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At San Francisco Levera Sisneros, a barbar aged 25 years, killed his mistress and then himself. lie used a stiletto. The bark extract works at Staunton, Va., were burned, causing a loss of 8100,000. Tiikee boys, James Hogan and two brothers named Sherrard.were drowned at Still water, Minn., by falling intothe river f rom a raft. A train dashed into a carriage near Xatrobe, Pa., killing Miss Mollie McNally and Richard Fox and íatally injuring Miss Bertha McCreary. The firm of Potter, White & Bailey, shoe manufacturera at Boston, has failed for 81,000,000. Farmers in Mineral covmty, V. Va., ■were greatly alarmed at the appearance of millions of grasshoppers, which were destroying everything before them. The United States supreme court upholds the constitutionality of the original package law passed by congress, and also holds that it was not necessary for the states of Kansas and Iowa to reenact their prohibitory laws, after the passage of the congressional act, in order to shut out liquors in original packages. A firk at Jacksonville, Fla. , destroyed all the records of the United States court for the northern district of Florida. Some of the papers dated back to 1740. A man crazed by drink at Knoxville Tenn. , shot three men, one of them fatally, and escapcd into the woods. The Mary Livermore Tent, No. 1, de partinent of Wiseonsin, Daughters o: Veterans, has been organized at Eau Claire. It is the first organization o: its kind effected in the state. Italian laborers at Lima, O., riddlec the American flag with bullets anc slashed it to pieces with stilettos. The No. 4 separator owned by th Chautauqua Iron Company at Lyon Mountain, N. Y., was burned, causing a loss of 8100,000. Two men bound and gagged an em ploye and robbed the American Ex press office at Carroll, la., of 3,000. Mrs. Chkistian Penderson, of Har lan, la., murdered her four children and then committed suicide. The five bodies were found hanging in the cellar E. L. Tunis & Co., railway supply dealers at Ualtimore, have failed fo $100,000. It was announced that a cargo o: 100,000 pounds of opram, brought f rom China on the yacht Halcyon, had been Bmuggled into this country. Rosa Jakkett, 16 years oíd, of Ath ens, Ga., poisoned her father because he whipped her. An appeal has been made for aid for 850 families in the Connellsville (Pa. coke regions who were said to be home less and without a penny and com pelled to live in coal sheds, barns anc staljles. THE Standard Jewelry Company oi St. Louis has failed for S100,000. Minister Byan in a dispatch to the state department at Washington reports that over one-half of the Mexican imports now come from the United States. The robbery of the Amei-ican express oftice at Carroll, Ia., of 3,000 was traced to the ag-ent, Matthews, who confessed the crime. The bodies of Mrs. Blanche Mackey and her 18 months old child were found hanging to trees near Galena, Kan. William Alvord was arrested on the charge of committing the crime. Haiïoi.d E. Spaulding, the defaulting cashier of the Ayer national bank of Massachusetts, pleaded guilty to s charge of embezzlcment and was sentenced to five years' imprisonment. Burns, I'erry and Dobson, three laborers, were overeóme by foul air in a well at Centralia, Wash., and bef ore assistanee reached them they were dead. Okken WELLS (colored), who shot and killed John B. Fly at Columbia, Tenn., was captured and lynched al Polk station, Tenn. Dubing its term just closed the United States supreme court has disposed of 617 cases. This breaks the record. The largest nuniber of cases ever disposedof bythe court heretofore in one session is 470. Negotiations have been completed by which the Indian tribes now occupying the Great Colville reservation in Washington are to cede to the g-overnment 1,500,000 acres to be thrown open to settlement. James Iíuisns, of Lynn, Mass., whc ■was knocked out in an eight-round contest by II arry Tracy. died of injuries received. At the Pratt mines in Alabama three negro ccnvicts tried to escape from the guards and two of them were shot dead, the third escaping. This made thirteen prisoners who had been killed at these mines within a week. A gang of thirteen robbers, ranging in age from 14 o 19 years, has been discovered and placed under arrest at Columbus, Ind. Forest flres were doing great damage between Alabaster and Point Lookout, Mich. John Ryan's Sons, wholesale dry goods dealers at Atlanta, üa., have iailed for $1,000,000. John F. Plummer, John Rockefeller, Sidney Dillon, Charles S. Colby and Gov. Merriman, of Minnesota, are members of a syndicate to found a new city on Puget sound. Thomas A. Edison's latest machine is called the kinetograph and is designed to reproduce at a distance a lecture, opera or any other occurrence, both m sound and motion. The Sunday-school union of Brooklyn, N. Y., celebrated its sixty-second anniversary, the special feature being the parade of the childron and teachers, 70.00U iu number. Skcbetabï Postéis has enunciated a new line of policy, holding that polygamists under the debarred clas.s of immigrants hereafter should not be allowed to enter the United States. Gov. Eagi.e, of Arkansas, has issxied a proelamation calling a state world's fair convention to meet in St. Louis August 5. M.ISB mi.vnik HRANDON, TS years old, of Carterville, 111., committed suicide by hanging1. CHABLE8 Skidle was arrested al Grand Bapids, Mich., for bigamy. 