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Council Proceedings

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[official] COUSCIL ClIAMBER, A.nn Arbok, July 20, 1891. Regular meeting. Called to order by Pres. Cooley. Roll cali : Present - Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehburg, Kitson and Pres. Cooley." 12. Absent - Alderman Hall. 1. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved. petitiox and communications. City of Axs Arbor, Mayor's Office, July uth, 1891. To the Honorable, the Comnion Councll. (Gentlemen:- 1 herewith return to you with my disapproval so much of the proceediugs ofyour honorable body at your special session held July ISth, 1891, as relates to the following resolution aud youradoptlon thereof: "That Prof. Greene's Report on "Ann Arbor's Suggested Sewerag6 System" be made a part of the Council proeeedings and be published in f uil in the official papers: And also biils be received by the Clerk to have 3,00 ; copies printed in pamphlet forin ." My reasous therefor are as follows : First. Because the said "'report" does not appear in the record which it is my duty to examine forapproval or disapproval. Second. Because, aaide from lts own creative '"fiat" the resolutiou provides no method or ageney for "making" the said report 'a part of the Council proeeedings." Third. Because the principie is not lolen ble that the official pres shall print as official copy of the Council proeeedings, matter which the original record does uot contain. Fourth. Because compllance with the terms of the said resolution iuvolvesan expenditure of public raoney, and the resolution provides no means of ascertaining by its context how mucb matter might be printed under the title "Prof. Greene's Report on Ann Arbor's Suggested Sewerage System . " "The Arablan Nights." "The History of England," or "the Revised Statutes" might beaccommodated with that title and a largebill for pub■ ic printing be the result. The principie involved is vital, and as the Mayor's knowledge of the proeeedings of the Council is based upon its written record, as the intelligentand responsibleexercise of his functions is dependent upon that knowledge I mast lnslst upon such careful method in in framini; legislation as wil! secure the Inteirrity aml completeness of the Journal of your proeeedings subiultted lor my inspectioa. Respectfully, W1LLIAM G. DOTY, -Mayor. The veto message of the Mayor, relative to resolutions pertaining to the printing for distributien of Prof. Green's report on sewerage having been read, and thereupon Aid. Martin moved that the vote by which such resolution was passed be reconsidered, which motion prevailed. Whereupon the President Btated the question before the Council to lic "shall the resolutiou to print Prof. Greene's report pass, notwithstauding the objection of the Mayor, and such resolution wa.s not passed by Yeas and Xavs is follows : Nays - Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehburg and Kitson. l. Yeas - Aldenuen -Martin and President Cooley. -. SPBC1AL OEDBES. The time having arrived at which the matter of laying out a street from Beakes to Detroit Htreet8 was set for hearing, and svu-h special order having been announced by the President. ïlierefore the ('lerk stated that he had caused to be served notices of tliis hearing on all persons interested therein and due proof of sücl) Bervice was on tile at the City I lei k'a i ffice. After hearing T. ü. Kearney, attorney f. Mary A. Foley, and llenry W. Douglass, for the Ann Arbor Gas Co., and tlieir statements having been heard. Alderman Martin offered the following resolution : Whkkkak, Application having been made to this Common Council to lay out and establish acertaln street hereinafterdescribed and due notice of the pendency of such iraprovement having been given to all persons interested iu the landt and tenements requircd therefor, and this day having been assigned for the hearlngof all persons inlerested therein. and all persons appearing having been heard and duo consideratlon thereof having been bad and it appearlog therefrom that such proposed Btr6et is apuollc necessity , and that it is necessary to take and acquire eertui n larids therefor. Therefore be it resolved, and it is hereby ordered and determined, that a street be and the same Is hereby laid out and established four (-1) rods in width in this city of Ann Arbor, described as follows. towit: From Beakes street to Detroit street on he Unes of Summit street, projected easterly. n 2. It is hereby declared and resolved that {he cost of the laying out and of the ment of such Btreet and also of the lands req ui red therefor be and the same is hereby ordered to be asse.ssed and levied against Ihe owners of and on the lauds