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The frequent rains make hnrvesters and hay-makera ha-e long lacee. Hom. E. I'. Allen (JeHvered the 4th oL July oratdon at Schooier aft. A tolephoaie lias tieen placed in the reaHlence of Itev. Fr. Kelly, on North efcreet. .The Boldieir boys are all on the qui vdve over tlie on coming of encamp mi int time. President Charles K. Adams, of Cormell, accompanded by lii.s w-Be, lias gane to Europe for the Bummer. Proseeutlng Attorncy Lehman is fixing up hls property, the old Crossnian place, on Dexter ave, preparatory to living thereln. The suit oí David Henning agalnst the M. C. K. E. in the önited States loiii-t, at Detroit, has been adjourned until the September term. Ex-City Attorncy Thos. Kearney bas piwchased of NeJaon Butherland his fiunous i.rcittci-, "Fred." As usual "Tom" doean't propose to take anybody'a duet. A iicw grocery wüll bc opened on State Btreet, Ja the Niclkels' store, by Mr. C. A. May nar d, ï Lanslng. The gentleman comea line with a fine record as a lmsiiifss man. Capt. John McGWvary luis filed a Wil ior divorce agalnst liis wlfe, Mai-y I.ouisa ürowii, wiumi he marrled ai Btoctton, Ca!.. Oct. 2üth, 1872. Thëy have four chlldren. An open car íor the Ann Arbor & Ypeflanti line is expected here this week. Twelve traína are now run eacli uay each day. The new Baldwln motor gives excellent eatlafactlon. Satnrday was ono of the blggest la.vs lot travel on the Anu Arbor & Ylis-ilanll motor line ever had. There ■vere over 1.400 passengera carried. It kept the boys busy that day and ííunday. H. D. IMatt. of Pittsficld, was In town on July lst, and stated that hie official head bad roUed off on the nigihi befare flt 12o'clock, gbarp, without ever waking iiim up, Mr. O'Brlen, of Jcikson, takea hts pOace as state oil inspector. W. F. EUsworth. who was tor a time a resident of this city, but previoudly for a number of years resialng in Ixidi, died at hls home In Morris, Bïiiivwassee county, on July lst. Oi dropsy. His rpmnhis wcrc brouRht here for lnterrment Tbursóay. "Out of debt is out of dnnRer," thereforc Aun Arbor can ifford to ratee 20,000 to build gewer wlth in one year. Shc will Ret what slie paya for, nnd wtll only liave to pay for what ho ircts. Thoro wïll 6e nn Interest ratiiiii up tlie jjeople's hard carned money. Franklin Walter Ouitoau. who had been attending the law department for the pat ycar, diiod last Friday, at hie 'home in the 8rd wanl. of b-ack meaelo8, aged 21 years. Ho came to iliis city from Hfilsdale, and his anaína were taken there for bnnal Baturday. By referenee to the report ot the aewer eonunittee, to be found In the regular council proceedings In another column, it wlll be notired that topbulld the mato sewar in one year and pay for it, $20,000,. -nill coat each taxpayei cañy about $3 on every $1,000 of hls asseseinent. Nót a very extravagant prlce. Ciorgp Francia James, an alumnus of the Iniveisity of Michigan, and foi the last two yeara professor in tlw Univerwity of NashvCle, haa realgnec Jiis ijosiiion to assume the managlnj edftorebip of "liiiversity Extensión,' the oftielal organ of the American 8o cioty for the Extensión of Universitj teaching. Dr. Francia W. Brewer, avIio has b?cn an aeeistani to Iv. Vaughan, ii Hygiëne and Physlological Ctoemlstry iia.s been appolnted to the chair o Bacteriology in thp Dnlvereity of Ne breéka, at Ijincoln. Dr. Brewer is i gentleman whose succeae wil] b filaJly noted by hi.s niiiny frlends and cquaintaiR-es in Ann Arbor. A committ-co from Detroit were Up here Saturday looktag over the city wlth o view of seeuriag Lodglnga tor Böme of the G. A. It. veterans Quring the Domlng reunión. There are plenty of ïiicc rooms and f?ood lxd.s in Ann Arbor. a.nd a couple of tlumsaml veta iNin be accommodated hcre withoat least troublc. If you have iany ideelre ín kill the untiKhtly and vile looking burdocks and thisués abouv the (encea and gtreet eides, (and sometimes, alKut the yards and lioiuses of people) and do nol car 10 exert youreell wlth a hoe, just pul a little kerosene on the heart of the plante and awalt reBults. It wlll ki'.l tlicin al! ri.iiht. Far the Emanctpation Cclebration to bc held in Ann ArbOT, on Monday, Au.nnsT Brd, II on. 10. 