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Mant housea were destroyed, a m wonan and her ohild were killed and severa! other persons wounded in a cyclone near Gloster, .Miss. Tin: Empire print works in New York were destroyed by liiv, oausing a loss of .5-200,000. At Clarksvüle, Term., the Banner tobáceo warebouse, owned by Merriwether & Co., with 1,500 hogsheads of tobáceo, and Draper Bros.' Btable and twenty-two niuli'.-. were destroyed by fire. Total loss. 8186,000. Tuk cyclone which did greatdamage at Baton Rouge, La., took an air line north through the stiti, and three neprocs ;iikI severa! animáis were killed. 11 undred , oi hou es and barns were demolished and acres of cotton and corn destroyed. EOBKKT I'.kown (colored) w;is laken from jail at Blackshear, Sa., by monnted raen, tied to a tree and riddled wlth búllete for assaulting1 Mrs. ü'Berry. TWO minküs were suffocatedby a fire in the shaft of the Bomestake mine at White Oaks, N. M. The Bchooner silver Cloud capsized in Lake Michig'an ofï Port Washington, Wis., and Capt. Johnson, hiis vif e and Child were dnuvned. At Eastport, tnd., Cari M. RofE was killed by lightning. His wiie and child beside him in bed were unharmed. Tuk noted trotter, Abe Downing, witii a reeord of 3:80%, died at Waver]y, Ia. The animal was valued at $10,000. It luis been decidod to liold tho Chilian steamer Itata on three charges, viz: Violatinp neutrality laws, contempt in leaving while under arrest, and violation of navigation laws. Myriads of grasshoppers were devastating the country about Cheyenne, Wyo. A strip about 10 miles wide and 40 long was completely hidden froin view by the pests. Johx Down, of Aurora, 111., while drunk fatally wounded his wife with a hatchet and then stabbed himself to the heart. Bank Examiner Drew, of Philadelphia, on account of his connection with the Keystone bank affair was iniormed that his services were no longer required by the government. At San José, Cal., Manuel Soto killed a neighbor and was soon after shot dead by the pólice. The Bank of Commerce of Sheffield, Ala., closed its doors. A census 'bulletin shows that the membership of the Catholic church in the United States numbers 6,250,000 communicants over 15 years of age. Over 1,000 delegates írom the young people's soeieties of the Baptist churches in all the states of the unión met in Chicago and organized the Baptist Young l'eople's union. J. H. 1'niLLlPSTON and his son were killed by a passenger train while crossing the tracks of the Big Four road at New port, 111. A heavy rain and windstorm near Boonc, Ia., lodged mueh of the grain which was ready to harvest and raany. fields of Aats were completely ruined. An express package eontaining 55,000 mysteriously disappeared while en route froin New Orleans to St. Louis. The store of A. E. Burkhardt & Co., in Cincinnati, largest fur dealers in the country, was burned, causing a loss of $750,000, and the elothing firm of Geiershofer & Co. lost 3250,000 by the same tire. During the past three months, under the amended immigration law, sixty6even paupers who reached New York from foreign shores were returned to the country from whence they came. A census bulletin just issued gives the extent of navigable water of the Ohio river and its tributarios at 92S miles, excluding 500 miles from Cincinnati to the mouth of the Ohio river. ADoi.rn I'lkahants, the mail rider, and William (colored) were drowned while attempting to cross the river in a flatboat at Natchitoches, La. BoBXBT J'uankovicii, Frank Miltovich, l'ete Straugle and .'. Speech were drowned in a gale at Galveeton, Tex. Tuk wheat erop in western Washington was being gfreatly damaged by gophers aml squiiTels. HbnBI Ki-K, a saloon keeper at ÍHandusky, O., and Josepn Braunlich, of Cleveland, wei Jrowned in Lake Krie by the upsetting of a boat. Frf.ioht trailla collided at Newburg, O., and live men were lmrt, two fatally. The accident was the result of an operator's blunder. In a fit of jealousy Edward McThery, of Indianapolis, fatally shot his wife and then simt hlmself drad. Taai directora oí the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railway announce that the great light of that Corporation against the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers oost 96,000,000. E. II. DiraOAN, convicted of the murder of the entire Williamson family- three women and a man - at Eagle Pass, Tex., eighteen months ago, has been sentenced to be hanged Friday, September 4. líKiHT frosts were reported in portions of Iowa and Illinois on the morning of the 8th. A LETTKH was found among papers belonging to the late C. W. l'erry, of I jamar, 51 o., written by himself a short time before his death, acknowledging that he killed .1. 1'. Cash, near Paris, 111., twenty-four years ago. He had been tried and acquitted of the crime. The statistics of immigration for the year ended June 30, 1891, show that the total number of einigrants landed ín New York duriüg that period was 405,004. (ermany sent the largest number, 74,382. Italy was next with 70,770. Ireland came thlrd, with 35,424, and ünssia fourth, with 88,514, most of whum were lli-lnvws. Of thoae lm arrived 510 were returned. The West M ichican Pre i ■ lal in in session at Calatnazoo elected K. A. Blackman, of EHUsdale, as president. In the woods near Olmsted, til., l'at Mosa and Eddy Davls, both colored, and a white boy, ageá ÍS years, Damed llarrv Odel, were besten to death with a club by an lnaane negro named Daniel WVlsh. a pire men startea m antcneu Jiros.' Lumberyard a1 Jennings, .Mieh., destro ier, ;i planing a ae house and íour dwellings. Total losa, 8350,000. Jim Bailey, a negro who assaulted Mrs. Folsom a1 Ueebe, Ark., was taken íi'ii K ja [li ied i'.v a inob. Nhai: Edmcnton, Ky., Special l'mted States BailifE CntlifI was shot from ambush and fatally wounded by violators di' 1 he n veDUU laW. Mbs. Ha y mond and her 4-year-old son were 8truoli bya passi ■ sr train on the Ohio pl road aearOIney, li,. and in I illed. .Inii" Ooixn near Monrovia, Ind., i'iuin.1 : piece of (fold ove ou his [arm w i ': 'hia? aboui ten pounds. 'J'iik house í s. i'. Anderson, 15 miles wesi nf liftoc Tex,, was struck hv Lightning, :u)cl his vriíe and three daughters were killed. l I,1-, w. i i' Lámar, Arle , i 80 years, was restored tosight after bing blind tbirty years l looth e.i racted. Tin: tenth International convention of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor opened at Minneapolis on the 9th wlth lo.OOO delega tes in attendanee. The secretary's report showed that there were in the country 16,271 societiea wlth a total tnembersbip of 1,008,980. Among the denomiaations the Presbyterians have 4,019 Bocieties, ■ tionalists 3,745, liaptists 2,881, üethodists 3,088, Christiañs sol. Durinü the year 82,000 members of the socii ties beca ae church members. Philip Stephens, 81 years old and hard of hearing1, was run over by a train i in the Pennsylvania roád ut Fort Wayne, tnd., and rastantly killed. Jami.s Fi;.m:;.i. was killed near Wichita, Kan., by a horse siilïering frora hydrophobia. The animal Beized liim with its teeth and shook liim and trampled hiin to A FJtKiouT train was wrecked near Columbus, Ind., and thirteen box cars were smashed to pieces and several persons were injured. The Chesapeake & Ohio railroad has elosed five-year contracts for three steamer lines between Newport News, Va., and Liverpool. The board of visitors to the Annapolis naval acadeiny in its report to the secretary of the navy eomments severely on "the odious, brutalizing and unAmoriean habit of hazinff. " Mits. (iiusi.K.y, of Lancaster, Wis., confessed upon her dyinL bed that she had murdered her son's wife in 1882, whose dead body was found in a field perforated with bullets the second day af ter the murder. Thk dead bodies of J. II. Puterbaxigh, a prosperous farmer living near Ellis, Neb., and his wife and four children were found dead in their home with bullet holes in their heads. It was supposed the horrible deed was eommitted by the father, who was temporarüy insane. In the United States the business failures during theseven days endedon the lOth mimbered 247, aerainst 237 the preeeding week anc 197 iorthe correspondin weel; last year. BELLE ELeNDBBSOM, Küa Ilenderson, Jlillie Chenowyth and Kev. John Spachmann were drowned in Lake Erie near Oak I'oint, O., by the upsetting of a boat. J. B. Dn.woRTH, president of the Dilworth Cattle Comptiny of Billings, Mout., was shot and killed in a quarrel over a land claim by a young I'renchman. Tuk immense company stores cf the Cambria Iron Company at Johnstown, lJa. , at which thousands of their workmen traded, has been sold to a party of capitalists for nearly 81,000,000. The law against company stores in that state goes into effect August 1. An immense downpour of rain for three hours at Sioux City, Ia., flooded the city, causing an aggregate loss of 8100,000. Fifty families charged wtth being intruders were arrested by the Chickasaw militia and sent across the lied river into Texas. The entire wooded portion of Chippewa county, Mich., and the Canadian territory north of it were on fire on the lOth. Settlers were being burned out and everybody was fighting the llames. Tom ROCHE, a wealthy railroad contraetor, eommitted suicide at Fort Worth, Tex., by shooting himself in the mouth. E. O. POTTEB, a wealthy New York man, was found dead in the woods near Seattle, Wash. It is believed that he was murdered. I.NVKsTKiA tion has resultad in the dlscovery that the State of Xorth Carolina is entitled to $26,918 more than as originaüy allowed it on account of the direct tax act. A census bulletin gives the total population of Wi.-eonsin at 1,680,880, all increat ■ of :;T , :;n:; over the population in 18S0. Tom I'i.kminc's livery atable and twenty-live head of valuable horses were burned at Emporia, Kan. CoN.siiiKKAiii.K dt.mage to property was done at Helena. Mont., by a severe wind and electric storm. Ilouses were blown down, trees uprooted and several persons were seriously injured. Thomas GOODRICH, a farmer living near l'rinceton, Ind., died of hydrophobi. Ne was bitten by a pet dog last April. Fakmeks in southern Illinois report that chinch bugs were leaving the wheat and attackinp the corn, and unless rain comes soon the erop would be seriously damaged. Rev. VV. Matheny, of Normal, Ind., was fatally injured by being struck by a Chicago & Alton train. The Falla City bank of Louisville, Ky., has failed with Habilities of 8350,000. "Frunchy No. 1," the "Jack the Ripper" of New York, charged with the murder of i dissolute woman, was senteneed to Jite imprisonment. POSTMASTER T. IIkn'N'INOKR, Of Coffeen, 111., feil from a cherry tree and was fatally hurt. PERSONAL AND POLIT1CAL. EX-COKQBB8SMAN John H. l'ACKER dicd of heart disease at his homo in Sunbury, Pa. The Brst certifícate of admission which Vale university has ever granted to a woman has been received by Miss Irene '. Coit, of Norwieh, ('mm. xhe, ueorgia Legislatura met in buiiimcr Bession at Allanta. Thk funeral services oí the late Hannibal llaiiilin ocourred at Bangor, Me., on thu Sth. The bodj la y in state f rom II i. in. til! 2 p. ui. and was vi(;vcd by thousands oí people, Thk republicans oí Nebraska will meet in state convention at Lincoln on Thnrsda y. September '.' t. The Pennsylvania democratie state convention wil] be held in Karrisburg on dn v. September 8. .1 mi.s B. Wv.w, ex-state treasurer oí Indiana, and a prominent politician oí the i ■ al [ndianapolis after a brief illness. FOREIGN. Di'i:ir. !;in'ri practii □ the Bri warship Cordelia, in A ustralian waters, a gun exploded, killing 1 wo lieutenants and four ig I hirteen other pen ükf Dover, Eng., the steamer Kinlocli collided with andsunk theste Dvuho] and Beventeen oí the porson& nn board the latter were drowned. Pbincess l."i : i'. ol 8chleswiff-Holstein, granddaughter oí Queen Victoria, and Prince A bert, oí nhalt, wero married in Windsor castle at London. Xhe queen ;v,d Emperor SVilliam, of Gennany, wcre wil ■ t the eeremony. Wirmx two days 900 Jews left Lithuania rather than abandon faith. The pólice had ordered thetn to join tho Greek church. Mtjch anxiety haa been caused in British India by the disoovery.thai sian merchants have succeeded in getting a foothold in Afghanistan. St. Victou's convent near St. Hilare, Que., was destroyed by flre and 800 deaf mutes therein had a narrow escape frorn an atv ful death. Amkkican missionarlea were said to have been driven from l'onope, on the Caroline islands, by Spanish forces. Tuk villaje oí Eakterinoslav, Jiussia, was entirei d stroyed by a cloudburst, which swvpt away 150 houses and drowned hundreda of people. A fau.mim; and seven children were killed by lightning at Muhldorf, Bavaria. It was oftieially stated that the porte would not perinit .leus to immigrate into Jerusalem. The Parnell candidato f or parliament in Carlow, 1 rehuid, was defeated by a vote of 8,768 to 1,580. Owing to the partial failure of the monsoon 10,000.001) people were threatened with famine in Madras, India. The steamship Utopia, which sank in Gibraltar bay in March last with 600 Italian emigrant, has been raised. The death was reported of King Jaja, of Opobo, who was deposed by the British government some years ago for his opposition to the introduction of Christianity into his kingdom. A staiVk of Robert Burns was unvailed at Ayr, Scotland, under the auspiees of the f ree masons. President Díaz, of Mexico, pardoned Carlos Zaremba, the American who was sentenced to four years' imprisonment for forg-ery and for using false g-overnment seals. A iiami.kt near (írenoble, France, was destroyed by fire and tifty families were rendered homeless. LATER NEWS. At the closing"sossion of the Christian Endeavor suc.ietiesat Minneapolis Rev. P. E. Clarfi. of Boston, was reelected president, with vice presidents from nearly every state in the union. Miís. JEFFKiisoíf Davis has decided to give Richmond, Va., the care of her husband's mortal body. John McNeff, Lizzie Kaiser, Ilenry Campbell, Leslie Young, John Swanson and August Maraysta were drowned in the lake at Chicago on the 12th. During a storm eig-hteen farm house at New Lenbach, Austria, were destroyed by lightning. At Toos, Mo., Joseph Frank shot and killed Frank Bacleraan and then took his own life in the saine manner. No cause was known for the deed. A cavkhx that rivals the famous Manunoth cave of Kcntucky in extent and beauty has been discovered in southern Oregon. Thk St. Louis hotel at Duluth, Minn., was burned, causing a loss of L100,000. At Joliet, 111., Adolph Iledborg1, a Swede, shot his wife through the heart while drank and then blew out his brains. Ijs a landslide near Skeena River, Wash., nine nousea wen' destroyed and over forty persons, mostly Indians, were killed. An explosión on the boat Ethel off Coney Island, í. Y., killed eight business men who werefishing. Thk livery stable belonging to Samuel Lougher at Germantown, Pa., was destroyed by ttre, and thirty-two horses, maiiy of them valuable animáis belonging to private individuals, perished in the Barnes. Nbajs Somerset, ly.. Larkin Jones and his wife were killed by the cars while crossing' a bridge. An excursión train oollided with a freight train near Aspen, Col., and seven of the excursionista were killed and over a dozen Beriously injured. The cholera waa extendtng in southern Syria and hundredn of deatha had occurred. Thk percentageeof the baseball clubs In the National league lor the week ended on the llth were: New York, .590; Chicago, .589; Boston, .560; Cleveland, .607: Philadelpbia, .484 Brooklyn, .-lii-3; Pittsburgh, 406; ('incinnati, .402. The percentagt's of clubs in the American association were: ]5oston, .647; St Louis. ,641 üaltimore, .011: Columbus, í80 Athletic, .47-2; Cinclnnati. .44."; LooSsville, .371; Washington, 888,


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