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Now acrosa the back-yard gatfl Sounds the old doinestlc yell, As Ophelia calis for Kate - "Can't you make your jelly jell ? Tivi) yOUBgetera have been arrested for bathing in tlie race in the ilay time. Did you sec the vit.v pleasant llttle notk-e of Capt. Manly in the la-st Argnsï Kev. W. s. Studley, of Evaoston, ■vifl preach nexl Sunöay in the Methoiliv! cinn-fh. The o'.cetrie lisht company substituted the lncandescetnt ïight for the are, in the au-dience room of the il. E. fhurch. The Postal Telegraph & Cable Co. lias estnblishrd a branch office (in Stat.' st., in the hbo' store of Bowdish & i.i'iiinioii. The Maccabeee hope to number 250 Knighte in their ranks, frcmi Arbor tent alone, to attendi the Great Camp, to bo held in .laukson, commencing Aun. llth. J. W. IVilling's, of this city, ivho is a portal clerk on the T., A. A. & X. M. R. 11. . was quite badly injured in the wreek on that poad last week, north of Owoeso. Tlii' Arjus statcs that fivr democratie candidatee for sberifi have already placed tliemselveK in the hands oí their friertils. It is the early plant that gets nippeid by the frost. Mrs. Marsar't Jones died at theresidenee of her moii on Packard st.. last Frwlay nii)rnin;, aged 86 years and 3 niontJis. Funeral servi-es were held on SattuMay ]i. in., from tlH' re.-lidenre. Mrs. .Tennie I'yne, iormvrly in A. .1. Sawyev's olfL-e entian'ed in typ.'writing, and diiring the winter, assistant enrolllng and engroesing clerk oí the geaate, at Langing, has been Installed i;s a clerk in the Auditor (eneral's oföee, in plaoe of a reputollcan lady. (neslgned). ThE buiidinK on X. l'ourtli ave.. inïiirl by tb' i'st.ue oí M. M. Green, .ui formerly OCCupied by hhn as a llvery etable, cauffht flre last Tliursday niuiit about 7 o'cloolk, from a de fective flue, and was damaged ainnn $100. Cocred by Insurance in the tm. n y of Beal .': Pon 1. r.'türy l'rank M. llowe aendfi the followinu muire: "Xhrougli the kindneae of C. V. Ii. Pond, secretary oí the Bxecutlve commlttee of fche National encampment to t' held at Detroit. Court Room, Xo. 4, City Hall, lias been engagad for Aug. 5th, 1891, as headquarters for the 20th Midi. Inft., hei-e :hey v.ül asseinlil' ai 9 a. Dl. Bharp, Bun tinue. Get to the front, boys. v,s you did in days gome by. and have the old 20th well repreeentedt." The Kchnol board deeided to build a sewer at a reeent meeting, the constructioc of whicJi wlll cost the taa payera Oí tais city at least $70(1. anti th"ii only one building will be accotomodated. IIow mucb better it woulil Iki to put that $700 where it ■woaild beoefil the entire city. Is not tho in the manger K)liey, aHjopted by tho-' -whii want toina.kea "stake," out of the city, anwlse and d&ngerOtls? Föty-four years ago last week .T. Volland landed in Baltimore from Gter many, ïiis native cooatry. It took eighi days to eome np the Chesapeake Bay, a diiiaiire oí 270 miles. He and lii brotber drove from Baltimore to Cleveland, wiili a team broaiffW froin t'he olil country, and from there they Kink a sleamrr to Detroit. Mr. Xtland relates whai is quite a singular coincidence. His brothor was a journeyman eaoemaker, and in the old counry it that time a man liad to travel a eertaln number of years before lie could 1k considered a mast er of liis tradie. Wlhile travelling in Switzerland he made the acquatntance of ('onrad Iviapf, a ]ourne,vm.'in eabinet maker, Avilo carne from the sanie place that Volland came from. Still later he mei Mr. Krapf in Xew York wthile both wero travelling, and when he oamie to Ann Arbor he met him asain, eu li time beiiije; accidental. , TttM 651b. rails oí t lic M. C. E. 15. track are being replaced by 801b. rails. It is aeolemn fací bh,1 there ia a wotoan In Arm Arbor who is nut afraid "f soalces. We are oo the lasfl hall ol summer! Just think fast it tïii's. House flii's, also. Yp.-iianti will have sewerage firgt. And all becauat - why? Will some one pleaee teil? The wood yard belonging to the late George Oollins, hae been purchaaed by Louis Rohd i. The ttghtlng of the M. E. church is vcry fine Indeed, the lncandescent ïiiilits have been p-ut in. Mts. Hangsterfer, of Broadway, feil down collar last Saturday aftemoon, BUStelnlng a braken anklp thereby. The nnion services will lic held at the 11. E. cliurch next Suniiay evenlng, Rev. Dr. Carman preaching the sermón. .Miss Harria, dauifhter of tho late Bishop Harrls, is to wed Professor (iayley, of Aun Arbor.- Detroit Tribuno. The ín re to Jackson on the occasion of the Maccabee convention on the llth oi August, -vvill be (5 cents ior the round trip. Tho memtoera of st. Andrew'a vested choir will go to North Lake about August lOth, for an oncampinont of Q weck ot two. Twenty-one müls and elevators report 18,44.", bnshels of wheat markotod during June in this COUnty and 548,886 biishvls sineo .Tuly lst. Aconceri is to bc giren at Whitmore Labe on A ui;. 4th, by tho Business Men's Quartette, the proceeds to go to tho M. E. church of that place. The M. E. church ought to be well fillcd next Sunday mornlng to listen to their old pastor, Rev. Dr. Studley, who was univorsally boloved by hls congregación. Su si e A. Halladay, nee Clark, has Bied a l)ill ior divorce from l.ouis w. Halladay, alleglng extremo cruelty and Intoxleatton. This is tho second time ;:iii-i year proceedlnge have been comnionced. Of all tho quiet Sundays Ann Arbor over siw last Sundfiy took the prize. There was scarccly a veliielc or pedestrian on the streets. And yet the varions churches had quite fair congregiatioa, in the morning. At the evening aervlce at the Presbytefian cburch last Sunday, reaoluliinis wen' paesed by the congrgation nino-tonths of thoee pres -ut riedng, conemning the propoíition to use win ■ at the (. A. I!. banquet in Detroit. F. B. Do Fotrest is in the city, taicing snme excellent views ol housea, groupe, and out-door scène, lic made a picture oí tii" Courier torce whicb certainïy la an aidlmlrable one. and denotes tiiat heisa superior artisi intlial line. Tho cmi 'i ! i in of corn in ihis eounty Is.placied at 98 per cent., oats sl', potatoos 95, i'lover SS. umoiliy SS, ajp!os 41. peachea si;, Acreage of potAtoea planted as eotnpared itli a !':,1i;r yi'.irs is per e nt.: of ClOVersown 93 per c-en;. ('ittiob Manltbafli pleaded cuilty mi steaïlng twn valuable hanglng planta lurfng the recent art loan, bofore Jus'i'-c Butt-8, Satunlay, and paid $30.45 fine. One plant belonged to Mrs. Prof. J. B. Davis and the other to Mrs. Prof. l'roseott. The team of Phil. Stima&n'a van awav (in State st . last Thursday while he was drlving them, attached to a 'iiïlit wagon 1 iai]"d with baskets. He was tlirown out and quite scriouslv lnirt. It is thouRht tliat bis spine is injureil. Later lntelllgenoe reporta him lH'tt(r. The .Tuy erop report ffives the wluat erop ■{ t.liis county for thla year as r-diiipai-eil with 1800, as follows: For L89X): Acres 57,862, bushels 999,246, average yleld per aere 17.42. For ls;ii: Acres 63,6)9, estlmated yleld ler acre ITJüi. probable nnmber of bushels 1.119,518. Th.o Oarpenter's Union ree ntly choae the fo'l ■■winir officors: Preaidient, Ralph Thatcher; rtce-preaident, s. (;. llo-.Mt-i.: recording Beretary, George v. Clark; financia] eocretary. John J. Fergueotn; treasurer, Elmer E. Spencer: coradiuctor, Joihn M. LawTence; ■vvard,i-n. A. H. Kinir: trustee, to f ï 11 vacancy. W. E. Howe. A'l of ti'ie provlslona of the new elee 'iini l'iw, togetber with a s])eeinien i ■■. i. i . s' o-w t lic torm. ■wlll'be found mi aii'Hher page of tbls iaicr. The provisión reqnirlng all vo'tlng precincta casting over 500 ballot to be dlvided into two precincta, wil! effect the is ward of tbls city. and the townahlpa Ol Sylvan, Saline, Manchester and York. The treasurer report s that the net proflta of the Art l,oan wore $2,198,49i Tho total recelpta were $2,702.66, and expenses $504.07. The rcceipt.s from 1 hc varlous departmeota were: Admlaelons $1,599.81, refreshmenta $502.84, flowcrs $101.01, for advertlaing and sale of catalogues, donated by 1 he ('iiuricr, ÍH11, miscollaneotis $.'57. :'.(). ■Il is pften sai'l that '.in man eau do two tilines at once, but Ann Arbor has a man who can, and do lioth tbings w'ii. Dr. W. II. Dorraoce can write with hls rlght and hls lefl hand liotli at the same time. in c:cii tnatanoe the Unes will run from aatíh ether, and the lcft liaii'l writlng will le like prlnter's type, wrong Bide to, but upon being turned BO tlhe light will show through the -paper, it will bc found to bc as perfeetly written on tiie rigtit hand wrltlng. In fact the Doctor appeare bo be quite as handy with one hand as with the other, iuiü tha,1 is saying a Krent deal, ior hc is vcry slullful. Ile bas been known to knock a ma.n down with the siienec of a Sullivan. lm! mlike Bullivan he would not knowingly injurc a human being or Buffer others to do the sanie.


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Ann Arbor Courier