1'. Allen, anc J'rcdrick Morchnnt, of Ypsllanti; Hou A. .1. Sawrer. of Ann ArtK)i-; and Elev Ft. Go'.drio'.i. of Northfiéld, wlll dellve speeches. Muslc wi'.l be furnlshed b, the coiored bands of Yiisilanti uu ].insini;, and a large num'ber of IleU aparte have been arranged for wit! handeorne prizea 10 be gTven the vin nei-s. The raia'oads will give reduce rates. Wm. (1. Doty has reoeivcd a hand tomo jewel, preeented to him ly ih Cra.nd Oommandery K. T. of Mlchl gan loc hls services as Eminent Oom far the year 18ÍJ0. Tlie de rííín and Avofkniansliip te in the High i'si st.vlo of the jeweWs art, and th j''wl la one that he may fel proud ol Ho wijl nmlonlrtedly inDtiate it at ; reception teadered tlio (rand ('om inaiKk'ry Knlghtfl Templar of Ohio by the CommaHderlea statloned at ('in clnnati, on Sept. 284 and 24 th, in tha city. The marriage of T. Dow Hubbar and Miss Jennle Monroe occurred on Thursday eyeninx at ( o'clock, a,s an nounccd in onr last issno. A niimlic of relatlvea and lnvlted guesta witnea sed t lic ceremony, whloh wm peï fornicd by Etev. Dr. Kurit, at the hom of the brlde's párente on Folch streel A lairge mimber of beautilul and el gBRït presenta were glven the conpli .iiid tlic rooms wcit tastily decoratef wlth a iwofnsimi ol swirl flowers. . bleseiug i;' with them in their ne relatlo-nship, trom ma.ny frlends. Tho m-v liiiok and ladder truck fo t-he lire department nrrived yestei (iay. All ladders vto taken out an( teated. The extensión ladders wer nm np find several of tlie boys wen up to the top of them, tlie 65-ÍOO ladder holding all that conld ïind rooi npon It. Tiie ladders are of tbc truBBec paittern anil ave very etronff. Th'Onr ladder is an especial! iiandy little affair. Boot ladders, sea ins; ladders, and everyUiinii elsc tha goes wltfh a first-class, lmproved. truc ■will be fonrid ín tho out-lit. Onr fii djepartment is ow ín pretty fair con dition to srn.pple with destructiv conilagattona. George Buil is servlmg twenty days D for beimg drunk. E. B. Hall lias gold his rosidenee on Hill Bt. to tt. C. Davis, liboïan at the J1ÍV1TISÍ t.V. The mueh Tioeded new walk on the nst Biite of tiK' McMiüan hall lot Is eing put down with cement. Tlie atmowphere was no chilly last aturday, Sunday and Monday, that mny people started firea to keep warm. It cost Washtenaw county $809.94 o care for the 123 patiënt now in the neane asyliun at I'ontiac, for the past uairter. "What's the matter with Steffy?" Vhy, don't you know? More lanndiry neoded, of courw. And U's a glrl t that. The oioxt inion me'tini wLM be hold at the Bapt40t church, next Sunday 'iiin;. J. W. Bradtihaw flfillag he pulpit. Tlu' Bummar outing ri;e is ahutttag p maaiy Ann Arbor realdences. 1c lae iiot closed any iniHines houaes ;is et, however. The peopl" of the city di-p rnod themeelves in different (Örections, ffo'ng generally to the varioua lakea n the vicinity. 'The little son of Mrs. John Walker, f the 3rd ward, liad hle face badly nirncd and Wawn full ol powder witii boy caiinon on tlie ith. The county funda are now overdrawn $21,420.68 at the Parmer'g & [etihamic's bank. And tbere are still ive or six nionths to taz time. The tone and woocl worTt of the ourt üouee is recelvlng a new coal )i patnt and the brick work is being eraped. Aid. Herz ís dolng tlie job. A party of about tiiirty ]i''.d an en: oyablc picnic on the CarnweU grounde p the rtver last öaturday, and patíotl&ally devoured a handeome lunch. o speeches ■ even flsh storles were Uu wed. Prof. Walter Miller, who lias been ursuiag studies In Leipslc, and who s expected home ín a few weeks, lias icen aecorded tíhe honor of beingmade n homorary memDer of the Ai-chaeoOgloal Society, of that place. Washtcnaw cmmty is to l)f a senitorial disui-t by itsell for t'iie ext en years. li ís to hoped that the jual'it.v of semators wlU be an Impcovencni ii]ioii what Monroe has glven ie i íiis tarín. The Cönxter says that the A nu Arbor city water after 11 to filtered, Ia as leii.r a.s that of Ypsilanti.