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Taxes for Corporation purposea are now üue at Saline. Teachor's Instituto eoinmenees at Dextar next Monda.v. The oM McKtnnon store at Saline Jias been repalred and flxed np. The i-licrry erop li.-is been very largo this yex, aml the priccs moderate. Remember fche teachers' Institute to lx; held at Derter Jnly -. to continue three weeks. Rev. Mr. Elenghaw has tendered hls n'Mnuuim as ji.isiur ol tn! Baptist churci) at Mancheeter. The premium list for the connty A.griciiltural and Horticultui-al Society i-; belng distrlbuted. ípellantl has aiiew musical (WKanizatiou 'knouii as ilir K. O. 'I'. M. bood, whlch iiiis o])c'ii air ooneerts. Only ome drank locked up ai Manrter on iiic ith. and he got iiis liquor at Tecumseb bel re reachlng Manchester. Afaniil.v reunión (if aliout 50 gathored at realdeace of Mre. W. E. aan, In Saline, ono day laat week, and had ajolly time. Miss Ellen Raghton, of Manchester, dautfhtor of the ehaplain of the G. A. R. poeri at that place, has gone to Seattle, Wasii., to reside permanently. Bhe is a successful teacher. Tho Oteerrer thinks tliat "the Ann Arlior boys had other businesK," ís tlM reasoe thcy did nol matorallze for t'he propowd game ou ie 4th of July. If it was only better business. Aura Whjtehead, of York, has a dog that arpeara to be worth Ite welgbi in coin. A u-amp -vVho called there recontly' land went to making hlmsell and abusive, was taken e,in of by tObte doe: in cood f&euoe. You iany know that it haa been quiet in town the ïVw da.vs wlicn we nnounce that one oí our bnataesa 'i bB fallen aaleep in the flay ■1.11(1 lijs oigar iinriicc] holes In hls paute.- Manchester Enterprise. A CheUsea doctor apologlzes, in a Jetter to the HeraM, in thfe way: "1 try to avoid having my name appear in the public papen." The Herald ought to a.ssist lijm, instead of givlng up a half column to his use to pul! another doctor who is,to talke his place ternporarily. a condnetor sayg that fcmaie trampa are om une mercase. Thiey are not as 'l.-irinig as the men in jumping on or oíf traine, Ibut they are íomul hanging all over afri-ürht car, on the trucks or clinging to the truss roda by hands and feet. ín fact }n a good many dangerous places that a male tramp would never tfhlnk of getting in.- Obeerver. A lady enquired oí us this morning wbat gang of rowditea it was that carne tnto town about one o'clock this morning, wliooping like a lot of Coianohe Intíians. "We intormed her that they -were no rowdies, but some of tlie boya of tent 300, K. O. T. M., ■wiho hnd leen up to vSalem to Tisit the Bees there and had aroyal good ■■-- Plymouth Mail. Ttoe Adrián Press advteea Saginaw to May ai home and at ti-nd to its own l".s and (J's instead of attempting to (ïeprtve othcr placea of tiheir industries, and aiso wama the maautacturtn eei .■ii)uiiiiii'iiis whjch Saglnaw Ia after, to 'beware of tempt at ion from that qnarter, as lt ii liable to prove decepUc in Is alliii-enicnts. No clOOk coulil run more roRularly ihan the tratoe on the Ypsi-Aim. ïlie people of tlie tw-in cltiea are coming n])reciate the use and oonvenience of t.hls road more and mone. We now wonder gneartly how we ever irut along without lt. - Ypsilamti Commercial. The last service ín Wie old M. B. fliurch was heW last Sunday. if il the Vpsiianii.-iü says: "lt has far a loog time aerved well iwit.h tbe Methodist congregation and the public generally. But lt haa 'i:■il■, Eund its bent tarta and wrlnkled fcu-ow teil pladnly chat lta work is di-ii.-. The congregatlon haa longfeU tlir need ol a mare commodioue and active ciiurcii eddflce. II has really ibccoinc a wcrssity." 0. .!.■ Dciiison, ayoung man fi-om Ann Arlior ivlio is WOTklng at Jlir.-im .Mai-tiii's, Bouth of town. mei with e paiiiíui accident t.iiis momlng. They were cutting rye, and be mu walking beetde the binder occasionally pulltng off a buodtte when it beeame lodged, and as he Ktumbled aagtast a Btone and teil, Iiis teft hand tras caught in the oog wbeela whtoh opérate 1 ho duopper. He ■wn taken in a carrtac and bronght to Dr. Lynch'a office wbere it was found that all the Hngers bad been badly bmiaed and the joints ui tin. gecond ;hhI third fingen re ibmkcn. He bad e bad loolkng ii-inii and it took sami time to fi. hlm up. He wiil have nomo Ktiff fingere, ULWl'Onbtedly.- Manchester Entcrprisr. Thouiïh no celebraron oí the fourth vam 'in Duiiiii-c, no lu'k oí ciiiinim.-isiii ampog who rema) I al home dantng the day. The usnal .uiKiuiit of fir' crackers were U8Bd in maldog a ootoe, alao rarlotu gpeclee of artlllery. These nat belng lcm.i eiioiiiili, tlM' iron ennnon Ix'lontrinu to J. H. Cíissad.v u as bronglht int o nse, and belobed forth lts thunderlnff near 1 lic central park." It was belng Ured b.v Jas. Van Nest and R, I!. Davla and, dt ïx'iiiK loaded extra heaviiv, biu-Ht. one kurge pleca first trocís the Kromid near wbere it -was beina iised thon boundcd into a tree on the par and trom thonce llew a dfotance oí unie 20 or 30 rod, strlkiiiR the ground two or three time in its Hlght. Thouffh anamy wore standing Dear when the imrstiiiK took place, no one was injured. A rairaculous escape.- EepoTter. WIIITMORE LAKE. T3ie preparatlom for the encampmejit nre iirogrossins, the cookiiiK and provltáon houes compU-texl, now tnt niter tent rtees up on the green %ivtog tbe place all rc.-uly the elfeet of a 1)uy camp. Miwt probable tbere wlll be alarse inuii.i(u(i. (,f vlattora arotmd tbe encampmeni a vreD as tbe two hotelg, to wttocM tJw drlUlng if tbe State inililia, -vvlikrli wUI take plaoe two liours in the íorenoon md tJWO lloara in tlic nftcmuxm eacfh !ay. Persons coming Tvitili tbelr own team, brtngtng tthelr lunch nlong, will do well by lvi inii tlic sanie ;it a teie dlstance, to -wliich tlie eat eMe grove (Wideoi'i.m'rt grove) wlll jjive tJhem a fair i hance, tlie 1 vo sleaniers cnissin rcR" ula.rl.v fpom one side to tlie otber; in this iviiy seODTlng r ■thcinselvcs au eiijuyment without incuilil)erani-e. AJo pareóos comdDg on the train -vvill enjoy a boat riile to tlu-east Blde grove, and a reet tn tbe Bhade ol the trees, wbere they wil] iiml e substanüai inu:-ii, tea, coífee, Ice cream and all suris of refreahments.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier