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BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. JHFECT IR FORM -MATCHLESS IN WAR I f?2 So umou were the aacienis Tor stalwarl men thtf J 'I puny íwjb i birtn were pal to death. AÍ- JA Every MAIÍ n be BTKONQ ,VÍ-- -2 andVIGOEOUSinallreipectí. ñMÍ Y0UN0 MEN 0R olb, xj- ÍVY "Bering from NERVOÜS DEJA V'Vyír BILITT, Loií or Failing Han}yyA nood, Fhysical Excesseí, Mental L j411 u Worry, Stunted Devalopment, or iPp-Mr any PERSONAL WEAXKESS. can be I k IX r tr"l 'o PEKFECT HEALTH and I l 1 I "e NOBLE VITALITÏ of STR0K8 y 1 HKN, th Frlde and Power of Natloni. 0 Ul I "NVe claim by years of practice by K 1 our exclusive metbods a uniform K I I "MONOPOLY OF SUCCESS" in treatrL o. ing all Dlieaiei, Weaknenei and - - AMIetloti. nfM.n Testimoniáis Ï- ' ' from 50 States and Terrltories. flUR MCUf RflOtf vül lie sent rv. ealed, pustUUn mtW HUUIv paid, fora limited time: Oe lt whlle you cn. Full Explanatloni for HOME TREATMENT. Yon can be FüLLY BESTORED ai Thoasandl have been bynt. Readoarteitimonlaii Addrps at once ! ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. W. F. LOLHOLS IS OFFERING BABGAÏN& faeries and Provisions -- PÏRST-CLASS GÖÖDS A SPEB1ALTY. - - New Teas at 25c, 30c, 40c and 70c 1 pound. Kettles, Porcelain lined, FREE with 1 Ib. Baking Powder at 50c. China Ware FREE with 1 Ib. CofiTee it 25c per Ib. The best goods at the Lowest prices. Ahvays full weight and measure. A1I Goods fresh and warranted. Delivered to any part of the city. You will save money by trading with W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. 1588 liecwui mended as tlte Best. IX Le Mabs, Plymouth Co., la., Hay, 1889. 1 8Uffered froin temporary sleeplessnesB from verwork for two years, for which I used Pastor íoenig's Nerve Tonic, and can recommend turne is the best medicine for similar troubles. F. B0KNH0RST. tSOMEKSET, Ohio, Nov. 11, 1890. My wifewas troubled with nervousnoss, which v affected her mind that I became very mach ilarmod, as a mental derangement was herediry. After using Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonio me day sbecould sleep soundly, her lamenting ased, aud I can say that her mental condition s very much improved. JOSEPH A. FLADTT. T tI, „ Tolkdo, Ohio, Nov. 7, 1890. I certify that Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic has lad a wonderful effect. Prior to using it I had ■piliptic fits two or three times a day, and 1 lave been subject to them for the last seven 'ara. MBS. M. GOBMAN. FRPP-A Valuable Book en Nervous L IJL té leseases seut free to any address, f n f and poor patienta can aleo obtain I IlLb this medicine free of charge. This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend 'astor KoeniK, oí Fort Wayne, Ind., Bince 1SJ6, and snow prepared underhis directlon by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Druírsists at 81 per Bottle. 6 for S5. tarse Size, IS1.75. C Bottles for SO.


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