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COMMIBSIONEBS' NoTICB. STATE OK MICHIGAN. Con n tv of Washtenaw, a, -. Tlie uudersigned having been aiipointed bv the Probate ('ourt for suld coimty, ('oniniissioners to receive. examine and adinet all claims and rleinauds of til persone agaínst the estáte of Herbert M. Frost, Inte of BaTd county deceased, hereby glves notice that slx montbi froin date are allowed, by order of Bald l'robate Court. for t'reditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that tfiey ill meet at the store of E. A. in the city of Ann Arbor. iu said county, ou Monday the 27th day of Jnly uud on Tuesday tlic 27th day of October next at ten o'clock a.'m. of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, April 27, tsei. E. A.CAI.KIXS. AI.VIX WIL8EY. Commlaeloners. 9_I _P%"AAKESIS"(fives)nstant ■ ■relief and is an iatulliblo SU ■ B.% Cure for Piles. Pricejl. ',y mDrugKistsormail. Samples I IJfrce. Address"AAKESIS," ■ ■ ■■ Bi FBox -MM, New York City. WAKING A BEAUIIFUL HOME 'Sin0.' a ""? íí money. Taste, experlence and BklU .hare much to do with ft. If you Intend to bulld II will be a mistake not to send for our liooks of Sensible Lpw-oon HOO8H, now arranged In Ihree volumes. In them you will nni penpecHre views, floor plans descrlpnons, and estlmatés of costs fór IiK t.Mflul. ,„„■ dexiunor l,ouse. They also glve our pricus for comptot .)rklng Plans. Details, aHd Speïillciilions, whlc-h enalrtc you to bullil without aelhyi mistaket or qaamls wlth your bullder, and whfcl'i any mie can umierstand. Good boUderi reccomend these plan Testimoniáis from all parts of the country. o . I contato; ffi copyrlghted design of houses ssaarr teaa" - ssac We also publlsh "COLONIAL HOUSES," a volume . huwlnz rturpectlve and Floor Plans of houses TrHj '"', 'f Ij'lni tabl, styie of tbe Colonial Aro". .'.,!,for'r pïfceJ&OO '" rn arran8emcI1' f'' SH(lHMnUTMiL'!': "2SES FR FOBEST AND BHOBE:- Thls shows Perepectlvei anti Kloor Plans oí new deslKni for Sommer CottaK,.8, whl,-h are AdSrew 1'1'lc;e1 W "lHATIONW. ARCHITEGTS' UNION, ïaiX. Sovenlh Phlladelpbla, St., Pa.


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Ann Arbor Courier