and tenements beuentted thereby, and that all and .singular all the lands, tenements, and taxable real estáte sitúate in and withln the followlng boundaries are deemed and hereby deelared to be benentted by the Improvement so ordered as aforesald, and the same are and are herèby constituted a special assessment district on agalnat and apon which the cost of the said Improvement soas aforesald ordered shall be levled and assessed pursuant to law, that is to say: All ol the lote, lands, tenements. and premisos fronting on Sumniit street east of Main street, aud west of Beakes street, on Depot street east of Main street, and west of Beakes street, excepliiiK rallway cumpany's land, and on Beakes street nortii of Flfth avenue, and south of sunnnit street. on the west slde of Detroit street north of North street and south of lot 15, in block 4, of Ormsby & Page's Addition to the city of Ann Arbor, also on east side of Detroit slreet north of División streel, and south of rallway compauy's lands. Alderman Fillmore moved that the 2nd part oí such resolution be stricken nut, which motion heitig pot, pasaed by yeas and naya as follows : Yeas - Aldermen Wines, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Behburg, Kitson aud Pres. Cooley. 8. Naya - Aldermen Manu, Herz, Martin and Taylor. 4. Wlereupon the resolution and order as amended prevailod by yeaa andnays, as followB : Yeas, Aldrermen Wines, Allmendinger, Fühnore, O'Hearn, FergUBOn, Rehburg, Kitson and Pres. Cooley, 8. Navs, Alderman Manu, Herz, Martin and Taylor. 4. By Alderman 0,'Hearn : E'.solued, That the president of thia ouncU appointa commlttee i three who with the tty Utorney obtain aud report to the next meeting what suma ol money wil] be necessary to obtain the title to the land requlred for the :m of Sumniit street. ('arrici!. Committee, Al. Is. Fillmore, Taylor and Manu. The following communication from the Board of Public Works waa received : 'ldilie ('omnion Couneil. The Board of Public Works, wonld respectfully recommend that the followiug sidewalks be ordered built : Estáte of Jacob Hangsterfer (stone) Waslngton street. South Blde. Gottfrled F. Sehoettle (stone) Washington street. souli; - Heurv Neuhotï (stone) Washington street, South s'ide. Heinzimum & Sou (stone) Washington street South side. Michuel Stabler (stone I Washington street, South side. John Schneider (stone i Washington street, North side. Michael Stabler (stone) Washington street. North side. Estáte of John Wiisjner, Jr., (stone) Washington street. North side. lístate of August Mogk (stone) Washington street, North side. William Herz (stone) Washington street, Nortii side. Lloyd Redman (plank) Washington street. Eugeue E. Beal (plank) Main aud Nortii streets. Mrs. H. T. Martin (plank) División street. Andrew Bell (plank) División street. Mrs. N. J. Wheeler (plank) Mili street. Miss Caroline K. Wilkinson (plank) Mili street. i.uther Boylan (plank) Mili street. Stephen Moore (plank) Broadway aud Jones Mrs'Mary Collins Whiting, Williara and Haynard .Street. Mrs. Joseph Whltlark, North State Street. 1'. Kothbacher. Spring Street. Following sidewalks be ordered repaired: William J. Mnrkley, Williara Street. W allace W. liliss. Wilkam Street. Mrs. Marcin Rockwell, William Street. Mrs. A. L. Taylor, William Street. Mrs. Esther D. liliss, William Street. MÏS8 Mary D. Beers, William Street. Johnson V. Knlght, William Street. Miss Helen M. Marshall. William Street. William McCreery, Ith Avenue. George Feiner, -Ith Avenue. Mrs. M. C. Peteraon, 4th Avenue. Estáte of Samuel 1 Foster, Liberty Street. On the south side of Liberty Street West, from 7th Street to Eber White's east line. And would further recommend and ask for the following appropriatlons : $"uo to repair No. 2 Bridge and $700 to repair No. 3 Bridge, Ka-t. By order of the Board of Public Works, W. .1. MILLEE, C'lerk. The appropriation8 asked tor were referrei to Street Committee aud sidewalks to Sidewalk Committee. Tlie following communication from the Board of Fire Conimissioners was received : To the Honorable, the Common Council : Tbe matter of Firemens' salary and the reference of the subject to this lioard by the Common Council, belng underconsiileratlon. On motion of Commlssioner Hutzel. a report tbereon was ordernd made to the Common i ouncil.and the lioard recommended tbat the salary in the lire department be fixed as follows : Firemen for the first year ol each man, service at tlie sum of HU per montb. For the second year at the sum of S15 per month. For the third year and thereafter at tbe sum of $50 per month. Minute men at the sum of $8.00 per month. Respectlng the salary of the Chief of the Fire Department, the commissioners would repectfully recommend that it onght to be raised at least $10 