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Na te (Stanger has returne 1 from Ohi ). Dr. Nancrede lefi for Burope Monday. Emanuel Keek had returned to 'ïiioago. J. E. Beal and uife are in St. Paul tiUis week. Jolm W. Benneti is on a business trip to Kansas. v. F. Prudden has been spendlng a few (liiys at ('hclsca. Miss Ida Illiss is visitins; her brother George in Jaekaon. W. 1.. M&rquardt wejit to Chicago Mondtiy on legal business. Prof. Beman has moved int o Jis new house on North street. Mr. and Mre. George Orentt are visiting in Detroit tbls week. Judge Aaron V. McAlvay, of Manistee, was in tilt' city Saturday. Dr. Wm. A. Campbell wili camp at North Lafce (or a lew weeks. Mr. end Mre. FredrtcQs ;. Novy have retortted from their brldal tuur. Adolph Kemper, .Ir., ol Cbotanooga, is visiting his párenle in this city. Justice Uutts 1 1 .- 1 s gome feo Jamestown, N. Y., to visit his old home. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mills are spending ia few weeks at Wequetonatng. Artliur Tagge, wlio has Ih'cii visitiug in Monroe, has returned home. Frad, W. Blnki; and wife have gone to PeboeJcey (o a two week's Btay. .Mrs. Jayeox and dnngihter Mary beft MMida,v lor tiie Malne seacoast. Mr. Leonard, of Leonard Bros., Miian, was in the city Monday on business. Mrs. Frodeiick Page and son, of Detrólt, are visiting irirnds in Ann Arbor. Miss Oarrle Danforth retorned last evening trom a weelk's Btay at Silver Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Sill, of Dexter, were vislting friencte in Aiim Arbor yesterday. Mrs. Catharine Walsh, of E. Ann st., is visiting hr daughter Mrs. Jackman, in Detroit. Mrs. Matthews returned from a visit with her dnughter, in Lansin.u, Fritey. Mrs. L. P. Hall and i'ainily lelt Saturday ior Grosse Isle to remain four weeka or so. Bert Jïrnhain, oi Hamburg, is visit(n.ic his grandíather, George Jacobus, on Ftüler et. Mrs. N. H. Drake and family, of E. Hurón kí., have gone to Whltmore for f-OUr weeks. Frod Loomis, of Grand Rápida, is visiting his grandmotiier, Mrs. Loomis, on E. Ann et. Allen 1!. Pond, of Chicago, is visitIng his paren ta mi 8. state si., for a weck or mi re. Mrs. II. II. Ourtis and daiiRliter Gra?e 0Í I. ,n ii'.i;. are visiiing Mrs. Mat thevi s. on W. 1 luruii st. Samuel Bd'wards, oí Kalainasoo, bas been visiting his brother ('liarles durinií Uie past week. Mrs. Mary Hendry and dausrhter Belle, ui i:. Aun st., havo Roae xo Charlevcix for a few weeks. Jeetde Gregg lefl last evening (or Silver LaSsie, to remain a few days recreating and ruralizlng. Mi-s Mary S lilivan. of the P. O. foree. lef. S.iturday to visit lier brother Dr. T. J. Sullivaii, in Chicago. llenry D. Merrithew, of Reed City. has been visiting lus father Wm. Merriuhew, during the week. I'roi. J. C. Kno-wlton and family beft Mr.'iulyiy tor a trip down the St. 1. ivi vn e and so on east. Mvs. Martha Culver. of Maynard st., is entertalning her soa Dr. Sidney Culver and family, of Mason. Hon. ('has. H. liicliinund has gone to tfre Saiiitariiim at Alma, accomjianied by Mrs. lliclimond. W. H. AIMsoq, secretary of the Detrcit Comeistory, was in the city Satiini ,iy on his way to camp. RotK'rt Beattie and Miss Minnie Stone of (Detroit, b-ave invn visiting at A. A. Meutb's for the ptist few days. Mi-s .lelllli.' Shadford, of the ArgUS coimting room, is spendlng lier vacatiin in Chicago, visiting her sister. Mrs. '. D. Bently, of St. Paul. who has been viriting her parents Mr. and Mrs. .Joi'.m l'erdun, lias returned home. Jamrs .T. Quarry. ot J. J. Goodr year'a drug store, has gone to Ontario to pay his annual visit to his paren Is. Mr. and Mrs I... D Hnbbard have returned f rum their bridal trip to Debroit and wlll remain in the city Beveral weeks. Dr. J. A. McPherson, ol Grand PapIde, was i:i i li city M.mday, accompanie.d liy Sheriff McQueen, looking for hi-t stolen borse. Hou. JosepSi T. Jacobs has returned from bis western trip looking as if bhe western climate and Indiana agreed htm. Mis. James 10. Callaghan, of Chlcag '. i'.iino to Ann Arbor Monday cvonlng to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Donnelly, and otJier friends in the city. Moses Seabolt entertained his son Martin, of Manlstee, for a day or two during the week past. iii is amemler of ühe Manlstee company in camp at AV hit more. Tho family of Frank Howard have returned from Detroit to their Oatharinv srt. boinc to reside permanently. Mr. Howard will continue his business In Detroit, however. Mrs. Mayor Doty l"ft for Denver. Ooio., this morning, accompanied by her son Ralph, to remain nntil about Sept. Ist. visiting ivl.itives and fiiends. Mrs. A. 1.. Noble and children exppet to go to-ilay to Whltmore Lake, lakIng rooms at Mrs. AVidenmans for tlie sumiiHi'. Prof. Albert .1. Vollend, of Raclne, Wis.. ccompaniMl by hls family is vlfllting liis inronts Mr. and Mrs. .T. Volland. The professor bas had dis salary raised to l'.lmmi per year. (Ounty Auditor ITonry 1. et erker and wlfe, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Th OS.. Roe, of Detroit, llave been guests of Wllliam "Wnlsh and wife during the ■veck. They visited Camp Custer over Sundey. Mr. and Mr. i. B. Betatley, ai Chleagio, are visitlng (riemdfe Id the city this weök. Mlss Kiimia Hayley leaves to-morrow fot M-arquette, to be absent i weöks. Mr. and .Mrs. Peter Mlller, of Ypsilanii, i-pent Siniilay wltoh City Clerk Mlller. Mrs. L. X. Goulet, of Reed City, is vlslting relatlvea and (rienda Ín Aun Arbor. Qeorge M. Kendail, law '90, lias ' jM-ii.-il an office ai No. '. La Salle st., Chicago. Mím's Addle and Bésale Stevens are vlslting relativos In Green ak for a jreék or so. Dr. Yaun-han wüi be accompanted iiy .Mrs. Vaugnan on lus European trip. They lefi Monday. Miss sus;i Whedoo has ffone to Mllwaukee, Wis., to visit her Bister Mrs. Dr. T. ('. Phllllps. Ex-Aldermtm Dleterle and íainily bave been entertalnlnx Mr. and Mrs. Stvinkohl, oí Manelu-ster. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Alley returned from I statu! Lake Monday from a two week's eneampment. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are keeping house for tlK-ir d&ughter, Mrs E. F. Mills, tluring her absence up north. Miases Kate, Alloe and Looi Douglass have gonc to Sonth Hampton, Iong Island, tor a stay of several weeks. Mrs. Benj. Day is spcnding a portdon of the summer at Oíd MíssIqb, in company wlth Mr. E. Soott and famlly. Miss Emlly Stebblns, who lias been in Toledo for a couple of weeks visiting írirnds. returned home Saturda.v cvening. Miss Lura BushSell, and niece Bcssic Pond, returned Satnrday from a three wfck's vi-it with relatlves in Noble, Branch Co. Jas. B. liaeh, who Ís a member of Co. A. came near belng overeóme wltfa a sututioke Snnday. while out with the company. Hampton Aíkinsoti, of Lansing, fornverly a resident here, is spending a few iays in the city, fhe iruost of Mosea Seabolt. Col. Dean deUvered an addrese before Cary Post G. A. II.. of Wayne, upon Uw ocCfision of tlieir Beveoth iinniversary meeting recently. Mrs. Wlll. Benham, of Hamburg, accompaaled by her dangtiters, Lulu aai'l Hazol, is vlslting lit'r parent, Mr. and Mrs. :-orge Jaoobne. Mis M .- 1 1 1 i ■ llarrimaii and her eoiisin Miss Kate llariiman. of Topeka, Kae., go to Boston, Mass.. and St. John.-jlmry, Vt., to-day for a two moiii.h's stay. Jolin R. Minor dropped into town Monday (rom lus camp, at strait's Labe, transacted gome business that need&d bis attention and ïlrw back again. 11;' is havlng a jolly time. Col. Pred E. Farnswortb, of Detroit, t'ie eapable secretary of the Mlcbigao Club, was a pleasant caller ut the Courier sanctum Saturday. He vas oh his way to fiie camp at Whltmore Iake. brotherhood of St. Andrew will meet 8onday evening, in Harris Hall, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Tlio alarm of ílre Saturday evening was caueed by the bnrnlng oí some (lei)!-js on the o!d Buchoi homestead OO Detroit St. Tho weather serviré reporta a very equable temperature aluce the adjournmen-t of the legtelatnre. It is the ealin preceeiding the storm. The Eoidters marched Into town as bravely yesterd&y as they marched (rat t.he weeflt prevlous. Not an unOaunted soul among them. They fooght the battles of the eneampment like héroes, and like héroes they retiurne.d to the bosom of thcir homes. Tlve King's Daughters, of the Baptist ehurch will give a lawn social at the home of Mrs. M. E. Cooley, 32 Packard Bt., ïicxt Thnrsday. July 28d, at .six p. m. Ice cream and cake will lie eerved from six to nlne o'clock. al Khe usual priíe. All (rienda o( the King'a Daughters are cordlally invlted. Prof. J. A. C. Hildner. wtoo lias just been nppointed an instructor in Germán 'm iiu' unlverstty, is marrled y ester day, Tuesday evenlng, at the hojne of the bride'e pareots, to Miss Barbara Goetl, dauií'hter oí Mr. and Mrs. John Goetz, Sr., of S. Main st.. rtov. ;. Hildner performlng th eereDDocy . A dlspatcb fro'in Landon, of July 21st, States that "President Angelí, of Anu Arbor, Mich., on Ix-half of the Unitod Btates dele.üat's, proposed a vore of thanks for the couneil's services and (or the hosjiitality whlch has efverywhere been displayed" to the intrrnatiimal Congregatlonal eouncil i.i sesslon there. A Vozen or more boys were arrested Monday lor breaking open, on Sunday, a (relght car, loaded with watermelons. sianliiig on the M. C. E. Ii. tracks, and appropriatlng the enntents. The boys hiad plenty of melon, bul it blds fair to prove the most expensive feasi tih'y ever had. It is astonishlng tha1 young l;iis shiiuhl become so lawless. w (go tu jjress e 1 ara t hal five oí liie ii ys who liad been placed n jii'. were found missing ai about L' o'clock i',ii p. in. Some person f rom the outelde evidently escaped the vlgllrm-e di the offlcers, unlocked tae cage door and let them out. They were confiiu'd ín the upper cellfi. At this hour they have not been (ound. At the annual meeting oí ihe Business Men's Assoclation last evening there -was a ,u-d:i1 attendance. A. L. No-ble was elected president, J. F. Scnuli vier president, i. Krank Allmendinger s 'y, s. a. Moran cor. sec'y, Pred Schmldt treas., and c Frank AHmendinger trustee. A eommlttee cooeistlng of T. J. Kéecli, 0 Eberbach, Moses Seabolt, C Mack, .1. E. l'.eii. 11. .1. Brown, anJ Dr llerdmau were appointed to conslder the questlon of establishlng a school of muslc here. B olutlons were alSO passed requestiii.- tbe eouncil to allow the people to vote on the sewerage quesflon. The last congreee, iliat the democratie party find.s so much fault wlttk, appropriated $288.3J9,T.",1 .'. tor pensiona alone, of whloh $25,321,9,07.85 was a deficiency froin the previmi democratie coofrresB. Win the next co&KreBBi which i unwholesomely democratie, ropfal any of this pension legi.-lation?


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Ann Arbor Courier