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R. W. Dunham & Co., Chicago cnmmission lAerchants, have failed for 8100,000. James J?. Coi.oatk gave 81.000,000 to the university at Hamilton, N. Y., that bears his name. Bbown CuNDEFF and a man namcd Turner and two horses they vvere ciriving were struck by an engine at East Hillsboro, 111., and all were killed. TllKltK were nine deaths from sunstroke in New York city on the lüth anti thlrty otherswere prostrated. A TRAIN on the Milwaukee line from Omaha to Chicago jumped the track ïiear Cedar Rapids, Ia., and rolled down ■ an embankment, killing three iiassengers and injuring thirty others. lx accordanee with an act of congress new United States courts of appeals were organized ut St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati and San Francisco, the object being to remove an immense welght from the already crowded supreme court at Washington. J. E. H.ANL0N, of Cincinnati, was arrested on the charge of having five living wives. He ís an ex-police officer. il ki;i;.t reports that the Anaconda and adjacent copper mine.-, in Montana had been sold to a fercign syndieute were denied. At Bonham, Tex., there was a light snowfall on the lüth while tin perature was B3 degrees. A ci.ornr.rKST at Newmanville, Tenn., swept away many housea and rniaed erops on the bottom lands. THE eensus office haa made public the tobáceo statistics of indiana. The number of planters in the state during the census year was 4,4.57; the area dcvoted to tobáceo, 0,3T:i acres; the product, 7,710,297 pounds, and the value of the erop, 0884,870. VuiN'CKTON college has recuived during the last year over Y400,000 in gifts. A hiouwaymax held up a stage near Ellensburg, AVash., and ciinpelled the only passenger to rip open the mail bags and hand him the regiatered packages. E. T. HALL, of Ohio, has been appointed chief clerk of the mmigration bureau in the treasury department at Washington. Generezi Desiderio, an old Italian living in New York, sold his handsome young wife to Allessandro Vanegi for S30 spot cash. The business portion of Mondovi, Wis., was destroyed by firo. ■ Flames swept away the city of Scabright, N. J. No lives were lost, but 250 families were rendered homeless. Wnx Ross and Ilenry Kminet were drowned at Kansas City, Mo., by the upsetting of a boat. The towa of Casey, Ia., was inundated by a heavy rain and two gïrls were drovvned. Thk llüth anniversary of the battle of Bunker llill was celebrated at Boston on the lTth. Si'hvivors of the Blacknawk war held a reunión at Galena, 111. Only twi nty-three of the pioneers who fought the Indiana in 1S:;2 are still alive. The long strike of the Iowa coal rainers has carne to an end, the men returning to work at the old prices and hours. Wiiii.k crazed by whisky a man named Bixby, of Eoyersford, l'a., seized a little girl named Knerr and juraped into the canal and both were drowned. John Duty, living naar Iïcnton, 111., shot and killed his mother-in-law, Mrs. Allen, on the street and attempted to kill his wife, but failed. Domestic trouble was tne cause. Thrkk HUNBBBD acres of celery were destroj'ed at Kalamazoo. JUieh., by the bursting of a mili-race, involving a loss of $10,000. Charlie France and his cousin, Myron Gardner, were drowned while bathing in a pond near (Jrant City, Mo. Every state and territory in the unión has been given space at Jackson park, Chicago, for a building at the world's fair. The heavi?st rain known for years feil on the 47th all over Jsebraska. The town of Battle Creek was flooded and several houses wrecked. At Humphrey Bartholomew liogus was killed by lightning, and at Palmer the wife and grandmother of V. Lauton met a like fate. Wn.T.iAM Fari.ey and Hiley Smith killed each other at Little Rock, Ark., in a quarrel over wotnen. A LITTLE germ worm was damaginf1 the growing wheat in western Kansas. The United States treasurer paid out S2,üOO,OOÜ on the 17th on account of pensions. The body of a colored man was found near Fort