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. ! l. c 01 ÍTOIL URAHBEB, an i Arboe, Juue 22, IB91. Regular meeting. Called to order by Presldeni Cooley. Roll cali: Present- Aid. .Manu. Wines, Herí, Hart ia. Allmendlnger, Flllmore 0'Hearn, Ferguson, Renberg, Hall, KitBon and President Cooley. Absent- Aid. Taylor. . . Minutes t' previous meeting read and approved. COMMTTNICATlOliS. 'i'o Hu Won. tam 'ouncil: I liave the pleasure of announclng to you thai the snit of David Heanlng vs. the City ol A.nn Arbor and the Michigan Central Rallroad, after neI 8e1 '1 ■iiH'iit has i een dl contlnued as to the city without costs, bj Bi Ipulatlon Ol counsel. Both the city and Mr. Henning are to congratulated upon thia amlc■;' le iírmination í what promlsed to ilv n 1 !dious and expensive - ir.ii :il"i au unpleasani and i eful Bi pife in i ween an honored foriner townsman and the city of hls doepesi affections and fondest memories.. I venture to suggest that the warram heretofore ordered drawn for tlie preltmlnary conting sea of the city in this suit be ordi Ued and the sum then appropriated be paid to our counsel, Hon. A. .i. Sawyer, upon a proper warrant to be issued. Mr. Sawyer pavo thls case. the ïullesl ol iiis wi'.c expeilnce and rich legal knowledge and skill and liad prepared bimselt thoroughly on ii 11 pointe in controTeray. The compensation suggested is modest and modérate for lus valnable Bervices. ■VIT.TJAM G. DOTY, Mayor. Received and placed on file. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That tlio order heretofore drawn for the purpose of defraylng expenses of the city in the case of Hennins vs. City of Arm Arbor and M. C. E. R. lie cancelled and that the sum oi' three hundred dollars be and the same is hereby nppropriated from the contiiiüont fnnd in favor of A. J. Snwyer, for his services as attorney for the city in said case. Yens- Aid. Mans, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore. Ferguson, KehberK, Hall Kitson, and President Cooley.- 12. Naya- None. To the Hon. Common Council of the City of Ann Arbm; Mich.: The Ann Arbor Arbelter Vereln desires to exprcss the thanks of the General Ariwit ■■ Bund of thf State of Michigan, to tho Common Council for the honor conferred by the action of Hls Jonor the Mayor and Council at the anmial convention of tho Arbeiter Bund, held June 0, 10 andll. A.NN ARBOR AIM'.ETTHR VEREIN. By CHRISTIAN MARTIN, President. Received and placed on filo. To WiUlam J. Mlller, City Clerk: I have the honor to inform you that t],,. A::r ' ■-'■ ■ :(i-i-vw Men'H Association havo appointod the following coinmittoe to act wlth the eommittee of the Council in reference to tho quostion of sewerasce: G. Frank Allmendlnger, Junius E. Beal, Ilorman Iliitzol, Henry s. Dean and Frederlck Schmld. Reepectfnlly. EUGENE K. FRUEAUPF, June 1.", l'.n. Oor. Sec'y. Received and placed on filo. OKDIXAXCE COMMITTBB. First readinp; of an Ordinance relativo to "Licenses" by title. Second readlng of an Ordinanee relative to "Licenses," by seetions. STREET. Chairman Hall asked for further time to make a report on Mr. and Mrs. Paquette Feleh gtreet matter, which was granted. To the Ilon. Comnwn Council of the City of Ann Arbor, Mieh. Your Water Committee, to whoin was referred the matter of placing fire hydranta on Hill street, between Washtenaw avenue and Twelfth street, beg leave to make the followlng report: We reeommend that two hydrants be placed on Ilill street, one S00 feet froin the hydrant on Washtenaw ave., eornor of Ilill, nnd one 700 íeet írom the hydrant corner of Hill and Twelfth providins the water company at the same time extend their six-inch mains on Förest avenue and East Dnlverslty avenue to the mala pipe on Hill street, thereby dolng away wlth four dead ends. ' C. F. O'HEARN, E. G. MANN, GEO. Al.I.MKNDIXCF.i:. Committee. Recelved and placed on file. To the Common Cmmcü: Your Committee on Parks to wiioni v-.