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A Deadly Weapon. Carelesaneas in purifylng the blood leaves yon at the mercy of that inslduoug enemy, Elood Polson, which &ooner or later wiU strike its fatal blow. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrnp has no equal as a blood remedy, and should be taken by evary peraon in the spring, lis efíicaey has been en by thousands oí testimoniáis like the foltowing: lemen: I havo bcon a gTaat snfferer fui' ver ten years. My whole system became derañged from diseased blood. and I was attadked with the wotbí íui-nis oí kidney and livev troutoIc dyspepeia, neuralgia, and rtieumau-ni. My suíferings cannot be described. aallawTiese of my skin diaflRured me. and i lie neuralgia pain -vv.-is -o .severo that it contracten the museles of my face, partially elosfng my rlglhi eye, The ablest dootors save no relieí, but 1 .-iin enUrely ettreá by Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup, and wista to recomniend it to all as ;i wonderful blood medicine. Jhs. A. I). Noble, Cor. Mechante and Masón sts., Jackson. Mieli. Propared cmy by The Charles "Wright Medicine Oompany, Detroit, ilich. For sal? by all Irnglste. Takes her staiul- The apple woman. A Dish of New P's. 1' stands ior Pudding, ior Peaeh and for Pear, And liki-wisi' for Poctry and Prose; The Parrwt, tlic Plgeon that files in the air, The Pig with a ring in liis nose; Tor Paper and Pen, for Printer and Press, For Physic, and Peoplo -vlio Bell it; But when you are stok, to relieve your djstivss Take at once Pierce's Pursative Pellet. Oh, yes, indeedl These aro -the P's for you, poor, Kick mem and womeo. Nolliinji Ufce them ïor kcepiiiK the borrels and stomach regulated and ín order - tiny, snjtar-coated granules, soaroely larger than mntard weds. They ■work gently but thorou.nlily. "Spoomy"- The souvenir fad. , Pronouneed Hopeless, Yet Saved. Frorni a letter wrdtten by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Oi-oton, S. D., %ve quote: "Wae taken with a bad cold, Whlch settled on my Iungs, couph set in and finally terrainated in Consumption. Four doeows gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave inyself Tip to my Saviour, det-ermiinnl ïfl could not st-ay -vvith my friendg on eartlh, I would meet my absent ones uTT. ji,y .uusuu'iku was navusea to gat Dr. Kiiiir's New Dlscovery for ConHumption, Ooughs and Colds. I gave ït ;i trial, toak in all, elgtit lxttles; it lias ciireil me, and I tliank God I am iiow a ivell and hearty wonian " lal bottliHs free at Eberbach & Son nnd Gc.o. T. Haussler, of Manchester. Keg-ular size, 50c. and $1.00. Pain from lndlgeatJon, óyqpepala, and too hearty eattog, is relleved at once by taikmg ome of Carter'a Uttk Uver I'ills Immediately after dlmner. Don't Boa-get tins.


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