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Thr m. E. parsonage at tallan is belng repaired. The bounty on sparrow head'e la Stil] '! cents, boys. Some of the farmera are already threshlng thelr graln. The 'berry and cherry erop has been excellent all over the county. Sportsmen are now engaged in ahootiiiK clay pi.neons. It is a harmless sport. The Saline Observer man now collerts items with t lic aid of a new safety Columtiia. A patrón of the Farmington cheeee factory had to p.-iy $ I ." jusi beeause he was caught Bupplying the factory with skimmed milk. In the southern part of , the county the dry weather lias injnred the barley erop so tliat farmers will liave to cut it with a mower, the straw is sn short. Fred Vogel, of Preedom, received some Blik vrorms eü-fi's trom Washington last spring, and the same have hateheii mi: and w ill bood commence tu spin silk, whlcfh process hu will watclh with interest. Tliis haa been one of the best seasuiis íor hay and graln harvest in niany years. The hay croflp will be well taken cafe of and wiheat, whicli is a big erop, lias been gathered in fine conditlon.- Observer. James Blackwood cllpped 3,470 lbs. oí -ooi [rom 510 sheep this season, the largeat number oí pounds form any one farra in tlio eounty; ao says Mr. II. If any one can beat it let us hear froin tliem. - South I „yon Ticket. Tho estlmated expense of the Howell acitioola ofr the coming year is $12,ooo. They einploy 1 5 teachers. The tuition of foreic;n se'holars, tor the 8th and all hlgher grades, is Hzed at ."".( mi per term, and for all lower grades $4, Charles Shaler ent ten acres and L'S rods of wheat for Hugh Hamlin a few days ago, in Beven honre, usinir a six-íoot McCormick binder. He wants the man who can lira! that record tn step (int and make hlmsell heard. - Milan Leader. One of the peculiar breaks in the new premium list of the Ann Arbor Agricultura! and Horticultura] s ciety s the ad. of Geo. J. Nlasly, in which adVlee is given tO farmers tii improve their poultry stock li.v introducing purc-bred moles, which will bo supplied at reasonable prices. The joke is good, lmt wc plty the printer.- Saline Observer. J. W. Blakeslee's sister, Mrs. Bonney, oí Katon. X, Y., is liere on a visit. 9he is eiühty years Oíd and has lived in the samo house ever since shc was married. - Milan Leader. ('yrns Updyke, who Uves six miles Southwest of ('helsea, was recently bndly injured by an tofurlated buil he was attemptlng to drive. Hls faitlifnl dog attacked the buil and thus savoil hls master's life. The Carleton ('hrose Co. receiveil durIng the month of .Time 145.248 lbs. oí niilk. whleh amounted to $1,01 (i.73,- 70 cents per 100 lbs. They are making 15 oheese a day and have ready sale for all thoy can make.- Dundeo Reporter. A sinonth Xew Yorkcr advertiss that for the snm oí ten cents lie will aend an tnfalllble method of running a farm without belng troulilcd with potato bugs. To the farmers who mail the requisito dlme he replies: r"Plant fruit trees lnstead of potatboes." 'l'lie special school meeting called For Tnesday nlght to teke farther action on the heating system, a motion was made and carrled to reconslder i he rote t i adopi the Smead system. Alter much dlscuaslon the vote was again pui to adopi the Smead system and it was lost by an overwhelmtog majority.- Xorthville Record. The tact that men .-u-e offering to ent and bind wheat. for 75 cents per acre Is an Important factor iu estimating the cosí oí raising that staple. Posslbly the secretary of state raight profit by a few such facts. He might fiml tliat the farmers of Michigan are not loBlng very much momey after all in raisinp; wheat.-Howell Republican. I'lowor thieves are getting in their work in tMs place. This sort of lmsiaess is pretty low. Wiien a persom has taken the time and tronble to ralse ( a nice plant or a collectlon of them, Bhey do not Uke to have them (vi by a person who is either too lazy to r;is them, or too mean'to eee aome one etee enjoy themselves.- Chelsea Herald. Burglars entered the house ol Horatio Haskins, at Ypsilanti Frlday niirht, gainlng au entrance by taking a windijw out ol the rear part. They look only a few artlcles ol wearing apparel belore being scared away. State teaciher'a Inetltute for Mnnroo county -wiil be held at Dundee, be glnnlng Ang. 17, and closing Aug. LM. Bert C. Penfleld wili be tiic local eommlttee. F. Tounglove, of Ealsinville, was run over by a ioaded wagon wliile drawLng in wiicat recemtly. Although ai fh-st t.hought to he fatally Injured, lic inay recover. It is expcctcd tiiat the poultry exliibition at the Dundee fair will lic a grand affair, and excel any poultry exliibition ever had in tliis portion of mis stato. There are great quant itics of the best class of poultry here al)outa and it wlU be on esjhlbitlon. - Reporter. Some of our K. of P. boys wont to Salem last Frlday night to visit Salem lodge and report that they liad a royal good time. They worked the first and second rank and the Knlghtfl there are taking hold of the work in good shapo. Salem Knlghta v,i viit Mystic lodge noxt Tiiursday evenlog to sir tin' Becond and rhird ra.nk work exempllfled. The Salem boys aet out bhe Ice cream and other good thinge. That s righi boyg, for iï there is anybody ihat deservee t good thlngs of i liis vrorld, ü is i he Knlghts ol I'vt hias.- Plymouth Mail.


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