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DBINKING WATEK AND ICE SUPPLIES, and Their Relations to Health and Dlsease, by T. Mitchell Prndden, M. D. Published by ;. P. Putnam'a Sons, New York, l'or sale in Ann Arboi' by George AYahv. Prlce 75 cents. This little boot has been wrltten with tlie parpose of Informing the householder how wholesome water may be obtained botli In town and country, This end Is sought nut by laying down a series of axioma and rules, lint rather by ealling the reader's attention to somé interestlng facta about water and water supplles, In the hope of helping him on these to bass an independent Judgment applicable to t is own particular ca e. Some of the new bacterial Lore is brought into prominence, because a nood deal of the current distrust of good water gourcee arises from talse notiona as to the relationshlps i the water-bacteria to die:ise. On the other hand. it is believed thai much Berioua Illneas may Ibe spared by a knowledge of sm-h facts as are here laid down about the real dangera which lurk in water made impure by inat tent ion to Blmple sanitary laws. CHAIU.KS DARWIN, HIS LIFE AND WORK, by Charles Frederick Holder, Fellow o! the X. Y. Academy of 'Sciences, Autlior of "Elementa of Zoology," "Living Lights," ■■The Ivory Klng," ete. Xew York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. Price $1.50. For sale in Ann Arbor by George Wahr. This book Is in the series of I,eadcrs in Science, published by this leadlng firm, and is one that will be warmly received. as the author BUggests the life of Charles Darwin is one eminently iitted to ibe "held up as an exnmple to the youth of all lande. I [e istood as the central figure in the tield nf natural science in this century, and while it is yet too early to present lus liie with any approximation of its resulta upon the thought of the future, it is apparent to every mie that his influenee upon the intellect ual growth of the country, and upon bioloRical science in particular, has been inarked and epoch making. In the preparation of tlie work the author has nol attempted any analytical dissf rtation upon Darwin's lifework, neither has he discussed his theories or their possible effect upon the acientific world, but lias dmply presented the story of his life, that of one of the greatesi naturalista of the age; a life of singular purity; the life of a man who, in loftiness of purpose and the accomplishment of grand resulta, was the centre of observation In his time; revered and honored, yet maligned and attacked as few have been. Thé object of the author appears to be by Jtraeiiii; the life of this greal thinker and worker to encouraj;e other student s, young men and young women, to emulate his energy and his mi'thods. and become studente in the great field of ature; such acareer cannot but be ennobling. The .author has wrltten a book tliat Will entertain and instruct at the same time. He has done his work well, and tlie student who peruses its pages cannot lut be Impressed by them.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier