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Columbus At The World's Fair

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The World's Fair Directory Is recommended by its iorelgn aflalra committee to appropriate V.10,000 for the porpoee o! building at Jackson Park e tac Blmlle of the andeni convent of La Rábida, ot Palos, Spain, it Ia belelved thai thla would be the mosi appropriate structure poasible Lu iii.-h to exhibit the laxge number of relies of Columbua which is being collected. li project la carrled out, aa ii scems probable it wül be, tlüs building and its contenta wlU doubtlesa be one ol the Exhibltion attraetiona whlch no vistor will be contení i o les e Lthoul seelng. It was ut th dOOT of the convent of "La Rábida that ('oinmbus, disappolnted and down-henrtcd, asked for food mseli and Ilis chili'. It wi at he found on aaylum for a few ycars whlle he developed hls plans and prepared '.lic arguments whlch he submitted to the couneil at Salamanca. !■ was in one oí the rooms ol' lilis conven; that he nu I Domlnlcan monka in debate, and it was here also that he coníerred with A'.onzo Pinzo, who afterwards coinmanded one i the vessels ol' his flèet. In thls convent Colmnbtis lived while he was mSjking preparatlons ior lus voyage, and on the morning that he saileti trom Paloa he attended himseli the little chapel. There la uo building in tlic -vorlU so closely identified wlth his dtecovery as ihis, and fortunately lts architecture is of such a character asito perniit of its reproduction at a comjiarativcly small cost, and at the same Time iurnish a pictureeqoe view and appropriate group among the aplendld buildings that will be eii-cteü at Jackson Park. It will not only be of itself B monument to Columbus, bul it will ïurntsh cominodious and convenient show rooms for the collections and relies of Columbus that are to be rxhibited. Besides a large collection of mapa, manuscript, books and pictures are belng Becured there will be amone; them public and private collections both frora Europe and the United States. Many of the articles being of great vnlue, it is proposed to bring them all together in this building, where they will be secure from lire and all other dansers.


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Ann Arbor Courier