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nrPRICE's fíQ0L Saking Powder: A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes - 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pr.stry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. lío other haking powder does such work. ICARTER'SI CURE Eick Xíeadacho and relieve all the troubles incident to a bilioua state of tho systam. snob as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distraes aftor eating, lJai ÍQ tbe Sido, kc. Whilo theirmoat remarkablo buccoss has boen showu iu curing SICK Headache, yot Carter's Little Llver Pilla ara cguaiiy valuabloiu Constipation, curingandpra Vüiitiug tilia annoying couplaint, whilo thcy also correct alllisorfï(;i'3 oí" tho storaach.,8timulatotUQ livcr and regúlate tho boweia. Even if they onl7 ÜIÁl Ache they wonld bo Qlmo3tpriCGlesa to thoao who euür íroni thisiliatrcssing coinplaint; btfl f ortuDatoly t heirgoodüosa 'J Des iiotend here.aud thoss who once try them will ünd these littlo pills valuableinpomany waysthat they will not bo willing to do without thcm. But aftor allsick head ACHE Ib the bañe of so xnany lives that horo Ís rhere ■wemakeour great boast. Our pills cure itwhila others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pilis are very small and vcry easy to talle, One or t7o pilla makoa dose. They are striotly veetablo and do not gripe or purf;o, but by tlioir gentío actioii pienso all whj upo them. ín vialsat 25 cents ; fivo for $1. Sold by druggista evorywhf re, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE VIGOR OF MEN Easlly, Quickly, Permanontly Restored. "akni-, KerTouineu, Deblllty. and all the train of evils f rom early errora or later excesses, the resulta of overwork, sicknesa, worry, etc. Full strength, development, and tone piven to every oiyan and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Immediate Improvement seen. Failure impOHslble. 2,000 references. Buok, explanations ud proofs malled (sealed) free. Address ER 15 MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. Il ltS Uufütl ï OE'IK. x Benton, Laf. Co., Wis., Dec. '88. Rev. 7. C. Bergen voncbes for the followiug: James Kooney, who waa suffering from Vitus Dance in ita worat forin for about oue and a fourth yeara, was tivatod by several phyuiciana without effect; two bottles of Pastor Koeiii 's Nerve Tome cured hua. Toumaist, Oho, Oot. Ü5.1890. I usad Pastor Kojiii 's , . ■ . o for a lady 2C yeurb old ; every to or throo wn.ka she had & seriouB attack of falliag alokness, aeeonjpanied with headache and was (irisen tu niadneBs eua waa Br.uï, onco to an insaue asyluia. uoctora coulil not relleva her; I began wirh oue bottleo your medicine; siie had taken ihreequarters of it, and nli ■ wrote to ïno a few : :ví ayo: "Tho medicine holpB me tuuch; i thiúi; auothur bottle will e-ure ):-ü." REV. AltMAND HAMELIN. f"rtrP"A Valiiable Book en Nervous V Uw m l'iseuse si:ut free to any addresa, [ Hl and poor patients can also obtain I IILL lilis medicine free of charge. This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wayne, Ind., 6inco 1S7C. and isnow prepared undürhis dirccliuu bytlie KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. SoW by Druirsrists at 81 per Bottle. 6 for S5. Izarse Si.o, $1.75. 6 I Jo Ules for i9. IDO TOU 22Z3STO"V ÏHAT IS SELLING Wall Paper CHEAPER TELAN AXV OTHBE HOUSE IX THE CITY? LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING PRIGES: Best papers at 5, 6, 7, and 8c. Best Gilt Papers 10, 12, 15c. Heavy Embossed Papers 18, 20,25c. We have the most Complete Stoek of Fine Decorations in the City. Remember we have the Best Decorators in our employ. Window Shades Made 1 Hung to Oreer GET OUR PRICES. prrKSELLER AND YALL PAPER. THIS PAPER s ■ niu i m kii uoweli, & cos Kcwspaper Advcrtlslng Bureau (10 Spruca Etrcct),wheroalviT. ■■■■■■ Iff flff# tising contracta may MlalM VllKH be made tor it in 11 la II Ulll


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