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The thermometer registered 107 degrees in the shade in portions of California on the 29th uit., and in San Francisco the extreme heat expanded the rails and stopped the cable cars. A CYCLONB ni-iir Milton, la., demolished several houses and completely destroyed the crops. WlN Ok andhis wife, Di Foy, Chinese, committed suicide at Sacramento, Cal., by cutting out their tonques and bleeding to death. They were crazy from opium. Wili.iam GATES (colored), agcd 20 years, was hanged to a tree near West Point, Miss., and literally shot to pieces ly fifty citizens. His crime was attempted assault on a 16-year-old daug-hter of Mr. Gus Goodem. Over 1,000 acres were on fire on the eastern slope of Mount Tamal pias, near San Rafael, Cal., on which were many magnificent summer homes. The wife of ; (lennan immigrant en route to Great Falls, Mont., gave birth to twins on a train between Chicago and Dubuque. Thiikk Laborera - Patri-k Ilug-eney, August Bennivitz and John Flaherty - were killed at Janesvüle, Wis., by fulling walls of a building they were tearing down. ChABLBS Fox and Daniel Yentz were drowned wbile bathing in the Fox river 8 miles northeast of Ottawa, 111. Gov. Boies, of Iowa, has issued a proclamation appealing for aid for the sufferers by the late flood at Cherokee and other towns in the vicinity. Official notice of the death on June 8 of Alexander Clark, United States minister to Liberia, was received by the state department in Washington. The failure was reported of Levi and Joseph Strous, maltsters, of Iialtimore, Md., with liabilities of $800,000 and asspt s nf Sfir.n non. A DOZEN persons were injured in a cyclone that passed over the country 25 miles east of Denver, Col. Six Chinese lepers were discovered at Victoria, N. B. Kansas City, Kan., was visited by a terrific wind and hailstorra, and hundreds of windows and skylights were broken and many shade trees des,troyed. In the vicinity crops were ruined. A heavy rain and hailstorm passed over Champaign, Richland and Licking counties, O., gTeat damage to the wheat erop, which was ready for the harvest. Oats and hay were also damaged. The body of Royal Frisbie wasfound on his farm near Peoria, 111. , riddled with shot. He received a letter some time agx warning him of his death, signed "Society of Justice." Reuben Drew, a farmer living near Columbia City, Ind. , died f rom hydrophobia eaused by the bite of a pet dog. The anmial readjustment of postmasters' salaries shows that sixty-nine third-class offices have been advanced to the second class and twenty-three hnve been relegated to the fourth class, while four third-class offices have been reduced to the second elass. Fiïty-eig-ht new offices have been ad■vanced from the fourth class to the third, leaving a total number of 3,246 third-class offices. Information was received at Washington that the conTess of Venezuela had responded faTorataly to the reciprocity provisión of the Unitad States tariff act of 1890. Mb. Lvuan J. Gage has succeeded Mr. S. M. Nickerson as president of the First national bank of Chicago. Thk census bureau has is--u -il a bulletin on i oí schools f or the blind. The number of I 'ls íd the United States in 1890 was 2,9H1, while in 1880 the number was 2,041. At Stoop"s ferry, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Joe Costello deliberately drowned an Italian boy. Costello was arrested. The business failures in the United States for the last six months show an increase of 571 as compared vvith the total of the first half of L890, the being ,036 for 18;.il and 5.4B6 for 1890. The liabilities for 1S91 were 891,270,262, against $62,867,961 for 1890; assets for 1891, 848.205,496, against 980,625,118 for 1890. Mark W. Hahhington, a professor in the university of Michigan, has been appointed cliief of the government weather bureau. BoüDONOT CiiuMPTOx, alias Bud Burris, was hanged at Fort Smith, Ark. He made a statement on the gallows saying whisky had brought hiin to his present eondition. He protested his innocence to the last. The Wisconsin state board of charities and reform has gone out of existence, its functions devolvinjf upon the newly created state board of control. Forty-three persons were poisoned by ice-cream at a Christian church sociable at Brushton, N. Y., and Kev. Mr. Braun, rector of the Episcopal church, and two Jadies died and all the others were in a critical eondition. McHkiiib Bros., tea merchants in Kew York city, made an assigninent with liabilities of 8311,531 and assets of $188,849. Oliver P., of lïashville, 111., has heen appointed assistant chief clerk of the pension office at Washington vice Green 15. Kaum, Jr. , resigned. John Baker, a colored man, killee his wife and himself at Huntsville, Ala. The first trip by rail up Pike's Peak, in Colorado, was made on the 30th uit. The train consisted of an engine anc one car, occupied by sixty-five people. The lower terminus of the line is 6,400 feet above the sea level and the upper 14,147. The distance is 9 miles. In a fit of jealous rage Jesse Cartwright, of Baldwin county, Ala., killed his wife and his brother. The wholesale boot and shoe firm of Patterson A Co. at Kansas City, Mo., has failed for $100,000. Fbederick SteInj .' . oi ( tiieaEfo, a molder, tirod two bullets Into his wife' body, wounding her fatally, and then blew out his own brains. Jealousy caused the deed. By the bursting of the boiler of an engine near White Haven, Pa., Engineer Thomas Trip, Fireman J. Pope and Brakemen Gallagher and Smith The ttmvaití oí uumnírauts in tina country from 18:21 to 1890 reached 1",641,588. The arrivals from 1871 to 1890 were 8,120,907, or 51.92 per cent, of the total arrivais from . 1821 to li'J). The only leading uountries from which arrivais have lallen off durin-j the past ten ye ars ore trance añil China. Of the arrivals the ten years from 1881 to 18!) t, 3,205,911 were males and 2,040, 073 ere lómales. The greater portion of females carne from Ireland. Eiohty feet of the bank of the canal at Goslicn, lnd.. went out, entailing a heavy les; and necessitating a shutdown of the Eactories. The Missouri river ent through Doniphan Point, [van, transferring severa! thousand acres of land and water from Missouri to Kansas. Tuk census report shows that the total value of the mineral product of the United States at the eleventh census ainoucti 1 to 8556,988,450, the greatest total ever reporte.! for any country. The number of industrial min ing establishuients was piven at 30,000. '1 ■ ■ employed in mimng industries ."jI'2,114. The annual wages paiJ 'chein aggregate OU. The capital employed in mining operations was . i.OOO. Pbebident üabuisos aas issued a proclamation granting the privilege of copyright in tliis country tothe citizens of Grcat Britain, France, Belgium and öwitzerland. At Huntsville, Ala., John Baker, a colored man, simt and killed his wife and then killed himself. ÁT New "ïorl der Wisse shot and mortally wonnded .Maria Hodig1 and then committ.'d suic The New1 Kan.) national bank, which Cailed November 80, ÏS'.W, has reoponed its doors with .SlüOjOüO new capital. 0ÍEOBGE Simhons. of Calveston, has reaelied Chicaffo, winniag a wager of $1,000 on coidition that he walk the distance between the two eiües in sixty dars. lie had si ven hours to spare. Statistics of the snar industry of Cuba for the last ten years show an average production and export of 650, 000 tons, 'JJ per cent. of which came to the United States. Bkreï Tubneb, eharged with having killed six men, was arrested near Knoxvill. Tenn. The public debt statement issued on the U1 the total debt to be 81,008.0. ih ín the treasury, i?153,893,80;-:: de n the treasury, $1,549 Decrease June, 82,218.660. Decrease siaee June ;50, 1S90, 859,463,819. Tuk Minneapolis harvest machine makers claim I lat the erop is so heavy in the northwest that they cannot fill their orders. Max Gillis and Rhinehnrt Peters, of La Grosse, Wis., were thrown f rom a freig-ht car at Dubuque, Ia., by a low bridge and Catally injured. Mus. Emma Hü wifo of a prominent business man at Fort Benton, Mont.. drowned lierse.lf at Woodhaven, L. I., while. temporarily insane. Gkorge VV. Ritchik, of Philadelphia, was sentenced to three j'ears' imprisonment f or steali 'ram the Commonwealth national bank, while acting as its receivinjjf teller. A. Lociwn SNOWDBtf, "f I'ennsylrania, has been appoiuted ministor from this country to Greece, Ëoumania and 8ervia, umi Romualdo Pacheco, of California, minister to Guatemala and Honduras. Mu. John Smith and Miss. Mary Dawson, of Franklin, Ky.. were thrown from a buggy and killed. John Bardslet, thedefaultingtreasurer of Philadelphia, was sentenced to fifteen years solitary coniinement in .the penitentiary and to pay atine cqual to the amount of his embezzleiiu nt, wtaieh may reach $239,000 Sheriff Wabfield, of Arkansas City, Ark., was said to be a defaulter to the extent of $55,000. G. M. Lowry, agent of the New York Life Insurance Company at Oakland, Gal., was charged with embezzling $20,000. JoitN Byp.on, Charles Newton and Chalmer Shaffer were sealded fatally at Neweastle, Pa., by a traction engine going through a bridge. lx Madison, Audubon and Shelby counties, Ia., a wind and rainstorm destroyed many houses and totally destroyed the crops. Corn fielils were as barren as the road and hay was pounded into the numrt. Not a green blade of any sort was K-ft. In soine localities the lui il was from 8 to 10 inchcs deep. ( i '■: i iíi : i-: .1 oni:s and William Xowton, two well-known farmers of east Tennessee, fought a duel on thu state line ( ver a piece of property and both were killed. Withim the past ben days over 10,000 i and t uiber were o, ia., Liiul the iire was st At Charlotte, N. ('., Henry Brabl a negro, was b Ier of an Italian nai i a ira April 11 last. He i onfessed I he erim ■. At a cabinet meeting in tVashington ït was decidcd id the 4; per cent. bonds at 'i Rebecca and Elizabeth Miller, young daughters oí George Miller, a negro living at Kansas City, Mo., were drowned by the upsetting of a raft. Thikty freight cara were bnrned in a wreek on the Omaha line near Mendota, Minn. A TEHRiBi.E hailstorm visited Ransom and Sargent counties, X. D., completely niining thousanda of acres of growing erop-.. Crop reports from Minnesota, Dakota and Montana continue most favorable. Wheat was in fine condition and other grains were also above the average. President Pai.mkk. of the world's fair commission, ia in favor of Michigan, Wisconsin, töwa and Minnesota erecting a combination building for their exhioits at the iair. ÖECBET !;v HbSTBR'8 monthly cotton report shows tnat the movement into sight during June was 103,438 bales, exceeding all records for that month. The total amount of the cotton crop market for the ten months from September to June inclusive was 8,493,313


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Ann Arbor Courier