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A Thought Not Thought Of

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OCR Text is a thought b.v Senator CarUsle, of Kontucky, 1 ha t is worthy of more tlian a sccond thought: "As to Kovornment ownersliip of railroatls and toélegraphs - wlU you confteCate the proporties?" lir asked a détegatlon who called npon him. "Xo; thnt wouliln't ,be fair they admitted. "Then you must buy tliem." was the reply. "And to buy them you must pay for them, and to pay tor them you must tax yourselves. Have you any Wea how inucli it would cosrt? Our govenament detot at the Close oí the war was mo:-e than $2,000,000,000 mul we have been aQmocri 80 yeare in paylng hnlf of it. The. raiiroaida, teletrraphs, tólcphone liaies and steamthoata In the country represeni a-bout $10,000,000,000 investod Capital, l'our 1 liousiml millions is bonded indobtedne,ss whicli must be paid. Are you ready to tax yourselves to raise the jnoney? 'Theii f ter you have got the property are you ready to tax youreelveg to opérate it, for the government never yet succeeded in dolne business at a profit? " OoosAder another effect. Such n plan woulil add pcrlmps ll'.OOO.OOO men amd women to tlio roll of tho goverramemt employés. would you ever succeed in turninu; out ol power tin ndminisU-ntïon wlth such resources ajt lts commnnd? Tho more corrupt It was, the more diffxult it would be to displace it." The delegatlon looked duttiously perpdexed, tor the queirbions and bus tioms ware ertdently all new to their sanguine and enthusiastlc minde. "That Miss .Iones i.s a ni-jc-Iookincglrl, isn'r she?" Ves. an,i ahe'd 'bo the i'lc of the touii U i -was'n't for one thtour." ■■what's that?" "She has the catanrh so baxJiit is nnpleaeani bo be near her. 8he has tried n ilozon thinga and nothlng helps In-. I am sorry, for I Uke lier. but that aoeen't makc ir any lees dlsa fo' one to be aroimd lier." Xow f shp had ns;-l Dr. fin'-c'a Cntarrh Bemedy, öiene would have boen ing of the kind said, for it wlll 1 oatarrh every time.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier