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A Big Motor Line Project

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The last Dexter Leader talkfi up a motor line project that, although some vh;it mamniotli in proportions. wil no doubt some day be realized. It is no ldle dri'ani: ■'One of the questtons whlch shouli engage the attentiom of the citizens of this village is: What would be ih. elfect uu Dexter of a motor lin througb our town trom Anm Arbor t or throuKh the villages of Plncknej uid Ilowcll? Ilmv would sncli ai enterprise ellect business Ínter csts? Would it have a triidcncy i:i any wny to change the exlatlng nmdltlon ol atfalra with us? Would il cause .-i dimlnutlon oí business in tiiis communlty? Xow these are mattere whlch the tendency of the times is fordng ua apon, and it is not optlonal with us whether v consider tlicin or not. for this is a f,-is! age and it is surely our duty, as good citizena, bo Judickmsly keep paoe wiiii It, and, if it is the pan of wisdom to lei Dexter li.' Bide-tracked, let us tlirow all the obetaclea in the way of building a motor line that we are capable of. "If. on the (Ulier hand. sucli a lime would bc advantageous to the needa of our communlty in a business or social way, making it a more desirable locatlon, in us glve the matter dut approval, and encouraglngly Invite i in tiiis way; or, bo be more ïnphntic, ld us hnsilc for it most earnestly. Somethlng may be learaed by actual observation In the workIngs of the Une whlcb bas been in operatloo (or some montha liet ween the. cities of Ann Arbor and ïpsüanti, and it would be a Avise act on the part of onr publlc-splrlted men to embrace every opportunit.v of gatherIng Information in regard to thls matter, so that when they are called up"ii, as they are Uable to be any day to make some decisión, our peoplc may nol act in a heaitating way, and atterward expresa regret for not belng properly informad. "The fací exista that the A. A. and Ypsi. line has been dofcng an Immense business, and tiiat it is a wotaderful acoommodation to the inhabitants of botli placee. "A dlstance of only eiRht miles liea bet ween 'Dexter and Ann Arbor, and wltn the present extravagant prices of real estáte in the Int place, would not a motor line with lts cheap fare and rapld service have e tendemcy bo make OUT healthiul and invitin.ii locatlon sought after by families who' desire educatlng their childrcn in Michigan's university? "It is well to bear in mind that retlred merchants and professional men, ex-army offlcers and wealthy nabobe taki' ui) their abode in large numbers in onr cities where great matitutlons of learnlng are located, either for the purpose ol educatlng their chlldren ot belng located where they can have Hoe Uterary privileges by way ol lectores, librarles, etc. ow it geems that a motor line would place ns so ncar I lic greatesi ea1 of learnlng in the Dnlted States that the dlstance separatlng us fi-om Ann Arbor would be HO li iudrance as a dwelling place for these ex-lmsiness and professlooal men, w ho, as oCCUpantS Of large Cities have, m any Of Ihein, been in Éh h.-ibit oí rldittg dally to Hhelr placea f business twlce eighi miles."


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Ann Arbor Courier