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W. F. L0DH0L2 IS OFFERING BABGA1NS IN Groceries and Provisions FIRST-CLASS GOODS A SPEBl.VLTY ■- New Teas at 25c, 30c, 40c and 70c a pound. Kettles, Porcelain lined, FREE with 1 lb. Baking Powder at 50c. China Ware FREE with 1 lb. Coffee at 25c per lb. The best goods at the Lowest prices. Ahvays full weight and measure. All Goods fresh and warranted. Delivered to any part of the city. You will save money by trading with W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. 1588 ïhs Farmers' & ÍMaás' hú CAPITAL $50,000. SUSPLÏÏ3 $10,000. Aoflitional LiaüilítiBs of Stockholflers $5O,OOO. Report of the condition of the FARMERS A MECHANICS' BANK at Aun Axbor, Michigan, at the close of business. Dec. 19, 1890. RESOURCES. Loans and discouuts $230.401 80 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 71.121 56 Overdrafts. . . 4.159 89 Due from banks in reserve citios .O95 77 Due from other bauks and bunkers.. 5,959 04 Due from Washtenaw County 28.225 60 Kurniture and fix tures 8,500 00 Current expenses und taxes paid i.nj7 59 Interest paid 8410 48 Checks and cash items 999 89 Nlckels and pemiles 258 98 Gold 6,763 50 Sllver 1,720 15 U. S. und National Bank Notes 5,600 00 Total $375,517 70 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in . $ 50.000 00 Surplus fuud. 10.(100 00 Ondlvided profits 9,917 31 Commercial deposita 155,806 14 Savings deposita 49,825 71 Due tó banks and bankers Total $875,517 70 ,TATE OF MICHIGAN, ... COÜKTT OF WAS11TEXAW, j SSI. 1". II. BELSER, Casuier, of the above named Bank, do somenly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. Subscribed and sivoru to before me, this 30th duy of December, 1S90. VM. W. WHEDON, Notary Public. Ccrrect- Attest: Chas. E. Greene, Reuben Kempf, D. F. Schairer, Directors. The Farmers' & MecWcs' Bank havlng dled tlieir certifícate witli tíie State JitinkiugDepartneut are qow authorixed to do lmsiiu'-s as a Savings Bnuk, and in pursuance thereof have oponed a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savinge department on all de)osits of $1 and upwards, interest paid Jme lst and Dec. lst. of each year. The savings department is open Saturday nights from 7 unnl S o'clock. Mnnoy to loan in sums of $25 to $5,000 secured by unencnmbered real estáte or approved ecorltles. DIRECTOKS- Reuben Kempf, Chas. E. Greene, E. Duffy, Kearney, Wm. C. Stevens, W. F. Breakey, J. E. Beal, Jolin Burg, D. F. Schairer. B. KEMPF, Pres. E. DUFFY, Vire-Pres. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. ML PAPER WALL PAPER Of all the Latest Designs. PEICES tia-e LO-WEST. AT OSCAR O. SORG, Tls.e IDecorator. 70 S. MADÍ ST., AM ARBOB. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Peare and Grapes a Specialty All kiads of Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers, frora Ellwanger and Barry. Order early by mail. Syraps.Mediclnal Wiues.Raspberry Byrap, Bóneset, Dandelion and other Domestic Grape Wlnes, prepared especially for invalida. Pure Plymouth Koek Eggs. EMIL BAUE, West Huron St., Ann Arbor. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERYGROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES, etc, for wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a supply of SW1FT & DEÜBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORX'S GOLD DUST FLOl'R. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. CÓRN MEAL, FEED. atc, at wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCEBIES aii PROTISIONS Constantly on hand, whieh will be sold on as reasonable terms as at auy other house in the city. Cash pald for BÚTTER, EGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods delivered to auy part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. ido T-oxj :k:ito-(7 TH AT i ## "-" IS SELLIXG Wall Paper CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY? LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Best papers , -at ó, 6, 7, and 8c. Best Gilt Papers 10, 12, 15c. Heavy Embossed Papers 18, 20,25c. We have the most Complete Stoek of Fine Deeorations in the City. Reruember we have the Best Decorators in our employ. Window Shades Made 1 Hung to Order GUT OUB PBICBB. POOKSELLER AN'D WALL PAPER.


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Ann Arbor Courier