White, Fla., bound hand and foot to a tree and riddled with bullets. Nothing was known about him in the vicinity. Thk treasury department at Washington has decided that wedding presents from abroad must pay duty unless they were manufactured in the United States. Jacob Scheble was hanged at Bridgeport, Conn., for the murder of Louis Drucker 011 January 25, 1888. In a boiler explosión at Akron, O., Henxy Golden was killed and seven otliers were injured, three fatally. Wtt.t.tam K. Duvai, of Baltimore, has been sentenced to nine years in the penitentiary for obtaining christening and Christmas gifts from United States senators and others under false pretenses, alieging that he had named ofaildren in their honor. Mmks WaGOKNEB, a BOted horse , n;is lynched near his home in Crook county, Wyo. A CLOUDBUBST caused damage oxceeding S100.000 at Utica, 111., and throughont the entire Illinois river valley heavy loases restúted írora floods, which washed out crops and swept away housea and live stock. Gov. Pattison has vetoed the corapulsory education bill passed by the legislature of l'ennsylvania. Thk Alleghany l?.eformed I'resbyterian church of l'ittsburgrh, l'a., has withdrawn from the Presbyteiian fold because the synod recently deposed its pastor, Eer. .1. R. .1. Milligan. Tw. Un5.tei States treasurer's state ment on the 18th showed a caen balance of $4 1,415,000, of which 822,020,000 vns on deposit with national banka and $20,350,000 yis in fractional silver, leductiug which Items the net cash lalance was but Rl, 885,000, wliich was the lowest Bgure yet reached. GeOEGE ThompsOS and Miss Lou Jell, both colored, were struck by a train ncar Dayton, U., and both werc cilled. JoSEPH Wa.BE V and his son Albert were crushed to death In the Christy co;il mine near Des Moines, Ia. Ox the L8th 8,133 immigrante arrived in New ïork, 145 oí them Mormons bound for Utah. At Uakdale, Pa., a jealous negro named Saunders shot and killed his rival, named Earris, and accidentally íilled Mrs. I larris. A freight train was ditched at Diso, Ind., by b broken rail, and sixteen ciu-s were wrecked and twenty head of imported cat1 Ie killed. In the United States the business failures during the seven days ended on the 19th numbered 258, against 244 the preccding weck and 199 lor the corresponding week last year. The Capital Insurance Company of Topekai Can., has been . placed in the bands of a receirer. A COUNTRY sehoolhotise near Norfolk, Neb., waswashed away during a storm and Charles Miles, Cora liamlin and Anna Cox were drowned. A wi.NDs i'okm at Napariee, Ind., did great damape to the crops and fruit trees, blevv down barns and outhouses, and blew aouses trom their foundations, some of which wure totally wrecked. A CTCLONE at Arkansas City, Kan., ■wrecked several buildings and destroyed uhade trees. Tiious.vxns of immigi'ants were said to be crossing at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., inonthly. They were not examincd as to their means of support, as the government has no immigrant inspector at that point. Haix flooded the streets at Fort Scott, Kan., and Buck run, a ravine which tra verses the city f rom south to north, was transformed into a raging1 torrent. Several persons were drowned. Ai. ice Jonks and Mary Uavis were killed by the cars near Union Springs, Ala., while crossing a trestle. A fikk in the Nestor block at Marquette, Mich., caused a loss of S100.000. A rainstoiïm at Altoona, Pa., flooded the streets, and Mrs. liarbara Beichl, aged 35 years, and Katie lirady, aged 8 years, were killed by lightning. Small bridges throughout the county were Bwept away by the overflowed streams. At Fall ltiver, Wis., Amelia Heinemann was fatully shot by her jealous lover, Seymour Turner. Turner then shot himself, probably fatally. John Most, the anarchist, was resentenecd at New York to one year's imprisomnent. Tuk temperatura in New York on the lUth was 54 degrees - the coldest June day in that city on record. A THOBOTJGHLY organized band of boomera and home-seekers was planning to take forcible possession of the homehteads on the Cherokee strip. Je.nxii; Wii.i.ia.mson, 19 years old, was in j;iil at New burg, N. Y., charged with burning down her aged husband'a house and barn, roasting hi.s feebleminded son to death and running1 away with a liveryman's team. The jury in the test suit of Meyer & Dickinson, of l'hiladelphia, against the government to recover excess of duties levied on materials used as hat trimmings, returned a verdict in favor of plaintift's. This verdict involves about $30,000,000. The fast express train on the Illinois Central road was wrecked near Kenner's station, La-, and six persons were reported killed and twenty injured. A ci.oudburst a few miles north of Bel videre 111., caused great damage. Thk news of the drowning of Lieut Eobinson, W. C. Moore and four other men of the United States cutter Bear at ley bay, Alaska, has been confirmed. It vas reported that the National Cordage Company of New York had bought all the cordage works in Canada for $3,000,000. OPPOSITK Golconda, 111., Will H. Hockwisher and Villie Kreipke, both under 30, and two colored men were drowned by the overturning of their skiff in a sudden windstorm. C. F. Gii.beiït, with his wife and child and Mrs. Livingstone and a ilrs. Dickerson, were drowned in the river at Derby, Conn., by the upsetting of a boat. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Mas. Cathahine Iíughes died at New Brunswick, N. .7., aged 107 years. She was born in thatcity April lö, 1784 Oiiio republicana in convention at Columbus nominated the followin# ticket: For g-overnor, William McKinley; lieutenant governor, A. L. Harris; state treasurer, W. T. Cope; auditor, E. V. Poe; attorney general, J. K. Richards; supreme judge, M. J. Williams; school superintendent, ü. T. Carson. Ex-Gov. Harrison Ludington died at his home in Madison, Wis., in his 80th year. He was governor of the state in 1875. Gen. John M. Schofiki.d was married to Miss Georgia Kübourne at Keokuk, la. Miss Ei.aine Goodale, the poetess, was married in New York to Dr. Charles Eastman, a Sioux Indian. Puesidknt Hahhison and family left Washington for Cape May on the 18th. John ühooks, of Waldron, Mich., celebrated the lUSth anniversary of his birthday on the ISth. lie was a soldier of the war of 181:2, is in good health and is Sjjchigan'a oldest citizen. FOREIGN. Premier Abbott, of Canada, has succecded in forming a eabinet, It is practically the same as tunder Sir John Macdonald. The milis of the Casselman Lumber Company at Casselman, Ont, together with six houses and a large amount of lumber, were destroyed by lire. Loss, $115,000. Tuk. popular crusade in England affainst the prince of Wales showed no sifiiis of abating in strength and bitterness. Tuk emperor of China has ordered the authorities to proteet all foreigners, and to Diinish the ntiR whn recently toolc part in the rxots agalnst J&uropeans. A fikk at Halifax, N. S., destroyed Moier'8 bakcry, causing a loss of 8100,000. Tiik census of England and Wales Jnst completed shows a populatie 29,000,000, au increase of 8,000,000 in ten yenrs. A watkbspout on the mountains in whieh ís Bituate 1 ;! ■ Concepción silver mine, in state of San l-uis Potosí, Mex.. drowned twenty-three persons. The total am uní of money eollected for the. Irish plan of pampaign was 000, oí which there had been expen led ■ I i0,000. It was discovered that Kilburn J. Brown, ;i conductor on the Canadian Paciflc rail war. had for ten years heen smngfflin goods, 1 n cis defrauding the United States government out of over $100,000. Tiik number of killed in the railroad bridge accident at Balse. Switzeriand, was 159, and the injured numbered 300. A hurricane di l great damage at all the North Ccniau coast cities and scores of persons lost their lives at Hamburg, Kiel. SI tl n and Dantzig. The costs in 1 baccarat scandal ca amount to L:2,500, which Eall upon the shoulders ' .ana Gordon ( ming. Sig. Corti, late Italian consul at New Orleans, at the