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The Northville Epworth League inacïe $407 by a fair recently. Station Agent Bennett, at Saline, rejoiees over a girl. An oil stove eompany at Chelsea is proving a proíitable business. Chelsea paid $8,275 fov teacher's salaries last year, and $1GO.22 for free txt-books. Prof. W. E. Davis, of Lansing, will preside over the Brighton schools the coming year. TlK' state teacher's institute for Oakland county will be held at Poatiac, Aug. 17th to 28th. Eugene J. Iücluardsan, of Ida, and Miss Mablc L. Morse, of Dundee, were married Jmly 15ili. At the anni'.Ml school meeting in South l.yons, Alonzo Borden and E. 1. Arm.s were ehosen directora. Prof. W. P. Lewls has reslgned the principalship of the Dundee schools, to wliich he liad been re-elected. Mrs. Aiuhlcr lias the handaomest baby in Northvüle, but not another morJM'r in the place will bellere it. The Dundee people are making greal preparations tor thelr coming first annual fair. Big inducements are offcrcd cxliiliiioi-s. The entlre expenses lor running the Chelsea schools last year were $4,418.48, receipts $5,350.81, leaving a balance on hand of $982.84. The Chelsea Standard statcs that Mr. Eld"er, of Ann Arbor, has aranged for about 25 campers at North Lake to reniain fivc or six weeks. All wheat is nathered in this county, and is in excellent condition. Not quite sueh good luck has been had witli the hay erop. Many pleces have been caught in the rains. Washtoenaw will stand alone as a senatorial district for the next ten years, and we will be fully as well representéis as when we had Monroe lo jiick from. - Saline Observer. One of our citizens, wlio is a lover of the hook and rod, and who has lived in Wie región where lirook trout are plenty, was oot walking a few days ago and in crossing a sniall broqk, thought be dlficovered some of the speckled beautles. Not a word did lie Bay to the boys. bat a day or tWO latei witJi tackle in hand he strolled auay from the busy mart alone and soon reaclied the Ijrook and after awliile hucceeded in landing a nice, slim, Bleek thub.- Enterprise. The committee on water-works had W. S. Parker, of Pontiac, here agalo looking up the Northrop spring, northwest of town, making a survey e nd get t ing the hight of the same. He (Inda the distance 4 2-5 miles and the levatiun 105 feet above the crosswalk at ttoe Berden House. The water is of excellent qtiality and there is an abundance of it. Where this spring is, was formerly a smal] lake Imt the owner drained it off in order to culitvate the land!. It is said that the water gushes (int in a stream as large as a man's body.- Plymouth Mail. Andrew Lindensclimidt, of Saline, was quite badly injured recent-ly by his running away. Real cunning boys at Saline scatter parlor matches along the sidewalks so tliat people, especially ladies, will step on t.hem. Wiöhin fooir months nine hens layed 500 eggs aid raised 35 ehicks for a Howell man. A little e#gs-traordinary is it nat. Prol. G. A. Dennison wlll be principal of the Milan schools ncxt year; Miae Gertrade Hansoo assistant and Jlisses Ella Murrey, Olive Eaton, Eïfie Halght, Anna Delaforce, primary teachers. A bicycte rider froni Eaton Rápida was brought into town Wedbeaday in in ambulance. He was ou his way to Detroit and had partaken 't o freely of cherries, green apples and otiier indigestible t.hings, and had developed i good cas. of cholrea morbus.- Chel3tandard. J. Bacon ivas re-elrcted school trustee at tite recent annual meeting in Chelsea aiter taking fonr bailóte, and I.. I). I.oomis was olected in place of H. Lighthall. In regard to foreign Ktudents wfhoee parents may be bax-payere in the district, it was resolved to hnve the amount of school tax deducted from the tuition. Mr. ïhoe. Honey, a rcrell known citizen and long time resident of this city, died last 8unday at the residence ol liis son in Monroo, after an illncss of sonu' durat.ion. His remains were bro'ught to this city, and interred in the Highland eemetery Sunda.v afternoon. Mr. Honey was 58 years of age. He leaves two childrcn- I'rof. Honey, of Monroe, and Miss Cora Honey, a teacher in our schools.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. There are no farm animáis that are generally so universally handled as colts. Many of them have a liad brinniiii; np, and early learn tricks of whlch it is very hard to break them. They are too often euffed and boffeted aboüt tMitil their tempera are spolled and tbey are afraid of their owners and bandlere. No atteinpt is made to "break" ilictn muil they have full.v established habita and dispositions of own. and then an cffort is made to do all at once wiiat should have been done gnadually through a course of yeara. If this hasibeen your method in t.h-o past, wc advisi' you to change it a better one forthwith. The followlng is said to be a nood remody frjr eabbage worms: "Two quarts of coal tar are put into an open Tessel whidi is set in the bottom of a barrel, and the barrel is Wied -with water. In 48 ho-urs the water is impregnated witli the odor of tar, althougii the tar is not dissolvcd in it. The water is then sprinkled abundantly over the ealbbage, and the odor penetratee èvery portion of the head, killing or drlving away the -worms. As the water evaporates, no satin or Odor remains on tjhe cal)lianc. The saine quantity of c-oal tar can be made to imprégnate eeveral barrels of water. I'otatoes "Wlll be ui excellent erop tliis year. The Ladie's Library, of Dexter, is a giood one, but a laok oí interest in it is safd to prevail. The Dexter Leader would be glad to see the school house flaj? üoating trom the staff occasionally. Attorney Frank E. Jones wlll represent the Saline K. O. T. M's. at their animal camp at Jacksom A.Ug lltfh. Saline folks complain that gasoline is not ahipped to that point in sufficient quantity to gupply the Jee Fea t her, of Salino, marketed CO fat hoga the other day. averaging over 20:i lb- eadh. No feather-weiRht about thcm. TlH' heavy slonii. Tncsday niornIng, diil Bome daniage nort.h and west of town, A good norse belonging m John Stowell, in Lodi, was killed by üghtning, the bolt having alightel on a liarbwire fence and followins; ii a dlstance oí about 20 roda to whci-e the liarse was feeding. The barn of Joe Feather -was aJso stnick, the heated fluid passing along i'ie voof and diown the corner post until tt reached the watering trough and pltinglng Into it knocked the bottom out. No other daniage.- Saline Obsorver. Bome nie aeks wíhy the date of the deed oí the Methodist churcli is some ye.irs la ut Hian the building. The reasan is Hiis: Dr. T. .M. Town assamed the whole responsibility of buying the lot and building the clmrch. He held ilie owiuTship, though the people tised it as if it was their own, until the society became strong enough to give liim reliable obligations lor payment, wben the transfer wasmadje and the deed given. For tien dollars the society could have repaired their old church, and wooild have done it, but Dr. Town was determined to brinff the clmrch out of "Canada," and lic Bucceeded.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier