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Council Proceedings

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[official.] Ann Akhok, Mich., June 20, 1891. Special meeting. Called to order by President Cooley. Iloll cali. Al ' . Manin.. Allmendlnger, FlHmore, O'Hearn, Forguson, Taylop, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pree. Cooley. Absent - Aid. Herz. Tlie cali for the Especial meeting was read. Tb the Honorable , Th City Council of Ann Arbor, The Special Committee Belected by yon trom the Council, the Board of Public Works aod the Busiaess Men's Association to examine the subject of aewerage, beg leave to repon thai they iiave given the subjeci careful consifleration and that they are of the opinión that the system planned and rècommended by Prof. Charles E. Greene will be 'the r iquirejnelits of thiS City, even ghould it Bouble i:i populaii in. We there'ore e:irneatly recommend to the Common Council the adoption as the system n' sewerage for the city of Ann Arbor, the one planned and reeommeaded by Prof.Charles E. Greene. Your committee feel conii leut that ii the Coiainon Council adopt that plan the city of Ann Arbor wTl Becure satisfactory aewerage and at less cosí to property ownere than by any other jilau known to them. Your commlttee have also exanii Led the .subject of waya and meana and report that there Is a strong probablUty that there Isyet time to procure the necesaary leglslation to enable the city to ralse the necessary fonds by iosulng bonda or partly by taxation and partly by bonding. The only other way would bc by Bpreadlng a ta (to be voted by the people) ol $20,000, on the rolla, in addltlon to the regalar tas of the year, whlch wc regard is too heavy for a single year. We therefore recommend that the Coinmon Council appolat a commlttee of three to go to Lanslng and endeavor to secure the passage of au act to embody those features. The subinission to the people of u propositi ui ui raine the gum of $20,000 of whlch $2,000 Bhall be spreaá out lic rolla tor this year, the remalning $18,000 to be divHed toto six equal installmenta of $3,000, the flrst to be pald the year after the Ias1 of the Hospital bonds Is pald, the others followLng yearly thereafter. As the construction of lateral sewers wili be called tor at once, we reommend that the cost of these be as1 to the p roperty benefitted, as has becu dono at Kalamazoo. The laterals wlll cali for immediato nutlay on the part of many of uur residents, as Avill also the house connections a it Ii theni. "',' therefore beUcvr it wlll be Kooid policy to issue bonds to iay for the mata Bewer, that both Items involvcci in the matter may not fall upon our tax-payers at ono timé. Respectfnlly gubmltted, T. .1. KEECH, JNO. R. MINER. Hhairman pro tem. Clerk oi Commli tee. n;i Arbor, June 19, 189] . I'.y Aid. "Wiiics: Resolved, That the report of the Jolni commlttee on sewera !"■ recelved and adopted. Yeas- Aid. Manu, Wines, Martin, Allmendlnger, Flümore, O'Hearn, lerguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, and President Cooley, Naya - Xoue. Ann Arbor, Michigan, i June 20, 1881. f 10 th'-Ciinlnin.l ( 'oWlCil : i on comaüttee on sewera beg '■ to Bubmit tliat they have liad the matter under conslderation, and -vould respeetfully repori as lollows: Thai two meetings ol the joint conimittee have been held in which the vaiiims questions bearing upon Bewering the ei y o chly coneldered. Your committee recommend the adoption of the report of the j committee, and also that a committee of three, consisting ol the Mayor, Che City Attorney and the Hon. Chas. B. Whltman be appointed by this Councll for the purpose oí presenting tliis matter to the Legislature at Lansing and Becuring the passage oí an u-t anthorlzlng thls city to raise the necessary funda as gel forth in the recommemdations qt joint committee. ' IIIÜNTIA.N MAKTJUN, ].. 1). WINES, M. E. CIHII.EY, ' Commlttee. Aid. Hall moved that the report of the Commoa Counell committee on aewérs be received and adopted. Yoas- Aid. Miiim. AVines, Martin, Allanendinger, FHlmore, O'Hearn, FerKuson. Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson. and President Cooley, Nays - None. By Aid. Wlne Resolved, That the committee to vúir the legislatura shall be empowertd to fill vaeaiK-i s. Carrled. By Aid. Wtnes: Resolved, That the City C'lerk iurnish certified copies of the reports of The two eommittees and of thlg evening's proceedlnga to the committee going to Lansing. Carried. Covtnell then adjoumed.


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Ann Arbor Courier