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Jaking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes - 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder does such work. (CARTERS! CURE Blck Headache and relieve all tho troubleg incident to a bilious Btate of the system, Buch aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsinees, Diatresa after eating. Paiu in the Sitie, &c. Whilo thcirmost remarkable succoss has been shown in curing SICK HeaSache, yet Carter's Littlo Liver Pilla aro equally valuable in Conatipation, curing aud proventing tbisannoyingcoLiplaiut,whilo they also correctalldisortlersofthostomach.Btiraulatethe liver and regúlate the bowelfl. Even if they only HËAD Ache tliey would be almost priceleea to those who fiufíer f rom this distrcBsing coniplaint; btflfortuEately theirgoodneeadoeanotendhere.audthoso xrho once try thena wül flnd theee littlo pills valuabloin BOinany ways that they will not bo willing to do without thcm. But aftor allsick head ACHE Is the bañe of bo many liveg that hore Ís whera we mak e 011 r great boast. Our pills cure it whilo othcra do not. Carter'g Little Liver Pilis ara very Bmall and very easy to take. üuo or two pilla mako a doso. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripO or purge, butby their gentleactiou pl&ise all who uro Ihem. In vialsat 25 cents ; fivo for $1. Sold by druggists everywhre, or pent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO„ New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL POSE. SMALLPRICE un lts Worm l'orin. 1 Bexton, Laf. Co., Wis., Doe. '88. Rev. J. C. Bergen vouches for the folio w ing: Jumes Rooney, who was Buffering froin Vitus Dance in itB worst form for abuut one and a foiirth yearB, was tr.ated by several iihysiciuns without effect; twobottleB of Pastor üoei.ig'B Nerve Tonic cured hiin. Tocj.ssai.vt, Ohio, Oct. s5, 18JJ. I used Pastor Ko.uig's Nerve Tonic for a lady 26 yearb old ; every tv. o or three weeks she had n serious attuck of fuliiiig sickness, acconiijanieu with headaciiü a:id wraa uri vento madneaa , oh waB sant ouco to an insiuie asyluni. The doe tors coulrt not relie her ; I began witb ouc bottleof inodiciüo; slie had taken tlireequartors or it, aml wrote to me a few daya ago: "The medicine helps me much ; I thiuk another botile will cure nie. " EBV. AitilAND HAilELIN. PIÏPP-A Valuable Book on Nervons u Uu b sent tree to any address, [ n '"ind poor panents can aluo obtain I II btk this mecliciiie tree of clnirue. This remedy has been prepared by the Keverend Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wayue , Ind., since 1S76. and isnowprepared uoderhis directlon by the KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold by Drussïsts at SI per Bottle. 6 for S5. t.arse Size, 1.75. G Bottles tor 9. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Pears and Grapes a Specialty All kinds of Fruit. Ornamental Tices mul Flowers, tïoni Ellwanger and liarry. Order early by mail. Syrups.Mediclnal Wlnes.Easplierry ayrup, Boneset, Dandellon and other Domestlc Grape Wines, prepared especlally f or Invalida. Pure Plymonth Koek Egge. EMIL BAUR, West Kuron St., Ann Arbor. FOR MENONLY! LVl I J 1 1 . JWflFor IOST or FAIIING MANHOOD, l'Jin'lilljIWGeneral and NERVOUS DEBILITY, PfjriJi'l tl 1 1 Weakness of Body and Kind, Effects rlHIHI IBIlofErrorsorExcesses in Old or Youn?. llciliuvl, Koblr 91AMKKIU follj Hrslorrd. How lo Knlantr and Klronstlen WEAK, l:UKVKi.OPKD OKCANSifAKTSorKOUÏ AhMiluti'lj unfulllne 1ICIJ1K 1 HK 1 TJ1K.V 1 - ll.ii.lll. In a dT, Mfn teRÜfy from 30 SIrIcs und Foreign Conntrlos. Wrlipthem ' l)etrlpllie llnok, rilnnallun aod proora ma!lrd(tralpd)rree. iddrcs.ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N, Y.


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