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Ayeres Sarsaparilla The Best Biood Medicine So say Leading Physicians and Druggists, and their opinión is indorsed by thousands cured by it of Scrofula, Eczema, Erysipelas, and other diseases of the blood. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla has won ts reputatlou by yeara oí raluable service to the cominmiity. it u the bttt."-R. a. lang, Druggist, --1L1 Merrimack st., Lowell, Masa. Dr. W. P. Wrlght, l'aw l'aw Ford, Teiin., says: "Id my practico, I lnvartably prescribe Ayii's Sarsaparllla f or cliroulc d;seases oí the blood." Dr. K. li. Boyle, Tliird and Oxford sts., Philadelphla, l'a., writes: " For two yeara I liave prescribe! Ayer's Sarsaparilla in nuineroua Instances, ;iil I ind it blghly efflcacious in the troatment of all uisorilers ol the blood " ].. M. líobinson, Pharmacist. Sabina, O., certifles : "Ayer'a Sarsaparilla lias always !l-cii a great seller. My customers tliink tliare is DO blood-purifler equal to it." "For many years I wis afflicted ith scrofiilous runnlDg sores, wlucii, at ast became so bad the doctors advlsed amputating one of my legs to save my life. I begau taklng Ayer's Sarsaparilla and soon saw an Improvement. After using about two dozea bottles the sores were healed. I continue to take a fL'w bottles of this medicine each year, for my blood, and am no longer troubled with sores. I liave tried other reputed blood-purifiers, but nene dees so uiucli good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla."- D. A. Kobinson, Neal, Kansas. Don't fail to get Ayer'sSarsaparilla PKKPARED EY DR. I C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold bjr Drugglste. $l,ilz(S. Worth$5abott!í. Ilis Farmers' & Mstkiiss' hú CAPITAL $50,000. SUBPLU3 $10,000. AËtaalLialtiesofSiocttoliers S5O,OOO. Report of the condition of the FARMERS & MECHAMOS' BANK at Aun Arbor. Michigan, at the close of business, May 4. 18BL KESOURCES. Loans and cüscounta $244 -507 27 stocks, bouds, mortgages, etc 78,191 07 Overdrafts 2,460 96 Duo rom banks in reserve cities 89,426 i; Bills in transit 4"l 50 Furniture and fixtures 3.000 00 Current expenses and taxes paid l.r-u ;7 Interest paid .m',1 -Ji Checks and cash Items 818 78 Niekels and pennies f3 49 Gold .... 7.7 IJ 'JU Silver 1. 3. and National Bank Notos 10,415 00 Total s:W:,8 50 liarii.itii:-. Capital stock paid in $ 50.000 00 Surplus fund 10.000 00 Qndlylded profits n.orj 74 Dlvldende unpald 30 00 Commercial deposita 2H-1.634 01 Savings deposita 5649175 Total $:;92.4üS 50 STATE OF MICHIGAN, i . ClHNTV OF WASHTENAW, 8' I, F. H. BELSER, Cashier, oi the above nanu-ii Bank, do somenl; swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowiedge and belief. F. II. BELSER, Cashier. Subscribed and sivorn to before rne, this llth day oí May. 1691. WM. W. WHBDON, Notary I'ublic. Cobkect- Attest : Reuben Kempf.A. Kearney, Chas. K. Green6fSDlrector8. idliilcla cí lYlDLlldilILio JjdlllL íavlng dled tluir certifícate wlth the 9 Banking Departnent ave now authorlzed to do i usines8 as a Savlngs Jíank. and iu pursúance thereoi bav6 oponed a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the Bavlnga department )n all deposita of f 1 and apwfl -ipuicl June lt and Dec. Ist. oí each year. The savlngs department Is open Satnrday nijíhts frota 7 nntil 8 o'clook. Miuiey to loan in suma of $35 to í-j.ono secnred ly uneucnmbered ix'ül estáte oí approved ucuritk's. DIUECTOKS- Keuboii Kempf, Chas. G. Greeuo, V.. Duffy, .Ainbrose Kearney, (Tm. C. Stereng, W. F. Breakey, J. È. Beal, Jolm Borg, 1). F. Schalrcr. K. KEMPF, Pros. E. DÜFFY, Viw-PreS. F. H. BELSER, Casliier. nHüL DIEFFENBACH'S PR0TAG0N CAPSULES, Sure Cure for Weak Men, as proved by reports of leading physicians. State ase in urd6ring. Price, 81. Catalogue Free. A O É% A safe and speedy ÍU va cure for Gleet, M V& W Strlcture and all unnatural discharges. l'riceSSÏ. nREEKSPECIFICSTo Vand Skin Dlaeaacs, Scrotulot Sores andSyphtlitic Attectioas without niercury. Price, 88. Order f rum THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. ,- 18 Wiaoocsin Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Of all the Lntest Design?. PEICES üa.e LOWEST. AT OSCAR O. SOEG, T'ih.e IDecciatcr. 70 S. MAIT ST., ANX ARBOR. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Pears and Grapes a Specialty All kinds of Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers, from Ellwanger and Barry. Order early by mail. Syrups.Medicinftl WJnes.Raspl.erry Syrup, Boneset, Dandeliou and other Domestic Grape Wlues, prepared especially for invalida. Pure I'lymouth Koek Eggs. EMIL BAUR, West Huron St., Arm Arbor. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERTJEROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES, etc., for Wholesale mul retall trade. We shall also keep a supply of STYIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST VTJ3VR, BUCKWHEAT K1.OIK. COSN MEAL, i:i:i. ote., at wholesole and retall. Arenera] Btockof GBOCIRHS and PROYISIÜNS intly on hand, whlcb wlll be sold on as reasonable terms as at anyother house In the city. Cash pald tor BUTTER, EGi 3, aud COUNTRY PRODUCE eenerally. Goods delivered to auy part oi the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. FOR MEN ONLY! lWJI4l-VWFor L0ST or FAI1ING MANH00B ylll'llfffinrTirrfil and NEEVOÜS DEBILIT Y, nkj l m ' I n I ! IWeakness of Body and Mind, Effecta flrinU HllofEiTors or Excesses in Old or Youni, Kobust, Nohlr 11 W1IOOD fullj Retorrd. How lo Fnlancr and fc-trenpthfnnKAK.IDKVKLOrKIXIKiitNSAPAKTSofmiUÏ Atwoluiolj unf;iilinK 1MI.11K TRKATMKNT- BeDeflla In ft dar Ben leslirj rrm 5ü Slo and Kin-isn 1'ounlrlrs. H rile (hem le.ierlptle Book, riplanatlon and prgor malled (lealed ) Tree. AiMtcm ER1E MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO ,N. Y.


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