per mouth. The present chief combines with his duttes that of city poor master, aud as such bas rendered efficiënt service to the city, fur which be bas never received eompnnsation. It would seemj ust and proper that lie should be paidSlO per nionlli lor this service the same tu eoine ironi tlie poor fund, making his tota! saL.ty J70 per montb. All of whieh is re spectfully submitted. liy order of tne lioard of Kire Oommls slouers. W. J. M1LLER, Clt-ik. Keceived and referred to Fire Department Committee. The following communication from the Board of Healtli wa.s received : To the Mayor and Common Council: The board of hea'.th lias Inatructed uu' to report to your honorable body that in compllance with vcsolutiou of the council, adopted June (Hh. direct - iiiii board oí hea'.th to supervise the c'eaning oí thr water-worke reservoir and iiiaius. tli,' menibers of tlie board visiteil the reservoir, pumplng wo:ks, receiving baslna and weUs, on the 1 tli jnst.. and made acareful examination of the enttre plant. Thcy foun i the main reservoir nearly empty, the svater vvithin :ess than i.i i ■■ feel in the bottom in center iiiul stil l"s ai edges. Tiie niáen oí tuis reservóte are 1 s ■ , paved with etone, on which á smali umetmt (if seiüinriit - chief.y iusohilili' iu wate - luis depositad. Near the top oí the slope a Üt tic rass was growlng iu tile erevices betwreti the stones. which Tin' saperintenileut stated v;:ul;l lx' pulled oui , as is done every sunamer as becomee necegeary. The water looked clear, considering tlie teiidency tu become roKed by worE In emptying the reservo;: and cli anínc the recelvlng Uasiüs. The reservoir is protected by a tlgh fence ol pointed i]Hckeís 2U ft. or uicxrí Irom the ater. Tlie ooJy gat iu llie lenee is ke)t iiieked. and in tile opinión oí the board there is small probabiliay of the water being made impure by the approach or atcess of persons nol having business there. Tbe lower receiving basin had already ibeen eleanrd by removlng aome depoeii oí earthy sedlmeni and grasa ftom it.s wallg and bottom, and work men were removlng the same kind of matter froni the upper basin. The v,-i!ls or sliipes on tWO siiles of l'nis Ijasin are not pnveil, and belng in soniewha1 eoti and peatj tarmation, sume of the Bofter mattere ui the eCope, and of the g ound throurh which the outlet of the sprints How, finds its wa.v into tlie basin and forme a eJlght sediment and seeds of grasses li'.mf or drift into tbe basin and reailily grow, aconèition inevitable in any open basin. We were informed that this tciass is pulled out severa] times during the year. The board recosnmended that this basin be paved on all siles and on the bottoon, and that all water leadlag f rom aprings be oarrted In pipes the euiire desoance. It should l.' remembered that, both these receiving baslns are alsO BettUng liasins, .üïviiifi bet ter ladllttee lor bae water to become clear it is pumped to the reservoir. The most interestlng sisht perhaps, is the aiiumiaut tlow ol beautllul.cflear water (rom the Beveral pipes of the deep wells bored on the rounds ol the Water Company. One 01 these we. Is alom - a six inch pipe- Is estimated to tlow 500,000 gallons In -4 iiours. These welle are about 60 to 65 teel deep. Othar wells are belnx bored and thcsre is good reason to believe, tHat i bese rri wells, wnicta now iuniish alarge portAon oi the water öupply, wil ibe adequate to supply the city iiii ü(d whOxeeome water In alminlant Quantity. The on'.y sprlngs trom wliitli water is now taken are well prouvie.l liiiin Impoi'ltles, and we t ake pCeasure In commending the water to public confldence. The cha.rter ol the company save It the right to bake water (rom the river n emergencias of other Insufficieni Buppiy tor lire purposea. And it was understood that apipe eonnected uith the river lor t'nat purpose, and manj perBOins believed that this connectlon sti'i exists. v,v deern it Important to inention that the superintendent and oflicersol the company state thai oontrary to soniewiiat eiiiiinion opinión, there is dow no connectlon between the water stipp'.y anl the river. This is cvidence oí a better supply and better water. At two BU'bsequent dates the ins] toe oí il.e board accompanied Mr. 1 1 a milt on in a o! the malus, and witnesaed the opening ol aU hydrant-s neair dead ends usuaSly opened tor the purpose of testing the conddtiion ol the pipes, anl the water. And ne n portfl that the water was ïo;ii!d f'.ear and in good condition alter runnlmg a lew minutes. Au additional pnni)) s being put in and the capacity of the pumps and engines seem ampie lor present supply. In the opinión of the board Ann Arbor may be conü'ra ! n!at ed on having a syood water BUpply. W. V. BBEAKEY, Health Ollicer. Received and roferred to the Water Committee. Tlie Clerk read four Communications Erom Kalanuizoo, Grand Rápida, Jackson, and Flint, n reference to swerage, the several Communications were reeeived and referred to Sewerage Oommittee. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the sum of not more than one hunilred dollars (Í1U0) be appropriated for the pupose of priuling 5,iK)Ü copies of Prof. Green's report on sewers iu the city of Ann Arbor. Yeas - Aid. Wines, Fillmore, Ferguson and Kitson. - 4. Nays - Aid. Manu, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Taylor, Rehburg and Pres. Cooley. REI'ORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE. To the eommon Council : In regard to the claim of Mrs. Foley against the city for damages to her property ou Detroit street. The committee has had the same under consideration and recommend that the claim be disallowed. E. G. MA XX, WM HERZ. Aid. Martin moved that the report be accepted and adopte 1. Carried. To the Ciimmon Councll : Iu accordance wllli a resolution passed at the last regular meeting, tiie Finalice comniiltee herewlth sulmiits a report of the present financia! condition and the probable expendiiures up to February lst, 1892. Deducting the warrants ordered at the last moeting trom the clerk'n report leaves the various fund.sln the followlng couditiou. ON OVERHAND. DRA FT Contingent fund S 307 6-ï Street " 8,887 S8 Fire ■' í ,871 88 Pólice ■ K4 53 Poor " 1,375 51 Water " Ulil 71 Cemetery " 1S8 53 .Soldiers' Relief ' 601 40 U. Hosp. Bond " 810 00 Dog Tax ■ " 100 00 Delinquent ' 480 88 Balance on hand 1,952 92 Cost of salaries, liglit and printing for7 months.- 9,100 00 Water tax for 6 months___ 2,593 00 From Street Fund, for 7 months, based on last year 5,282 00 From Uie Poor Fund for 7 months based on last year 692 (0 Hook and ladder truck- 1,000 Oo Total 18,669 00 Estlmated receipts - 400 00 On hand 1,952 00 2,352 00 Leave lndebtedness Feb. lst, 18(1-2 „ 818,317 00 Of course the expenses based on tiiose of last year are largely speculative, hut answer the purpose for a rough estímate. The amonnt of funds overdrawn on Feb. lst. of ihlR year wa -ïl7,5'-'5 76. The f illowing improvements have been reeominenüecl by the Board of Public Works . Twosione culvcrts, 1860 eaoh, S700 00 Onestone pulvert 45" ml tiepalrlng bridge N"o. 2 5MU 00 ilepalrlng bridge No. 8 700 00 Copingon s. U. Ave :0 00 Total 52,700 00 The favorable action of the Councll upon these would be Hable to increase the funds overdrawn slightly in excess of those of last year. Hespectfully submitted E. G. MA.NN, WM. HERZ Received and placed on file. OKDIXAXCK. The third reading by sections of an Onliuance to amend sectiou three of an "Ordinance Relative to Sidew.ilks" adopted June 5tb, 1889, and approved May 23rd 1889. Aid. Wiins moved tu amend relating to Detroit Street so that the sanie relating tu sai'l Detroit street shall read as Eollows : On the east sido o( Detroit street, between Fourth Ave. and North street, trbich motion passé. 1 by a majority of all the Alderinen. Each voting therefor by yeas and nays, as foliows: Yeas, Aids. Manu, Wines, Hens, Martin, Alhiiendiiiger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, ïaylor, Rehlmrg, Kitson and Pres. Cooley. 12. Xays. Xone. Aid. Winea moved tofurther amend the same by adding tbereto the following : And oh the Nortbeasterly side of Washtenaw Avenue, between East University Ave. and Hill st. Pending which Alderman O'Hearn moved to lay said last preposed amendment on the talile which ïiKjtion prevailed. After which the said ordinance was passed by yeas and nays as foliows : Yeas, Alls. Manu, Wiues, Herz Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehburg, Kitson and Pres. Cooley. 12. Nays - None. The Committee on Ordinance made a further report and introduced and caused to be read a final time by title : Au ordinance entitled an ordinance relative to the use of Street Raihvay Cars by the Public. Pres. Cooley from Committee on Map for Council room, of the City, reported that he had several bids and samples of maps, but before opening the same he wouldaskthat two more members be appointed, to act witb .Map committee. Alderman Wines moved that two more members of iliis Council be appointed to actjwith said committee. Carried. Committeej Pres. Cooley, Aids. Wines and Allnrendinger. Aid. Mann moved that the appropriations asked for by the Board of Public Works at the last meeting and referred liy tiiis Council to the Finance Oommittee, be huw referred to the street committee. Oarried. Aid. Mana moved that we now uljourn to meet again next Monday at 8 o'elock, P. M.. July 27th, 1SU1, "in adjoumed session. Council then ádjourned. Wm. J. Miller, City Clerk.


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