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Aid. Ferguson Is in Alpena. Wm. Bannister is vtslting in Sagiavv, etc. Miss Minnie Drake in in Alma a ew wek. Mr. Hentry Matthews is visiting riiMwlrt in Iinsing. Wm. Uoodyoar and vi'ife celebrated lic 4th in Owosso. Un, S. Green, of 4th frt., has removed o OaJí Grove, Mich. Mrs. n. F. Watts Ui viwiting her eister Iih. Joaikins, in Fllnt. Miss IHrdie Spoor, oí Detroit, Is visitng at H. B. 'Dodaley's. I'roi. T. C. Trueiblood is in Wincld, ECoe., on busiurss. Prof. O. C. Johnson find ïamily have one tj Blook Island, K. I. Mrg. J. M. Stafford has pone to Ak011, ohio, to visit relativas. Mrs. Wül W. Watts la visitiiiK Mrs. V. H. Whitmarsh. in Milan. Prof. E. Baur is emtertainlng his rother Henry, of st. Louis, Mo. J. W. HIkuv returned yerterday from visit wlth relativea In [thaca. Mr. and Mrs. l). ('. Pall went to Deroit ■ .ycstcrday for a Shori stay. I'ioi. EU Jay añil íaiiiily removed o Richmond, Ind., last Mondar. Mrs E. J. Mains. of S. 12th st. is Uiting her old home, in Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. Ko-brri Campbell, of roregt ave. are ín CSharlevolx. Mitvs A'lcii, of JacksKi. is a guesi f Mts. Hessier, of AV. ].:hcrt.v st. Miss lillie Condón returns tO-day rom a beo (lay's stay al GrTOBS Isle. Mis Mary Rinaey is entertaining Ii-s Anna Murpliy, oí Battle Creek. Mrs. 1). ('rnmcr ís ont-crtaininií 'Miss lattie and Mabel Moore, oí Indiana. Mrs. ('o'instock, oï Chi&agO, is visitig her pari'iits, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell. .lss Cecelia Burlke was i lic guest of rienda in rsorthviile, Saturday and rueday. Prol. Iic'os Fall, of Albion, vrlll visit, is brothera D. C. and ('has. S. i'ail íiis week. Hon. John .T. Eo'btoon qpent the -.lui-ius Independence day v i;ii liis sons, a Detroit. Editor Suekey, of the Hauafreund, e] olees over the arrlval ï another lelr. Beal and famlly visitrd rienda Ín Dox;er Saturday and Buntay. Hon. Chaa. R. Whltman and family tave gone to Charlevolx tor the summrr. Mrs. Lose and dauíghtOT, of Vilmot Bt., are visiting their oíd uoiuc at Flat Koek. MLss Lottip Millard has lx'cn visiting iriendeí in Milán durlng tlie iast week. Prof. B. M. Dick anl vifp, have gone to Clyde, üliio, vo rfinain during vacatioa. Mt. C. G. Llddell is entertalnlng her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Hunt, oí Chicago. Pj-of. I. N. Dcmnion and family lrft last evening fur Gharlevoix ïor the Bummer. Ed. ííhorbach and family have gone to camp at the Kcystone Club house, Jufeey luke. Miss M-ary L. Ives, of Cineinnnti. is visitinjï her Bister, Mts. E. Campbell, m Washlcnaw ave. Olie Brown, of l-'lint. Ib viBiting his rother, Oounty Clerfc Arthur Brown, or a lew days. Mise Ruth Kapp gave an afternoon niieli to ueveral of her young lady rienda Monday. Mrs. Lucindia Barnott and dnughters, of i'oiest ave., have gone to Charleroi or tJie Bummer. Jlr. Cliniio and dauiïlitcrs .Tennie and Mary, of Battle Oreet, are vlsttlng riende in the city. Mr. and Mns. J. 8. Kice, of 8. Dnivorsity eve., lert Saturday for Topinam'c. for tile Humnier. Miss Allee Porter and mother leave ïicxt weck for Charlevoix to remiain during tlie sumnier. .Ia(it) I"i-c.v and his brother Vred, of Grand Rápida, yisited thelr old iiimir over Sunilay. James Barki'i' and wife, of Jackson. were gueats of Mr. Barker's brotherB Satorday and Sunday. Letter Oarrier Earl Ware took his faniily and went to Howell to celettrate th' 4th of July. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Webster returned to Owoeso yesterday, after a brief vHt with relatives here. Prof A. C. MeLaujihlin and -vife nre oxpected home to-day from atwo week's etay at Gratiot Beach. Emery Townaend, of East Saginaw, wias In the city Monday. He had been visiting his párente in Superior. ilr. and Mrs. .T. M. "Wheeler have returned from a visit with her daughtwr, Mrs. Luther, at Medina, Dhio. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Thompson, of Battle Oreek, apent Tuesday with the foc-mer's nister, Mrs. A. .T. vSutherland. A. B. Smit-h, of the Olilán leader, wis in the city yesterday, on his way to the Kalamazoo meeting of editora. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Bea&eg aro in Detroit to-clay oelebrating tc fifth anversary of theli m&rrlage, -vith ïriends there. Mits. Mary Durstin nee Henion, of Cleveland, Ohlo. is vleit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Henion, for a few "weeks. Mrs. H. A. Williams and ehildren hav been roending Beveral days at Dexter aod Portage Lake durtng the paei weck. F red C. Brown. of the Daily Times, lelt laat nlght for Kalamazoo, to attflral the meeting of the state press assorintion. Miss Emma Hay Kix'nt Saturday and Sunday with frienda In Ypsilanti. Dentón. NorthvÜlo. I'lvmouth. nnd othar places. M. Duke eommenoea his two week's vacatton to-day. He v.i'. close the tirip -vith a week's enoampment at Whit.more Liake. I)r. W. .T. Herdmatn and (amily expect to leave during the coming vreek íor a trip thromgh the mountain regions of eastern Tennessoe. Miss M&ttte Harriman and her íruest Miss Ka-be Harriman, of Toipeka, Kas., returned Monday from a short stay wiflh friends Ín Battle Oreek. Mr. Ieon Freltag and mother, and Mre. Hartford, of Detroit, were ;;uosts over Satin'day and Snnilav of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Meuth, of Detroit st. A. W. 'Hiamilton and wife vill po to Oíd Missio'n Boach in a short time to dedícate a new $5,000 cottasre for J. H. Woautorly, of Gnand Itapids. Miss Susie Palmer, oí this clty, started yes+.rday for Stioekhridiic to reinain m weelk. The week foSlowlnj? she will visit fririnls in .Taokson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. W. Waj?ner. íind famüy left for Wequetonslog last Thurs-day. Mr. Wagner Avill return lióme this week bnt the family wlU remain durlng the Bummer. (iora-Rc J. Hirth, wno h:',s been studyIng 'here the past few ycars and taken two di]i'omas, bas gone to Washinfïton. Tnence he wlll travel awhlle in Burope a.nd study in Vicuña. Dr. Oliver Marcy, of Evanston, 111., is in the i'ity. His object is to secan tram Dr. Steere, a collectian of coráis, aiiont l."i(i, tor the museum of the Northwestern UniTerslty at that place. Mr. Nob'.o, of Detroit, wlio caino liere to fl.ttend the m arriare of his oliece. Miss Monroe, last Thursday, wag takiMi ill and has been at the home of his eister, Mrs. R, Waterman, ever since, unable to return. Prof. Fred W. Sti'von.s. of Hyde Park. 111., waa in the city last Friday nnd Sarturday lookiiiR over the old grounde oincc (iffain. He looks as natural as Üfe and still retains his love for the classic shades of old Ann Arbor. Israel Hall and lier sister, Mrs. 'hillips. of Syraense, Ñ. Y., and Dr. ouis I'. Hall have gone on a tour to Uaska. L. II. Phillips and daugfcterg, Mrs. ieater Pryer and Mrs. D. A. Bates, )f E. University ave., have ffone to iay View. Mrs. Barrte-t A. Traey, wlio has een the guest of Mrs. Hanson Sessions or a time, returned home to Jackson effberday. Mrs. .1. Maclean and daupihter Ethel, f Hancock, are vUiting Mrs. M's ïoflhe.r, Mrs. Wm. Condón, on S. Dniersity ave. Dr. Angelí -will be aniong the jtne.ts a,t a baiHiiet giren ly the Lord Mayor ot Ivondon at Guild Hall, duriiiR the omlag week. Prof .T. ('. Knowlton has gone to 'i'tos-kí'v íi ti tl Bay View tor t short tay. He will go from there to Bo.-ton nl t hc seashore. A party o' young ladles consistin; f Kat ie and Mina Jacobs. Xellie and lia Chlldfl. íívclyn Waples, and Lizie Campbell, ave at AVhitmore l.akc ■ a ivi'ük's sray. .Iiilius V. Seyler. of Detroit, is staynï a few days wit.ll his Ji;i rent s A . I. eyler n.nil wlie, before ffoinj; north o Bay View, etc. Mrs. Mary :n Schoowikoven and hildrcn. wBO liavc been living on Church s'. íor twn years, have returned 0 Salt Lakc City. I'i-of. C. . Townsemd, of Macon. Ga., ccoimpenled by Mrs. Townsend, toricily Mis I.ouise 'l'-aylor, are 5n tlie i'y for tlie slimmer. Mlae Jennle M. Llnsday, of Simix 'ity. [owa, is to come to Ann Arbor n'l keep house for her brother. Tred '. Brown, of the Daily Times. 4


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Ann Arbor Courier