11e has live wives living1, and was on the point of marrying the sixth time. lx a fit of despondency Mrs, U. A. Uptegroff, of Topeka, Kan., set fire to her house and she and her three children were burned to death. Martin" Sj'im.max and his wife were killed by the cars at a crossing near Lebanon, Ind. The monument erected by the state of Kentucky to the late Gov. Luke P. Blackburn was unveiled at Frankfort. ANDBBSOH QaBBIS, a colored man, was hanoed in Raymond, Mis., for the murder of G. M. Lew s, mayor of Clinton. lx a quarrel over some horses in Nortoti county, Kan., Edward llageman, a constable, and Cyrus Aldrich, a farmer, killed each other with pistols. A propositiox to admit Hquor dealers into Knig-hts of Pythias lodges was defeated by the grand lodge in session at Cincinnati. Max Ki.ekeb, 14 years of age, oJ Philadelphia, died of lvydrophobia. He was bitten by a dog three months ago. In a fight between circus employés and citizens at Mahanoy City. Pa., ono man was killed and a number wounded, three fatally. Carrie, the 12 year old daughter of John Peters, near Leavenworth, Kan., was killed by lightning while eating Bupper. The reports of commanders stopping the sale of bait to Amerieans in Newfoundland waters are confirmed. Moncrief, his wife and three children, of Washington township, Mo., were poisoned by eating cánned salmón, and the wife and two children would die. W. & J. M. Bext, boot andshoe manufacturera at Cochituate, Mass., have failed for $150,000. Nelson Moffat, 60 years old, and Sam Puelling (colored) were hanged, the former at Lexington, Miss., and the latter at Guthbert, Ga. The American university was organïzed at Washington by representatives of the Presbyterian, Protestant Episcopal, Baptist and Methodist Episcopal churches. Mark Hoyt was elected president and Bishop Hurst chancellor. Five million dollars will be asked for. Jamks IIkxhhai.l, of Cincinnati, was elected president of the American Fisheries society at Washington. At Sioux Falls, S. D., Plenty Horses, an Indian, was acquitted of the murder of Lieut. Casey during the late Indian war. An epidemie of hydrophobia prevailed among farm stock in the vicinity of Port Clinton, O., and many valuable animáis were dead. Wn.i.iA.M Darst & Co., wholesale liquor dealers of Omaha, Neb., have failed for Y100,000. The bronze statue of John Harvard at Harvard university was painted red. The work was supposed to have been done by college boys. Maf.tin Neoke, Jb., who lost a leg by falling ander a street car in Chicago three years ago, bas been avvarded Slü,000 damages. The population of Alaska, as percorrected returns, is 30.000. Cütwobms were doing much damage to corn and potatoes in central lona. The general synod of the Reformed Presbyterian churoh in session at Pittsburgh, Pa., adopted resolutions declaring the actions of the ministers who voted at an election as a "heinous sin and scandal." At the afternoon session on the 28th of the Presbyterian assembly in Detroit, Mich., Judge S. M. Breckinridge, of St. Louis, dropped dead while making an address. He was 63 years oi age. Alexander Casemax, aged 83 years, was suing his wife, Mary, aged ü7 years, for divoree on the ground of desertion at Lima, O. The Humilton Rubber Company of Trenton, N. J., failed forSlOO.000. Thihty-six lumber firmsin Brooklyn, N. Y. , have closed their yards in support of the New York Lumber-Dealers' association in its fight agaiiist the boycott of the labor unidbs. The large boiler at P. E. Kramer'a sawmill in Frankford, Ind., exploded. killing Frank Huil, the eng-ineer, and fatally William Davis, Eric Koontz, lienjamin Keys and Van Svvareng-en. Fiiaxcis W. KENNEDT, president oi ;he ruined vSpring Garden national aank at Philadelphia, was arrested on the charge of embezzling over $100,000 of the bank's funds. Suiïkooatk Aubott, of Brooklyn, N. Y., decided the famous Myra Clark Games will case, sustaining the will of January 5, 18S5, which divides .1,000,000 between two chüdren. Thk first atterapt to care for and Americanize immigrant Hebrews iH bulk will be made at llarrison, N. J., where the American committee of the Baron de Hirsch fund will build 200 or 300 cottages. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. David Butler, the first governor of the state of Nebraska, died suddenly at his home near Pawnee City, in that state, ao-etl 62 years. John B. Hollenbeck, probably the oldest mason in the country, died at liurling-ton, Vt., agad 99 years. He became a mason in May, 1813. L. C. Houk, member of congres from the Second Tennessee district, died suddenly at nis home in Knoxville, aged 55 years, from the effects of a olution of arsenic which was drank by mistake for water. Col. Henry Lane Kendrick, who vas for tliirty-five jears an instructor t the West Point military academv. led in New York. Admiuai. Cai: ter died in Washington. li' was placed on the retired list in August, 1881. Rev. Jacob Mills, probably the oldst negro preacher in the United States, ied at Charleston, S. C, aged 91 years. [e named half the coltired people in harleston. WduKINSON Call, after six weeks' trugg-le, was reelected United States enator from Florida for the ensuing ix ven r4 Db." '11i:m:y .1. Van Dtke, m a Presbvteríaa üreacher and lecturer, cued sud.denly' at nis Brookly home, an'cd li'.i years. Mus. Jui.ia Wabd Howe'b 78d birth day was eelebrated in Boston. A state convention of the people' party will be held at Kpringfield, O Axigust 5. (ex. 15. ]. EöGLESTOJT, who had brilliant war record, died at Wichita Kan., aged ?8 years. The Pennsj-lvania legislatura has at journed sine die. WlJfFIELD SCOTT FEATHER8T0ITB diec at Holly Sprints. Miss., ag'ed 73 years He served two terma in conyress beior the war. FOREIGN. HüNDEEDS of persons werc said to b dyinjf in Brazil from yellow feve whioh was raging to an alarraing ex tent in that country. The czar will issue a ukase greatl; reducing' tlie sentences passed on Bi berian prisoners. The sentences of lif conviets will be reduced two-thirds. Thb decree of divoroe obtained in London by Capt. O'.Shea from his wife, Mrs. Kittv O'Shea. on account of alleged adultery with Mr. Parnell, has been made absolute. Jamks McHenky, the ,Teat railway promoter who buik the Atlantic & Great Western railway, now the New York, Pennsylvania et Ohio, died iu London. It was stated that an order had been issucd to compel Jews to observe Sabbath in the orthodox church of Russia. Kixktkkn' Chinese were beheaded at Kowloon City, China, for various crimes. Aftkk Berving thirty-fivc years in an English prison for another man's crime George and Lloyd Beatty, twin brothers 71 years of age, of Birmingham, Eng,, have been released. The statement that the governments of Austria and Hungary will introduce a gold standard has created a sensaticn in financinl fiircles at Berlín. The statement that the Christian missions at M unking, China, have been attacked and pillaged by the natives is correct The inmates managed to escape. The Hamburg-American steamship Fuerst Bismarck made the trip from New York to Hamburg in 6 days 14 hours and 30 minutes, the best time on record. M. . Menou, a banker at Bordeaux, France. has failed with liabüitiea amounting to 81,000,000. The British house of commons, by a vote of 78 to 53, has rejected a proposal to legalize the election of women as members of the county councils. By the burning of a petroleum refinery near Dunkirk, France, ten men lost their lives. The United States steamer Charleston, in port at Callao, reported not hnving seen the Itata. The chase would be resumed. At Hamelin, Germany, a widow drowned her elf and her two children in the Weser beca use oí poverty. The Good Templar ' congress in session at Edinburgh, Sjotland, seleeted Des Moines, Ia., ai!i ■ place for holdmy the next congress. Ax Italian has invented a p.í-w fuel prepared f rom ligfnite. It has been satisfactorily ased lor running loco motives. LATER NEWS. The percentages of the basebali e In the National league for the week ended on the :oth uit. were Chicago, 645; Pitteburgh, 683; Boston, .581; Cleveland, .529; New York. .."IC; Philadelphia, .515; Iirooklyn, .875; Cineinnati, .363. The percentages of clubs in the American association were: lioston, .658; lialtirnore, .641; St. Louis, .613; Athletic, .475; Cincinnati. .46(5; Columhus, .441; Louisville, .422; Washington, 270. A. E. Meinmeyer and two daughters, Rosa and Ella, of Plattsburg-, Jlo., were drowned while driving across a swollen creek. During a drunken frolic the house of Henry Phillips at Taylorstown, Pa., was set on fire and burned, and Philips and his wife and George Hurtner and Clinton Clide perished in the James. During a hurricane on Lake limen, n Russia, nineteen timber vessels were wrecked and all of their crews were drowned. Misses IIaeiíiet and Emily Bryant (sisters), residing at North Amherst, O., were suffocated by coal gas. Dr. Fordyce Barkeu, one of the most eminent physieians in the country, died at his home in New York of apoplexy, ag-ed 73 years. He was one of Gen. Grant's doctors. A PASSENGER train on the Illinois Central road was thrown from the track near Centralia, 111., by train wreckers, and Engineer Quirk was killed and Firenian Todd fatally in jured. George Bejínett, of Lafayette, Ind., was convicted of murdering William II. Scott and John Werkhoff and sentenced to imprisonment for life. JIaj. Frank B. Hamii.ton, U. S. A., died at Fort Adams, R. I. A fire at IS'ew Orleans destroyed twenty houses and a sawmill. It was reported that several murders had been committed by Indians in the vicinity of Fort Bayard, N. M„ since May 1. ïroops were sent to investígate. Jeff Thomas, a negro, who assaulted Mrs. .T. V. Neal at Townley, Ala., was captured by a niob and lynehed. S. V. Jones, a prominent farmer near Ilolmer Gap, Ala., was visited by white caps, and beaten half to death with hickory switches. He had informed against illicit distillers. An unsuccessful atterapt was made to steal the body of P. T. liarnum from its grave near Bridgeport, Conn. It has been decided to exhume the remains and cremate them.


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