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Baklng röWÖBK A Pure Creara of Tartar Powder. Superior to evcry ot'ner known. Used in Millions of Homes - 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Licht Flaky Bhcuit, Griddle Cakes, Palutabk and Wholesoine. No other baking powder does such work. CARTERSl CURE Bick Headacho and relieve all tho troubles incident to a biüous statO of tho aystem, kucU aa izzinese, Nausea, DroTvsiuesa, Diatreíss after eating. Paiu iu tlio Sido, kc. Wliilo theirmosfc romarkable succcss Las been shown iu curing Headaclio, yot Cnrtcr's Líttlo Llvcr Pilla aro cqually v.iluablo in Coiintípat ion, curing and preventing thisannoyintfcomplaint.while they also correct all disordcraof tliOfitomach.stiraulatotha . liver and regulato tho bowcla. Even iL they onlj HEAO Achethoywoald be clmostprl celosa tothosewho eufferfromthisdidtrcssiügcomplaint; bfftfortnïiatoly theirgooducas dees notend here.anU thoso ■whooncetrythemwill íind tboec littlo pitia vahir&ble in Bomany waysthat íhcy v,-ill not bo wilÜng to do without íhem. í'v.t af tor allsick head Ís tho bañe of aova I t l'.ero is whero weiuaseour gixal boast. ■ iiillacuroitwliilQ othersdonot. Carter's Littlo Liver Pilla ro very small and very easy ío take. One or two pilla mako a dose. They are striolly ve;;etablo a:id do not gripe cr purge, but by thoir geutle actfon ploaseaU who use ihein. In víais at j cents ; ftvofor $1. Sold by druggiBts overywhors, or sont by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICE BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. PERFECT IN FORM -MATCHLESS IK WAR! rf$ so ttliuoui itere Uie ancien t for ulwirl meo tlial ,ƒ a punj bojBftt birth were puttodeath. ï-VJV-SJ andVIGOKOUSinalIreipect. JïïJ&ïiï Y0ÜNG MEN OR OLB, y yy 1} rnfferlng f rom RERVOÜS DE. XVyiT BILITY, Loit or Falllng ManitfyA I loli rkytlcal ExeeBel. Mental W?7 [A i l) Worry, stunted Development, op llP?- T fj "yPEKSOHAI WEAKNESS can b 1 i l r tord to PEKFÏCT HEALTH and II I Il thí ""BIS VITALITY of STK0NO (J I MEN. "" Fride and Powír of Natloni. ■vl i 1 e claim by years of practice by I 1 I our exclusive methods a uniform .J L_il "'MOH0P0LY OFBÜCOESS'in t.-eatyLL ok inpall Dlleases, Weakneiseí and - _ j - _ AmictioüiofMen. Testimoníala í- ' from 50 States and Territoriea. OIIP MTUf DnnV '(' sentfrre,, eealed, postUUK ntW DUIIK paíd, fora limitcil time Qet Itwblleyoacan. Full Ezplanatlons for HOME TREATMENT. Yon can be PÜLLY BESTORED a Hon!nJI Davebeenbyns. Readoar testimoulala Addrrisat onco ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.y! in lis Worst torn.. i Benton, Laf. Co., Wis., Deo. 'SS. Eev. J. C. Burgen vouchoB for tho foliowing: James Eoonoy, who %vaa suflormg from Yitus Dance in its worst form for about ono and a fourth years, was treatod by several physicians without effect; two boules of Pastor üoenig'B Nerve Tonic cured him. TotusAixT, Ohio, Oct. 25, 183D. I used Pastor Koïitig's Nerve Touic for a laly 26 years old ; ovury two or threa woeks she had a Berious attiick of f.ilüüg sicknesa, accompanied with headiLclio aud was drivou to nacüi68a shó was sont ouct' lo uu iusttne aslum. The ioctors could not reiieva her; I began with one bottle or your medielae: she had taken tlireequarters oi it, And aha wrote to me a few days ago : "Tho medicine helps me luuch ; I tlaiuk anothex botlle wil) cure me." KEV. AKMAND HAilELIN. rftr. valWe Book en Nervous ULL viseases sent free to any adtlress, [ 11 f and poor i)iitieuti can also obtaiu I 11 Li La tliis medicine free of charge. This remedyhas beenprepared bythe Eeverend Pastor KoeniK, of Port Wayne, Ind., eince 1876, and is uow prepared under nis direction by tlio KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. SoM by Drugsists at 1 per Bottle. 6 lor 85. LaruoSize, SI. 73. 6 Uotlles for S9. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Pears aad Gmpes a Specialty All kinds of Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers, from Elhvanger and Burry. Order early by mail. Syrups, Medicinal Winea, Rapln-rry Kyrup, Boneset, Dandelion and other Iiomestic Grape Wlnes, prepared especially fur invalids. Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs. EMIL BAUR, West Huron St., Ann Arbor. FOR MENONLY! k?]Mll"WF r L0ST or FAXLHÍG MANHOOD, rllHilr ' lnd NEEVOTJS DEBILITYÍ R[TTJTI Hl! IWeatneM of Body and Mind, Effect rllniH MlllofErrorfl or Exceases in Old or Younr Robmt, Noblf BANIIOOÜ fullj Reittorrd. flow to Kularfcr aad KlrraitkenWKAK.I'.MIKVKLOI-KIIOlUiOSJiPAKTSiirUMIlY Abiolatrlj nnhlllns 1III9K TRKATMKNT- Bpnedu In dmj, VD tetlfj from 5U Sinten and Fort ln l'onnlMei. Write tlit-m Vraerlpthr Book, rxplanatlon and proor malled (taled ) free. Aiittu ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N. Y. ■% ■ ■ - ■■ 0 "A A KESIS " pi vp instant PBlivlicf anti is uu infallible L_ Cure for Piles. Pricejl. ity ■ T" k DruiTKistsor mail. Samples I I ■free.Atldrcss"ANAKKSIS," ■ ■ ■■ UÊ Jujx 8419, Nuw York City.


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