-is referred the petltlon of .T. H. Starks, relatlve to the ('ourt Soase lavi-n respectfully report that they have h;d tlie matter under conBlderatlon and find that Mr. Starks has without eompensation from the city, done a large amount of work on the lawn during last and the present year. We also find that under the arrangement heretofore made by tlie board of supervisors nu our preüecessors in office, lt has been and now is the duty of the city to take care of such lawn. We therefore recommend that the salary of Mr Stárk as Janitor oí the ( ouncll room and keeper of the lawn be iixed at the suin of one hundred dollars per year, commencing May 1, 1891. We ateo recommend that such salary atter May lst, 1802, bc fixed ,-ii Beventy-flve dollars per year. The increasf for the present year being rccommended tui account of past services lor whlch has rcceived no compensation. i A. II. FILLMORE, C. FKANK O'HEAEN, LOUIS. J'. HALL, Commlttee. The report was aecepted and adopted by the following: Sfeas Aid. Mann, Wlnes, Herz, Martin. Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Héarn, Fergtascm, Rehberg, Hall, Kltson and Pres. Iniilry. Naya - None. BOND COMMH To tin Comrrum Your Cominittee n Bonds vvoulá respectfully report tha1 they have examiued the bond of ('. Eberbach & Son, ik L. Gruner and E. ('. Eberbach, êureties, ïïnd wonld recommend 11' acceptance wiih the suretles named. WM. HERZ L. 1'. HALL,, E. (. MANN, 1 . 1 ; 1 : 1 lic report wa I .-:'; i adoptcd and bond nporoved. Your committee to whom :is referred the questlon to determine the cosí of removating and refurnishing and decorating w Coucnil Chamber, would respectfully report; and recommend iinii $135.00 ■ appropriated trom the Contingent Fund lor feírpetIng, decorating and refornlahing the Council Chamber. L. D. "WIXES, C. F. O'HEÁKN, Wil.l.JA.M HERZ. Committee. The report was accepted and adopted by a majority of all the Aldermen elect votiug thereiore, by yeas and nays, as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Ilerz, Martin, Allmeudingcr, Fillmore, O'Hearn, i'erguBon, Behberg, Hall, Kitson and Prea Cooley.- 11. Naya - Aid. Mann. - 1. By Aid. Hall: Resolved, Tliat the committee on decorattng Couneil room be contlnued and that the work be done at once. Carried, Aid. Wines moved that President Cooley be appointcd a committee to Investígate the procuring of a map for the Couneil Chamber. Carried. By Aid. Hall: Resolved, That the salaries of the members of the Board oi Health be fixed tor the year 1891 at the folio winir amounts: Health oificer, $150; $presideht, $50; inspector, $100 and these amounts sha 11 Include all compensation foi' r; ra s' i vlees. W-as- Aid. Manu, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Flllmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Rehberg, Hall Kitson and President Cooley.- 12. Nays - None By Aid. FepguBon: Itesolved, That the report of the water committee in regard to placing t wo hydrants on Hill Street be adopted and tne water company ordered u place aaid hydrants at once. Aid Herz moved as an amendment that a hydrant be placed on Seventh street. Yeas- Aid. Wines, Herz, Martin, Fillmore, Ferguson, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson and President Cooley.- 9. Nays- Aid. Mann, Allmendinger and O'Hearn.- 3. On the resolution as amended. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin Allmendinger, Fillmorc, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley.- 12. Nays- None. By Aid. O'Hearn: Resolved, That the water company are hereby ordered to blow ofi thelr water mains and clean thelr reservoirs and water pipes according to thelr contract wlth the city, wlthln live days, and that the City Clerk serve a certil'ied copy of this resolution on Mr. a. v. Hamilton, secretary of said company, and that the cleaning of the water works reservoir and malns be done undi .. ■ .niou of theBoard Health Carried. A petltion i-ign -d by t nreiilents and prop r: y own o:i Olxt rvatory streoi tor a -sldewalk on the west side of Observatory streel from Geddes avenue to Ann street and tmi crosalnga across Vollamd and Belser sti te was received and refBrred to the sldewalk commii tee. Aid. Mann moved that the carpet in use in the Council room be placed in the City Clerk and City Attoniey's office. Carried. Council then adjourned.


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