- Ypsilanlan. Bes pardon, but the Oourier made no midi agsertton. Boys are getting altogether too carees 'with firearms in attempting to i4ioot eparrowa. It js quite unsafe to walk the streeta eometlmee. A mil intended for a bird ia quite apt to miss its nia.rk and hiit you. frípond your vacatóon on t-he Oreat Lakes. A triip to Mackina-w only costs ibout $13.00 Irom Detroit, or $is.)0 from Cleveland, for the round trip, nelucling meals and bertiie, vla the Detroit & Cleveland Bteam Navlgatlon Co. i Two yoiuiK gentlemen anti fiirls left the train at Leeland's, borro-wed a antera and walked to Ann Arbor iatui-day nieto t, because they were nfraid to rlde acroee the bridge over the Huron river, the train belng ïeavily loaded. Having Bome refcard tor tho oconomy : ha t n vpapc(r reporters have to practicc coniimnilly, the "AUmendlnger Piano & Organ Company" haschanged its naiiK' to the "Ann Arlxir Organ Co." MuHi aa a dosen peaclls eaved duTing a ycar. Geo-pre R. Berker, iormerly of Flint, bas taken a position on the Daily Times, and wil hereafter hrlp jirind out copy etc. on paper. Mr. Barker iia had considerable experlenee on the dalics of Tlint. and wlll prove no ncw hand at the oara. The -o la a í-olirt pro' est from property alone Detroit and Fourth sts againet putting down a Btone walk lt would doubtless be a hardship to billld sncli a walk. but once down it is tlhere íot a generatton or more, and no nwc outlays In that line wlll bi iHX'Cssary. Wm. W. Tirbbs dled .Tuly 2d. at hü home in ioio. from the offects of n fall f rom a barn on the Monday previeras. Ho was airi'il nearly 68 years, and had been a resident of the place agreat iiKiny years. Fnnoral services were held from the Webster church, at 10 o'clock Saturday. The cot in dollars and cents for a systom oí wwe.raíio, seoms to be a tjreat deal. Hut allow iis to ask yoi what wealth or anythlng elae is worti to a man or woman without thai Rreat necessity, prood health? Iluin your hoialth and there is little or no lilcisnre in life. Ann Arbor ■will surel rnin the Rood health of her citizens i some method is not soon adopted to pet Tid of the kltchen s'.-ops, night koü rt., thnt ave now a'llowed to BOaik il n-nd poteon the irravel Ix'ds under our foett Sewere wlll do that. The ecVbratio-n of the GOth anniver h.u-.v of Sfc. Patrick's ohurch of Xorth field, held at Whitmore lake lasi Satur day was a very sucoessful affair. Be tween 3,000 and 4,000 people wer present, including many froni thlscity Howe'.l, Brlghton, Piñokney, Dextei Cheleea, etc. Speaklng, ainglng, danc iny. t'U'.. Avere inolmlcd in the iestivltie of the ilay. (ov. Winans made the (iriii i,i! speech of the day. followed by Prosecut&ng Attorney Shields, oí Howei',1, and Rev. Pr. (loldrick of 8t. l'atrick's parlsh. The Business Men'e Quartette, of Ann Arbor, rendered sonie excellent vocal inu.sic, and James E. Hankiine sang sorae of lus taking topical songs that brought down the houw, as they always do. The tnbles whlch wcvc set In the grovea were well l'i-ücd with almost evcrv delicacy to bc obtadned. Among the events was the dr-awing of a horee, by Miss Loulse Walsli, of Detroit, boing the lortunatc holder of the winning ticket. The Fooirth wm Observed in a very quiet way In Aun Artior. Most ol the 'busiiness places were cloaed and the employee allowed the day to themsolves. But the small boy was on deck, and lie had flreeracker, torpedoes, laiinons, and alniost eTerytbing known tluit would make a noise. He commenced buKiucss at day break or 8 little before, and kept it up In a riiíht lively ïasiuon imtil mldnlghi or thereafter, without any ceeeatlon. The (orinans, howeve.r had quite a celebr atlon here at home, the exerelaea belng under the ausplees of Germaola IvodRe D. O. H. At about 11 o'clock a. m. a procession was iormod and about 500 membere of the various Gterman Bocietles from this city, together wlth eome from ïpsllanti and elssw'here, made a very credltable display, headed by the Germán band. Alter marching through the principal business streets, they prooeedea to Rellel peirb and engaged in au old-timo picnic. Speeches were made by Mayor tfoty, and Paul (i. Suekey, in t.licir nsiial polllshed and happy styl.'. A banner was dedlcated and the pTesentation to the Society made by Miss Sophle Meyer, wiio gave it over Into tlic bands of the color bearer inany earneet worde. Tlie festlvltiea laeted to a loog in the evenIng when flreworka and a dance was indulged in.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier