last Monday $7,687.84 liquor tax, that being oneball the amount paid in in this city. That amount is $072.37 more than la si year. The annual convention of the diocese of Michigan meets at Saginaw ik xt week Wednesday. The delegates from Ann Arbor are: J. M. Wheeler, C. H. Richmond, Dr. C. B. Nancrede. Alternates, Prof. B. M. Thompson, E. Treadwcll. Dr. J. C. WOOd. The annual meeting of the Washteii.nv County Pioneer society is to be held in Dexter vlllage on Wednesday, June lOth. The meeting wlll be held in the basket picnic fasliion, and the Dexter folks are making preparationa to have people who attend enjoy the occasion. This evenlng, at the home of the bride's bister, Mrs. M. L. Godiery, in Detroit, Mi's. Aune-; Ellgga wlll be uu ücd in marriage with Mr. B. Frank Ilowcr, manager of the Cleveland World, and a former Aun Arbor boy. The couple wlll go to Cleveland at once and commenee housekeeping. The Ypsilanti people are to have a very pretty flght over the proposition to raise $20,000 by bonding the city for 'the purpose of encouraging manufactures, a1 tlic polla toinorrow. The Times thinka the ayes win have it. The rink wiül 'be head qnarters for for the various delegates and members attendiiiK the Arbciter Bund next week. The meetings wlll be held in the A. O. V. W. liall.


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Ann Arbor Courier