requestof Premier Budini prepared a report on the New Orleans affair. He afftrmed tha victims belong-crd to no particular ciety, but were murdered becaus;were Italians and were corapeting ia the labor market against natives. A plan was alleged to have been discovered in Guatemala to annex that republic to the United States. The treaty of peaee between Guatemala and San Salvador has been ratified by the öalvadorian congress. A YACiiT eleven persons was struck by a squall and upset in Kice lakc; near Peterboro, Ont., and John I-'uote and his two daughters were drowned. At La Villette, France, an aeronaut and two friends started to make a balloon ascensión. The aeronaut feil out and was killed. The balloon with the other two occupants disappeared in the clouds, and it was believed that both men were carried into the cold upper región and frozen to death. In the British house of commons the bill to prohibit children under 11 years of age from workinj? in factories was adopted by a vote of '202 to 18(5. This was a liberal vietory. Fubtiiek advices say that fifty lives were lost by the cloudburst in the Mexican mountains near Catorce. Sixty earthquake sbocks wera experienced throughout the province of Bengal, India, in one day, and many buildings were destroyed. BüBH fires were doing great damaje in the country back of Kingston, Ont. Fodb ohlldren belonging to a family named LaChance were playing in a boat near Port Neuf. Can., when waves from a passi g st amer caused the boat to n'll and thev were drowned. At Blenheim, Ont., Mis. David Clarke, who was deserted by her husband and left without means oí support, drowned herself and her uvo children. LATER NEWS. An excursión train oí ílíteen cars which left Cleveland on the Nickel Píate railway jumped the track near Dover, O., and seven cars were wrecked. killing seven men and injuring tífty othcr persons, twelve probably fataily. Advicks say that fifty of the crew of the C'hilian warship Esmeralda were killed by nutives of the Labos islauds while irying to secure provisions. Two NEGBO men were shot and fataily wounded near Rome, Ga., by Dr. II. W. Clayton, who was insane. Tuk eighth American Derby was run at Washington Park, Chicago, and won by Strathmeath. Distance, IK miles; time, 2:49Ki purse, S21.S00. John Hhooks, of Hillsdale, Mich., was 105 years old on the 18th, and on the 20th lie died suddenly of gangrene. A destrvctivk C3Tclone passed 10 miles southeast of Krh'ngham, 111., carrying houses, barns, fences and growing crops before it. Ex-Sbnatob Joskph E. McDonald died at bis home in Indianapolis on the night of the lst, aged 73 years. He was chosen United States senator in 1S75, serving one term. The Boutheastern corner of Kansas was visited by terrible storms, causing some loss oí Ufe, much damage to propcrty and enormous damage to growing crops. Thbbb ser van t girls - Jennie Grossman, Katie Keefe and Agnes Sears - occupyinj tin-t same room in New York, were suffocated by blowing out the gas. In Kentucky a tornado at Lewisport destroyed several houses and the Methodist church and killed George Ray. At Boaz several small houses were blown away. At Bevier seven houses were wrecked and four persons injured, one, a Mrs. Miller, fatally. At C'ampbellsburg several houses were destroyed. Seven colored persons employed as berry pickers on a farm in Anne Arundel county, Md. , were drowued by the eapsizing of a boat in Curtís ereek. lx a iracas at Winsten, N. C, John Smith and Mary Goins were killed by unknown persons. The percentages of the baseball clubs in the National league for the week ended on the 20th were: New York. .017; Chicago, .502; Boston, .500; Cleveland, .490; Brooklyn, .480; Philadelphia, .40'J; Pittsburgh, 413; Cincinnati, .408. The percentages of clubs in the American association were: Boston, .042; St. Louis, .01(5; Baltimore, .000; Cincinnati. .500; Columbus, .491; Athletic, .421; Louisville, .093; Washington, '2'20.


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Ann Arbor Courier