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Eleetrie Bitters. This remedy is be ñus so wel] known and 80 popular as 10 need no special mention. All who havo used Electric Bittere sim; the same song oí praise. - A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all rhat is claimed. Electric Bitters wlll cure all dleeases of the Liver and Kidoeye, wlll remove Pimples, Boils, Kalt Rheum. and other affect ions caused by impuro blood.- Will drive Malaria from the system and preveni as well as cure all Malaria! levers.- For the cure of Headache. Constlpation and Indigestión try Electric Bitters- Entire gatlefactlon Kuarantced. or money refundeö.- Price 50 ets. and $1.00 pér bottle at Eberbach & Son 's DruRstore. Wheat on sandy land is reported badly damaged in some localities hereabouts from the frosts. The damage is said to be in the joint of the straw noar the ground, lettinR the straiv tip over and lodsre. Some whole fields nre claimed to be ruined.- Dundee Reporter. The great ale of Wooded stock at W. E. Boyden'a, In Wetoster, last Wednesday, was a great succes. Altihougb the weather was not pleasant t lic attendance was wi-y large, stock raieers coming from various parts of the stote. The animáis broufiht Rood prices. The home of Trof. Hendershot, of MuskeRon, is now made happy by the patter of llttle feet. Pred's smlle was exceedingly pleaslng Monday morning when a bríght linio girl arrived to make merry the promlslog futuiv.- Saline Observer. Havo not those little feet commenced to patter prei i.v (niiok, brother? H. E. Burnham, formerly a wellknown business man 01 this placo, was in town Monday Bubpoenalns; och ui ms snit ior cumiases against the Wabash Western rallway. It wlll be remembered that in uvtlin-f ofl the night train at the coal chines severa] years ago lio recelved injuries in the knee'from which de bas liever recovered.- Milán Leader. Ypsilanti held a special election Wednaeday, and a majortty voted in favor nf the bonus project for the removal OÍ a tanncry to that city from Whitehall. The tannery probably was ïirst est.ililislied for a bornus and now propoeea to remove for another bonus. Bettér put it on wheels for it wlll probably want tío be moved lor another bonus, and the trouble and expense of moviug would be less if it is kept In readiness to ftp. - Dundee Reporter. The Reponer doesn't appear to have much falth In the factoriee that have to be "Induced" by boodle to lócate in any place. And there is a heap of solid sense in that view nf the case. case. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cute Brutees, Sores. Dlcefs, Salí Rheum, i'ever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chiiblalna Corns, and all Bkln Eruptions and jiositively cures Tiles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to ëlve perfeel satlsfactlon, or tnoney refunded. l'rice, LT) cents per box. ' For sale by Eberbaeh & Sons. The man who turna over a new leal too oftcn will booh use up hls ledger, Hibbard's Rheumatie and Liver Pilis. These Pilis aro scientifically compounded and uniform In action. No griping pjiin so commonly followlng the use of pills. Thcy are adapted to both adults and children wlth perfect safety. We guarantee they have no equaf in the cure of Blek headache, constipation, dyspe])sia, and billiousness: and, as an appetiser, they excel any other peparation. The man who laid up money for a rainy day just struck it last winter. Be Careful! No matter what disease you may have. Be sure that the medicine you take is reliable. Such a medicine you will always find Sulphur Bitters. They are mot a cheap rum dVink, but are made of the choicest roots and herbs to be found in the vegetable kingdom. -Daily Argus. Reputatlon wlll do for the present; time will atteml to the tuture. Estáte ov Mary Ann Pkbbles. STATE OV MICHIGAN, County oí Wasfctenavv. B8. At 11 session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw holden at the Probate Office in the Citv of Aun Arbor, on Saturday, the pixteentb day of May, in the year oue thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. Iu the matter of the estáte of Mary Ann Pebbles deceased. On reading and flllng the petltlon, dnly verified, of Maria I!. Gllbert braylng ttiai a eertain tnatrument now on tile in t'his court. purportingto be the last 11 and testament of said deceased, may be adxnltted to probate, and that admlnistratlon of said estáte may be granted to Maria Ji. (iilbert c.xcrutrix or tosome other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the fifteenth day of June next, at ten oclock in the forenoon, be assipned for the hearing of said petition aud that the devisees, leñatees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons Interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said (Jonrt, theu to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor aud show cause, i f any there be.why the prayer of tnepetitioner should not be grauted: And itisfurtlicr ordered, that said petitiouer give itotice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the nearing thereof . by causing a oopy of thls order to be publlshed in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and circuhitinu in said County, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. [A true copy.] J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. 'iVAVli. DOTY, Probate Register. A Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a younsc man of Burlington, ohio, States that he been unrter the care of two prominent physicians, and nsed their treatmient until lie was not able to et arciuiHl. Tliey pronounced his case to Xyr Consumption and Incurable. He was pereuaded to try Dr. Kinjc's New Discovery for Consumptlon, Congha and Colda and at that time not able to walk acroaa the street wfthout .resthiR. He found, beíore he had uscii hall ol a dollar bottle, that lic was imich better; lic COOtlnued to iisi' it aud is to-day enjoying eood hcalth. [f yon llave any Throat, Lung or ('hest Trouble try it. We Kuarontee satlsfactioo. Trial bottle lree at Bberbach & Son's drugstore. MAKING A BEAUIIFUL HOME IS not a qnestion of mnney. Taste, experience and Bklll havu much todowlth it. If you lntend to build, it will be a miatake not to send for our books of Sensible Low-cosr Housks, iiüw arranged In three volumes. In tliem you will 11 nd perspeetive views, floor plans descrlptlons, and esttmates of costs for itjr tastejiti, ne iv desiyn for houses. They alao glve our pricesfor complete Working Plans. Details, and Speclticatlons, whfch enable you to bulld uHthOUt ïlelays, miatakes or quarrels wlth your builder, and wlikh any onecan umierstand. Good bullders reccomnuï these nlans. Testimoniáis f rom all parts of the country. Vol. I oontalns 85 coDyrlghted designs of houses costing between V)U and imuo. Vol. II contal ns 85 copyrlKhted dcsifins, ?imio toJilOO. Vol. III contalns üt copyrfghted designs, &Ï00U to KUXlO. Price, by mail, $1.K) eart, or S.OOrar the set. We also publish "COLONIAL HOUSES," a volume showing Perspectivee and Floor Plans of houses arranged in the Inlinitublr Btyle of. the Colonial Architecture, and having all modern arraiigemunts for comfort. Price 2.00 PICTURESQUE HOUSES FOR FOIÍEST AND SÍIOIÍE:- This siiows Perspectivea and Floor Plans of new deBlgns for Suinmer Cottages, whleh ire romantic, convenlent, andcheap. rrtceil.OU by mail. Address KATIONAL ARGHiTEGTS' UNION, 1N. SuvcnthSt.. riiiladclphla. Pa. ■ ■ ■ " ■■ 0L "ASAKESIS"(rives Instant ■■relief and is an infallible L ('ure for l'iles. Pricejl. ily ril kDrugxistsor mail. Samples L IBfree. Addrt-ss-ANAKESIS," ■ ■ ■■ ■■ 0liox SOU, Ncw York City. COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashtrllilW, S. S. The undersigned having been appointed by tin; l'robate ('ourt for sald (,'ouuty, ('ommissioners to receive. examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons ulamst the estáte of Herbert H. Frost, late of sald eoiinty deceaeed, hereby jjives notloe that six inontlis from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Coiirt. for ('reditors to present tliuir cliurnaealnst the estáte of said deceased, and tbat tlu'v will meet at the store of B. A. Calkins, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Monilay the 27th day of Jnly and on Tilesday the ï7tB dny of October next at ten o'clocï a. in. of said daye, to receive, examine and adjust sald t'ljüins. Djited, Apill 27, 1891. E. ï. CALKINS. AI.VIN Wil mera


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Ann Arbor Courier