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Eighteen new brlch blocka wlll !■ erectod in the burned district at Fowlerville this year. A Dexter man lias lnvented a freezer fcha.1 makes the nlcesi lee cream in the world inside of fivo minutes. All wool wrapped up wlth binding twlne wil] be discount cd two cents per 11). Wool growcrs ghould make a noto of it. A Pinckney man, named Dan Hownrd, lia.s whai be terma the boss cow. He made ."(i io!ii](ls of butter from hor trom April lOth to May 19th. "80 boss." The Milán ' Xieader Juátly roasta a party of young lioys who carne to that place from Ypsllantl to play a game ni bal] a few daye Bince, and afterard nol drank and had to be ordered out of town by the village marshal. It was dlsgraceful. Mr. Kthg of Múskegon, is a guesi of her sister, Mrs. H. C. Gregory. Mis. King is one of the sufferers by the recent fire In that city. - Dexter Leader. Frank Butler, a farmer near Milán, lost a two yeara oíd helfer in a peculiar way recently. He liad planted .-i dynamlte cartrldge ander a atump ready to blow it up, and in some way t lic heifer got hold of the cartridge and went to chewing upon it. Kesult, In-ail all blOWO to aloins. The treasarer of the LaSies' Library association of Ypsilanti reporta thc regular expenditures of the year at $454.29. There was also jiaid for repairtng tlie building $2,055.55; leavmg an lndebtedness at the end of the year of .V2H.-i.72. The librarían reporta 104 subscriben, and 8,617 books drawn out during the year, and average of 77 per week. Wm. McManus, the 18 years oíd son of James McManus, who lives JubI outslde of .Miian, was staiii)cd by one Ki'inii' a neighbor, recently, in fivc liffereni places. Young McManus slmply told Kchoe he ttaought lic knew a norse that could beat hls (Kehoe's) trotting. They have a dangerous lot of jockeys in the north edge of Monroe county, we suould judge. Dexter Leader: "Eev. Kr. Kelly has been changed from thls pastorate to St. Thomas' chureh, Ann Arbor. Durin{ lus paatorate here Fr. Kelly has been a hard working pastor and leavea the parisli and its work in a flourislihl; condltion. lie has greatly endeared himseU to the hearts of hls pariehioners who have addresed a petitlon to the Bishop, praylng that he may rcinaiu here. Should the ]M'ütion iH' rutile, Fr. Kelly wlll take to hls new charge the warmest good wislu's of mot only liis entlre parish bul a large clrcle of outside friends." The big egg stories have commenced. Sear the Mllan Leader: Andrcw Shaler kecps hens- one hen at least, and she's not much of a hen elther; jusi a common-every-day white licii: imt when it comes to the matter ol laying au egg Bhe gets there Wlth both feet. Her latcst achievcniriii in the egg line came o!t last week; ,-is there was no previous announcemciit of the performance the tnrnout was sinall. hut 1 here was no pogtponen ir ui of the exhlbitlon on that account. The egg produced on that occasion tips the 'beato at tour ounces, and has a clrcumference the lony way around of s 1-2 iiiciii's, .-iiiii 68 I Incoes the sinallcsi way. Shc is a modesi hen, and i'mii'i take np much time loaflng around and bragging aboul svhai she can do, but Bhe rcally WOuld Uke to sec t he hen trol tcd oi'it 1 h.-it can beat her laying big eggs.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier