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Council Proceeding

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"iTiri.u..] Ann Arboe, July 2th, 1891. The Conimoii Council met in :m aljourned session. President Cooley being absent the council was called to order by the city clerk, Roll called. Present, Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Alhnendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Rehburg, and Kitson. -9. Absent, Aldermen O'Hearn, Ferguson, Hall and President Cooley. - i. A quorum being present, on motion of Alderman Kitson, Alderman Martin was elected president pro tem. Alderman Martin, haring assumed the chaar, annoanced that the flrst order of business would be the report of the committee on sidewalks. There being no report, the report of the water committee was then made, as follows : Anx AHliOR. Micii., ,Iuly 2toh, 1891. To the Honorable Common Council. Your water committee respectfully make the fiollowing recommendatlon : viz. That the Ann Arbor Water Company place a lire hydrant on Chubb street, corner .Spring (third ward,) and that the water for snul hydrant be BUplilied from the main pipe on Chubb Street. Respectfully submltted FRANK O'HEARN, GKO. ALLMENDINGKR, E. 8. MANN, Committee. Aid. Fillmore moved that the report of the water cominittee be aecepteil and adopted, and that the Ann Arbor Water Compauy be instructed to place a hydrant in compliance with the recornmendation. Yeas - Aldermen Mann, Wiues, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Taylor, Fillmore, Kehburg and Kitson - 9. Nays - None. By Aid. Taylor: The license coiumittee then made the following report : To the Common Council : Your committee to hom was referred the petition of S. Rosenthaler, beg leave to report, they have examined the same and aro not in favor 6f returning to him money paid by him as license for billiard tables, as it could not be done legally. Respectfully submitted. Arthik J. Kitson. A. P. Fekgusox. Wai.ter L. Tayi.ok. Alderman Wines moved the report of the license committee be aecepted and adopted, and such report was adopted by the yeas and nays as follows : Yeas- Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz, Almendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Rehburgl - 7. Xays - Alderman Martin. - 1. REPORTS OF CITY 0PFICXB8. City clerk reported that Dr. John Kapp had (jualiüed as a member of the Board of Health on July llth, 1891, and that the mayor had approved of an ordinance, entitled an "Ordinance relative to licenses,"passed common council July 6th, 1891, and approved by the mayor, July Receivedand placed on file. MOTIOXS AND RESOLUTIOXS. By Alderman Taylor : Resolved, That the citv clerk be and is hereby authorizedto askfor bids for printing rif tv or one hundred copies of the council proceedings m such form that they niay be bound in paraphlets at the end of the year. Which resolution prevailed by yeas and nays as follows : Yeas - Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Almendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Rehburg, and Kitson. - 9, Nays - None. By Alderman Mann : Eeeolved, .That the cityclerk receive bids for the sale of the pound on 8. Fourth Avenue, That notlcee to this effect be posted aud the bids be luid before the couucil at thu noxt rotular meeting. B Carried. By Alderman Rehburg: tolved, That the pa; of the flremen be flxed asfollows: Bïrstyear men, $40 per month; aecond year men, $45 per month; tliird vear men and thereafter. $50 per month. The ehief'a saliiry BhalJ bc? $70 per month, $10of hichshall be from the Poor Fund. Whieh resolution prevailed }y veas and naya as foliowe : Yens- Alderuien Mann, Winee, Herz, Martin, Almendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Rehburgh and Kitson. - 9. Nays - None. By Alderman Allmendinger: Resolved, That the marshal do cause notice tobe elven to street rallwuvcoinpany to forthwith discontinue the standing of streetcara in tht Htreet on side track ut carbarn, and that hereafter iuterriiptions or breakine of funeral processions by street cara s stnctlv forbidden. Which resolution prevailed. By Aid. Wmes: Resolved, Tlmt the following sidewalke be and are nereby orderod graded uud coustructed within ten days from Aug. 3rd, on the east sideof Detroit street mul In front oí Iota and premises owned and occupied by the following naxned persons: Mrs. F. Neable, the north one-third of lot 4 1!. 2, N. R. 5 E. Tlic said Bldewalka on Detroit street símil be eleven feetin ividtli. and shall be constracted followe: The stone Sgglng shall be lald opon clean gand and In water [une. Baid flagglngshall Inive a smooth npper surface, and shall not be less thanthree n th and not less than two fret square, and d i on the sldea so aj to form elo Joints. In ease the owner or occupant of any lot in front of which said walk is nereby ordered luid shall neglcct to bulld said walk in accordance with thls resolutlon and the ordinances of the city, withln the time hereln shall be the dutyof the Board of Puborkí toat onte cause the same to be done In aeeordance wltfa thls resolution, and make report thereof, and oí the cost of tüeCommon Council, in aeeordance wlth the ordlnancesof the citv. Carrled. feas- Aldermen Mann, Wlnes, Herz. Martin Allmendlnger, Flllmore, Taylor, Rehburg and Kltsön- 9. Nays - None. By Aid. Wiiu-s: That the following sidewalks be and are berebyorderedgradedandconstracted witluii ten clays from Aug. 3rd,on the south side of Liberty streef west, and in frontof lots nnd premisos owned aud occupied by the followiug named persons: John Schlupe, lot 1, Thompson, Spoor & Thpii! Ution. ite heirs of Mrs. Dora Fruy, a piece of land boundednorth by v. Liberty street.east and BOUth by Thompson, Spoor Thompsoirs addition iiMl rest by Mrs. Beck's land. Jacob Beeslnger, a pleoe of land bounded north byW. Liberty Street, eastby Jacob Haes'a land. sontb by Banlster's land aud west by Viilz's land. ' John Hagan, lot of land bounded north by W Liberty strett, east by .Mr. liuck. south by II ' Banlsters land and weBt by 'ity boundary The sald sidewalks shall befive (eet In width andshall be constructed of good plne free trom sap, whicb shall be not less than two Inches In thickness, more thantwelveor lesa thanflve Inches wlde, and laid on oak sleepers not less than l -'■ i" be placed in pairs not iban four feet apart. The p] laid lengthwlse ol the Street nd shall I wlth nafls not less than twenty penny, witli at least two at each end 61 each plank and oot less thnn two at anyother bearing. They shall be ralsed trom the ourbstone Ld the proportlon of eight lnchea in 30 feet and conform to the established grado, [n case the owner or oecupant in front of whlch said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build sakl walk In accordance with the resolutlon and theordlnance of the city within the time bereln shall be the duty of the Jioard of Public Works t at once cause the sanie to he done in accordance with this resolutlon and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the tommon oounoll in accordance with the ordiuances of the city. Carried. Yeas- Akiermen Mann. Wines, Ilerz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, Tavlor, Rehburg and Kitson-9. Xavs - None. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the followlng sidowalks be and are hereby ordered graded and conBtructed within ten days from Srd, on the south and north slde's of Washington street and in front of lots and premlsea owned and occupied by the followiiiK nained persons: Estáte heus of Jacob Hanggterfer. 2'.2 feet of lot of the uorth side of s. B. 2 s. K. ;; east, on Washington Btreet. Gottfrey F. Srhuttle. parts of lots 1 and 2, I!. 2, S. K. s east, being IS feet and 10 inches front by 188 feet deep, bonnded on the north by Liberty street, south by lot 7. east by Neuhoff's land, and west by Helnzmann'a land. llenry A. Neuhoff, parts of lots land 3, B. 2, S. 11. :: rast, being 19 feet and 1U inches front on Liberty street by 188 feet deep, bounded on the uorth by Liberty street, south by lot 7, east by allej and west by Uottlrey F. Bchoettle's land. Helngmann & Son, a lo"t of land beginning on the south bouudary of Washington st reet and tüi-lUO foet easterly from the east boundary of Ashley street, thcnce south to a point on the south boundary of said lot 3M and tiö-lüO feet east from the east boundary of Ashley street, thence east on the south boundary of said lot 2 in and 9-18 feet to a poiut on the south boundary of Washington Btreet, 19 feet and s Inches easterly l'rom the place of beginning. Michael Staebler, the west half of lots 1 and -. B i, . i: :, eaat, Washington atreet. John Schneider, Sr., lot 8, B. 1, 8. E. 3 east, 32 feet and 8 lnches off of the west end of lot ü, ' B. l, 8. R. Beaat Mlchael stabler, lot of land in B. 1, S. R. 3 east. part of lot t, bounded north by lot f. easi ly John V;uriK'r"s .ir. land. south by Washington street, weet by John Schneider's Jr. land, 40 feet east and west mul 66 feet nortli and south. Estiite of John Wagner,part of lot 6, bounded north bylot 5, east by A. UOgk's land. south by Washington street, west by J. Wainer's Sr. land, belng 90% feet enstmnd' west.üti Feet north outh. Estáte of August Mogk, nart of lot G, boundvd north by lot 5, east l.y William Herz's land, south by Washington street. and west by John Wagner s Jr. land. William Herz, 29 feet off of theeast end of loto. li. 1,8. R. Seast. The said sidewalks on Washington street sliall beten feet In wldth, and shall be con Btracted as follows : Thestone Bagglng shall be laid upon clean sand and in water lime. Said nagglng shall have a smooth upper surface, and shall notbe lees than three inches in thiekness. not less than two feet square, and dres8ed even on the Bides bo as to form close and even joints. In case theowner oroccupant of any lot in front of which said walk is herebyordered laid shall neglect to bnlld said walk in accordanoe with this resolutlon and the ordlnances of the eity within the time hereiu lhnited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Common ('ouneil, in accordance with the ordinances of the city.' Carried. Yeas- Aldennen Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, ïaylor, Kehburg and Kitsou- 9. Naya - None. ByAld. Wines: Resolvrd, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and coustructed within ten days from August 8d, ISA, on the eastBldeof Kift li avenue, on the east side of Main street north, on the west side of Spring street, on the weet side of state street. on the north side of Washington street, on the west side of División street south, on William and Mayuard Btreets. and in front of lots and premises. owned and occupied by the following named persons: Fifth Af' mu Xitrtlt. F. L. Parker, lot ltl and the west half of lot 15, block 1, north range 6 east. Main Strei ! North. E. E. Beal, lot S, blqek 3. north range i east. Sprifw Stn f. Francis Rotheubaecher, lotK, block 7, Hiscock Addition, also the south half of lot 6, block 7, Hiscock Addition. StaU Street, Mrs. Joseph Whitlark. lot bounded east by State street, north by Mrs. -f orris land, west by Maynard street, south by Wramplemeir's land. Washington Street. Lloyd Rednian, lot 14, except 7 feet in wldth off the east side of the same, block 2, south rangeö east. Divition sim i. Harriet A. Martin, the east three-quarters of the north half of lot 7, block 4, south range (i east. Audrew Bell, the south half of lot 7, B 4 S R. 6 ea (,rurr of Maynard and William Strei t. Mrs. Mary Coliins Whitelng, the west half of lot 1 and 2, block 1 south. range 9 eaat. i'hesaid sldewalke shall be flve (eet in width and shall be eonstructed of good pine plank freefrom Bap.whieta Bhall be not lesa than two . in tbückness. more than twelve o than flve Inches wide, and lald on oak, eedar, plne or hemlock sleepers not less than two by four inches in size, to be placed in pairs no't inore than four [eet apart. The plankehall be ltud lengthwise of the street and shall be lald with muis not less than twenty penny, witn at least two ut each end of each plank and nut han two at any other bearlng. They Bhall be raised from the eurbstone in the proportlon of elght Inches in 20 feet and conform to the ilished grade. In en-.' the owner or occupant In front oí whlch said walk is hereby orderedlald shall neglect to build said walk In accordance with the resolution and the ordlnance of tlie city within the time hereln shal] be the duty of tlie Board of Public Works to at once cause the sume to be done In accordance wlth tliis resolution and nmke report thoreof lid of the cost of the same to the ('ommon Council. in accordance wlth the ordlnances of the city. ( 'urried. ïeas- Aldermen Maun.Wines, Hen. Martin Allniendiuger, Fillinore, Taylor, Ruhburi? and Kitson- 8. Naya - None. l'.y A 1.1. Winrs: 'wed, ïlnit the following sldewalkj be and are hereby ordered graded and oonstr within ten days from Aug. 4th on the east side oí Detroit street and Fifth avenue Estateof Luey W.S. Morgan, the E. 54 ft. long of the N. one-thlrd and 9 ft. wide of lot 2 and tlmt part ol the subdivisión of lot :i. Ji. 8 N'. R 6 E. as platted in Ubrer 28 oi page 181. The sidewalk on Flfth avenue shall be .3 ft in iviilth and luilt of plauk. Tlit' saifl sidewalks on Detroit street shall be B feet in wldth. uud shall be constructed as follows: The stone Bagglng shall be luid upon clean Band and in water linie. 8ald Bareing shall havo asmooth upper surface, and shall not be less thun three inches in thlckness, and not lest iliuu two feet square, and dressed even on the sldes 80 as to form close and lolnts. In case the owner or oceupant of any lot in front of whleh said walk is berebv ordered laid Bhall neglect tobuild said walk In dance with tiiis resolution and the ordinanoesof the city u-itliin the time herein limIted. il Bhall be the duty of the Board ol Public Works to at once cause the same tobe donu in accordance witli tliis resolntion and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Common Councll, In uccordunce with ihe ordinanees of the citv. t arried. Vi-ns - Alitcrini'ii Mann, Wines. Herz, Martin Allinendinger, Flllmore, Taylor, Kehbure and Kiisou- B. Nays. - None. By Aid. Wines: ilved, Thatthe followlngsldewalksb lereby ordered graded and consti rlthln ten daya trom Aug. Sd, on the casi sideof Detroit streel and m front of Iota and premisos owned mul occapied by the followine namcd persons : Miss M. Ulllshannan, lot 16, block 3, uorth (iast. i .. Hoafer, a part of lot 4, block 3,north range ('■ cast. The said Bldewalkí ou Detroit st. shall be6ft. in widtli nnd shall be coustructed as folio -iThe stone Bagglng shall be laid upon cleiui -and and in watcr-liinc. Bald flaKKing shall have a smooth upper surfaee, andshall oot be less than three luches in thickness, and not less than two feet square, and dressed even on the sides, soas to form close and even joints In case the owner or occupant of auy lot in front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglvct to build sail walii in accordance with this resolution and the ordlnancee of the city wlthin the time hereln llmited, it slmll be the duty of the Board of Public worka to at once cause the sanie to be done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the fiinne to the Common Council, in accordance with the dinances of the city. 'arried. - .Udennen Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin Allmendinger, Flllmore, Taylor, Rehburg and Cltson- 9 Nays - Ñone. r.v Alil. Willis : Retolvrd, 'l'h;it the followlng aldewalks be and are berebj ordered graded and constructed wiiliin ten daya trom Auy. 3d, ou the rust side of Mili strrc't. and southside of Jones street, and in (rontoflots and premisas owned and occupled by the following aamed persons : i.mii.r Boylan, lot ■". Traver'a Add. Stephen Moore, lots is, -ui and 50 Traver'a Add. Miss O. K. wükinsoii. land bounded nortb by Krey's land.east 1 Mili street, BOUth by lïeasley'a land, west by R. H. Darla A: Wrlght'a laúd. Mis. N'uiiey J. Wheeler. lot l.Traver's Add. The said sidewalks Bh all ba live [eet in width and sliall be oonatructed of good pine jtlunk, free trom su]). wllicli -huil not le Iess than hui [nenes In tbickness, more than twelveorleaa than tive inelies w ide. and laid on oak. cedar, pine or hemlock aleepera not U'ss than two bj ïonr inehes in size, to be vlaeed in ]airs nut more than four (eet apart. The plank sliall be Laid lenffthwise oi the street and ahnll be laid With liails not Iess tlian twelity penny, H ith at least two at eacb And of eacb plank' and not Iess than two al any other bearing. They sliall be raiaed from the curbatone in the proportlon of eight inehes in twenty feet and conform to the established grade. In case theowuer or occupantin front of whlchsaid walk is nerebv ordered laid shall neglect to bulld -niii walt in accordance with the resolutlon and ordinance of the city within the time herein shall be the duty Of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with thla reiolutlon and mak e report thereof and of the oost of the same to thei 'ommon ('ouucil. in accordaneo with the ordinancea of the city. C'arrled. Yeas - Udennen Mjiuii. Winea, Merz. Martin, Allmendlnger, Flllmore, Taylor, Rehburg and Kitson- 9. Nays- None. By Al.l. Wines: [Bid, that the followlng slde walka be and are hereby ordered graded and conatructed within ten days from 8d, on the east and west side of División St reet norlh and in front of lots and premUes owned and oocnpled by the follovinK nanietl per-ons ; A. A. Metith. the eaat Eractional part of lots 5 ana . hiooK i, 1 1 ( i r 1 1 1 rangeoeast. , Wllliam Hurk. Int bounded aorta by Dei rest land, east by División Btreet, southby ' North street, west' by Fohey land, ulock 3, . uonh range 6 east. William Finnegan, a pleceof lnnd bounded north by lot 12, block 21, Ormsby & Page add., west by lhi-i(ni street, easi bs Lawrenci Goorde Miller, lot lo, block 24, Ormsby & Page Add. llinry Cornwell, lots 6. 7, 8 and 9, block 24 Onnsby A: Page Add. William Deuble, lots 1,2, 3, 4 and 5, block 24, Ormsby & Page add. Estáte of David DeForest, lots bounded north by Meath's land. east by División st reet, south by Fohey & clark's land, and westby Detroit street. The sald sldewalks shall be five feet In width andshall be constrncted of good plne plank, free from sap, which shall not be less than two lnches in thlckness. more than twelveor lessthan flve lnches wide, and luid on oak, cedar, plneor hemlock sleepers not less than two by four inches in size, to be placed in pairs not more than fonr feet apart. The plank shall be lald lengthwlseoi the street and shall be lald wlth natls uot less than twenty penny, with at least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at any othei hearing. They sliall be raised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight lnches In 30 feet and conform to the established grade, in case the owner or occupant in front oí hirli sald walk ishereby ordered luid slmll neglect to build said walk in accordance with the resolution and the ordlnance of the city withln the time herein limited, it shall be'the dnty of the Board of Public Works to at once canse the same to be done in accordance with tin lution and inake report thereof and of the cost of the .same to the Comnion ('oiincil. In aecordance with the ordinances of the city. ( 'arried. Yens - Alderinen Mniin, Willes. Ilcrz. Marl in, Allmendlnger, Fillmore, Tavlor, Kehburg and Kitsou- 9. Nays- None. By Aid. Wines : Resolved. That the Common Council deern it expedlent that the followlng sidewaiks shonld be repalred or renewed and that the follou Ing sldewalks be and are hereby ordered repalred or renewed within forty-elght hours from the service of the required notice, viz: On the south side of William street in the City of Ann Arbor, and in front of lots and premis, 's nu ned and ocenpied by the iollowinj; named persniis. viz: William J. Markley, a pieceof land, block 4, sonth of raiifju f, east, beginning at the northwest corner of said l.lock. thence east 90 feet, thence south i; feet. thence west ■.'" feet thence north along the line Of Filth Avenue. to the place of beginning, being the northeast corner of the lot. W. W. liliss. plece of land in block 4, south rau.tre 6 east. beginning swfeet east from northwest corner of lot 1. running thence east long the south side of William street 33 feet, 1 1 sonth 86 feet, thence west :;:; feet, thence north UOfeet to the place of beginning, Mrs. Marela Rockwell, part of the north half of lot 1, block 4, south range ti east, beginning at apolnt 128feet east from the nortweat corner of lot 1, rminiiiK east from the northwest corner of lot 1. running east 88 feet, south 60 feet, west 66 feet, north 66 feet to the place of beginning. Mrs. A. A. Tavlor. lot 1, block 1. south range 6 east, beginning 2' feet west from the north 'nier of lot 1, thence south 66 feet. thence : henee north 66 feet. thence east 50 icei to tnc place OJ oeglnrtlng. Miss Mary D. Beers.the west half of lot 8, and the northwest quarter of lot 7, block 4, south Bast, Jolmson W. Knight, the east half of the west huii of lot 8, and 20 feet in wklthoff of the west side of the half of lot 8, block 4, south range 6 east. Beien Marshall, the enst half of Iot8, tceptlng 20 feet in wkltli olí the west end. Mrs. Ester Bliss, 25 ieet off of the east end of the aorta aalf lot 1. bloek 4, south ranee 0 east Carrled. Veas- Aldermen Mann.Wlnes, Herz, Martin' Almendinger, Taylor, Flllmore, Kehburgand Kitson.- 9. Nays - None. By Aid. Wiues : Besolved, That the OommoD Coanoll deern It expedlent that the followlng sldewallu sbou:d be repalred or renewed Hnd that the followiug Muuwulks beand ure hereby ordered repaired or renewed wlthin forty-eigbt hours from the service of the required notice viz.: ' On the East side of 4th Ave., In the City of Ann Arbor, and In front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the followlng named persons, Qamely: Wilhuin McUreery. The south half of the south-west quarter o tbe old Jall square, block 3 south, range 5 east. Qeorge Peiuer The uorth half of the south west balfol the old Juil square, block 8 suuin, range ó atut Mrs. M. C. Petersou. A piece of land In oiock ó tioutli, range B east, bouuded norm by Liberty Streel, east by Alley, soulh by W. S . Watts' lantl, west by Kourtu Ave., being 88 ft on 4th Ave , aud lüt; f'eet ou Liberty Slreet. i ':uried. Yeas- Akleimen Manu, Willes, Herz, Mar tin, Allmeudluger, Kiliniore, Taylor, Keiiburg aud Kitson- 9. Nays- None. By Aid. -Vines: Tbat the Common Counoll deem it rxpedient Ihat the followiug sidewalks shouiii be repaired or renewod aud that tiie oliowlag sidewalks be and are bereby ordered repaired or renewed witlnn ïons i , t boura ir 1 1 1 ■ servloe of the requlred nolice viz.: Ou tlie Sciutli side of Liberty BLi eet. City oí Ann Ailnir, and in front of Iota and premlsea owned and ooeupied by the followinu uamed pemon: Estáte Hel ra .i Samuel P. Koster. The nortli west quarter of lot i, block 3 soutli, rauge 4 east. Se Bald aldewalki sliall be renewed or repalred in auoordance witli the ordiuauces of th city. Carned. Yeu- Aldermeo Manu, Winus, lierz. Mariin. Allini'.i.liiigiT, 1-illnioie. Taylor, Hehbtirg and Kilsou.- y. Nays - .None. By Aid. Taylor: "', Thut the monthly report of the city Creasurer Ijc ordered prlnted wlth the ofliciul proceedlngs whlch reaolution prevalled by yeaa hkï nays as followa : ïeaa- Aldermea Manu, Wlnes, Hcrz. Martin, Allmendlnger, Fillmore, Taylor, Kchburg aud Kitson- 9. Naya - Noue. By A11. Wines : 'red, That pennis8iou is hereby piven the school board of the city of Ann Arbor to place sewers in such streets as may benecessary to connect the High School wlth the Uuiversity sewer, the wori to be doue under tlie supervisión of the Public Works which motiou prevalled. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, that the Board of Public Works is hereby Instructed bo advise iliis councll of the Dumberel stom; walks that are qow foui wiilc; whlch cao without much expen madeflve teet wlde.which motion preval Counefl then adjourned. V. J. MILL] City Clerk.


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