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Proof Of The Pudding

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Severa! timos one or two of our contemporariee have bad items in to the effect that they gave more reading matter than any other paper in the county. An assertion that was ol Cötirse mere brng, and could not be borne out by the facts. Any person i-enting all the papers would know better, but many people take only one, and bo do not liave an opportunity t,o judge. The last issue oí the Argus. for Inertance, liad this item, wtiioh lias a deeidod squint at "the best paper" racket: The Argus is the only paper in the county tüi-s week which is all set at home, exciept the eleetrotyped adivertlflemientg. So that every reader simula read the inside pages. Our original resume of this week's demotin and foreign newa is a new feature, wliieli we think wortliy of notice. That the people may know somettiing of the aanount of reading matter ■;ic!i paper gives, we will take the of last week of eaoh English weekl.- as a fair guide for knowleilge about the matter. The amount of reading matter given by eac.h of the four Englisb wi'cklies last week, mcasured by the printer's standard, was as follows: Register, 07,970 enis. Argus, 75,300 " Democrat, 77,420 " Courier, 113,90 " A slight difference, it will be noted. in favor of the Courier. Of the above amount of reading matter the various papers set at home: Democrat, 29,560 enur. [luister, 41,740 " irgua, 73,450 " Omirier, 79,200 " Ano Mier difference in favor of the Courter. In fact the Courier sets at home more matter than the Argus umi givos several columns of interesting reading matter besides. another metihod. The Argus in ir.s personal column, gives 113 lines to the column, wbile the Courier glvee 100 Unes. The difference leing made by the Argus' using leads liberally. Agiain: The Argus gave 58 separate tema among its personáis, the Courter 144. The Argus gave 57 items in its local column, the Courier, 59, each making three columns, the Argus' items being separatal by two leadis and a daeh rule, the Couricr's items by two simply; in other -vvords, there wvrc 409 Unes in the Oourler'a items and -',r,í) linee In the Argus' items. Other (U'partincnis of the two papers will baar out the same ratio. Tlio Courier gave throe columns to tibe concltUïtng chapters of what ha been an exceedingly interesting suny, olso onc coluinn of excellent poetry, two s'ood pictures of eminent people wiili short sketches of the same, one beinjf that of President Balinaceda, of Chili, the other that of Lady John ManUniald. wldow of tlie late Cnnadian premier, nome of -wliieh features will b" found in the Argus. In makiiiü' tliese comparisona, it is not intendeil to üiid fault with our nelgh'bore. Not one among them but sivt's doublé the ajnount of reading matter they reoeive pay far, but they sometlmes crow too quick over tliemgelves. In tihta week's issue wiil be i'ound 121,900 eme ol readlng matter, ol wliirh 105,4 ems were sor at home. A record hard to beat, is it not? - It is understood tiiat someone is attempting to put up a Joib on this city, and gel it bondied (op $200,000, to tmlld a systcin of sewers. Ann Arbor is nuw practlcally mu of dein and ought tn remain so. lt is the ln!est cMfii poasible, and glves hor move good mid more tree advertising tliau can be i btalned In any otlier way. Ypsilani wtll thls year ]i;iy $17,100 bomta and Interest, on au aaaeement of si1,G00.000. Sopposlng Ann Arhor should ratee $20.000 on hier assessment ol $6,000,000? Wowka tlir burden be greatï li people ol Ann Arbor are as wlse In Bhe future as they uave been In bhe past, they willlkeep out ol debt. The state Gazetteer, in gpeakIng nf Ann Arbor says: "Ol late yeara un era oí proaperity lias come to the tiiy. tiltil it has muwn sica:iily in population and w'alth. Ir enjoya the lüstinction tf draving no d'l)t, and the lowcsi tazation ol any city In MichIgan." Let a fearful epidemie si't hoM f the communlty nonio time and it niay entlrely spoll our good name.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier