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A Faithful Heritage. The transmisión pl Blood Tainta entail fearful consequeoces, and those s.) aflllcted, liavc urgent need to puriíy tíie b&ood . lioi-omriii.v every spring. Negleci ol Bhis often leeda to fearful complications oí dUease. A gentleman wtuoee family were greatly afflicted WTltea us tiius: Gentlemen: My wife and babe, fourteen mootüis oíd, áad a boy ol íive have suííered for yeara from h redltary scrofula or King's evil, and would frequent l.v break out Ín a ir. s. I liave mployed the beet p'hysiciang, but foiuul nothing to relieve tliera until I tried Hibbard'a Rheumatic Syiup. Have used fonrteen bottles, and íind y astonishment they m-e entirely cured. Words cannot describe the valué oí yonr medicine as a blood puriíler. I shall recosnmend ir to al who are troubled írom írapure blood. John Mnellerwelss, Jr., Dealer in and proviaioas, Aiii'r.a, Mich. Prepared only by The Chat!, s Wright Medicine ('iniipany . Detroit, Mieh. For sale by al! druggists. By Ail Odds The musí '4.. :!Üy uscful medicine sAyer'3 Pilis. As :í remedy for Uievarious diseases of tile gtomach, liver, and líowels, these í'ñia have do equal. Their sugar-coating causes them not only to be easy aml pleasant to take, but preserves their medieinal integrity ii all cllmates and for any til of unie. The best fainily medicine, Ayer's 1'üH are, also, unsnrpassed for the use ol travelera, soldiers, s.iilors, campers, aud ploneen lu some of the ] srltloal cases, when all ot!ier remedies ' liave failed, Ayer's Pilis prore ffei Uve. " l.i i.!.: summer of 1804 I was sent to the napolis hospital, sufferiiig with chronlo Ularrliea. Wiiile there, I became so rc■ In strenyth tii it i could not speak and :ompelled to wríte everytning I wanted to say. 1 w:is then havlng some 25 or 30 i! ioIs ]:r ií.-iv. The doctora ordered a medliiie that I was satislied would be of no ■' :nefll to mt. I did not take it, but persuaded my nurse to get me some of Dr. Ay.T's Pilis. A'oout two o'clock In the afternoóB I took six of these pilla, and by midnlght began to feel better. In the morning a i carne again, and after deeiding that my symptoma were more favorable, gave me a different medicine, which I did not use, but took four more of the pills instead. The next day the doctors carne to see me, and thought I was doing nicely, (and so did 1). I then took one pill a day for a week. At the end of that time, I considered myself cured and that Ayer's Pilis liad saved my Ufe. I was then weak, but had no return of the dlsease, and gained in strength as fast as could be exj)ected."- F. C. Luce, Late Lieut. 6Cth Regt Mass. Vol. Infantry. "Ayer's l'ills are The Best I have ever used for headaehes, and they act like a charm in relieving any disagreeable scnsallim Inthestomacb after eatlng." - Mrs. M. J. Feiguson, Pullens, Va. "I was a sufferer for years from dyspepsia and liver troubles, and found no permanent relief until I commeneed taking Ayer's Pills. They have effected a complete cure." - George W. Mooney, Walla Walla, W. T. Ayer's Pills, PREPARED BT DR. J. C. AYER & GO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all DruggisH and Uealera ia llediciue. oive jsivjoyís Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasaut and refresking to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly ou the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the tem effectually, dispels colds, headacbes and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasiug to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action aud truly beneficial in its effécts, prepared only frpm the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. LOUISVIUE, Kr. NEW YORK, N.Y. KnrHïimmiïi I THE GREAT Germán Remedy.f Ba TRUTHS FOR THE SICK.p tb..-.,' ilcnthlyl il.Olill will 1)0 paiil BlllotuSpeUsdepend fora case wherebi i-JI OnSlLFIHJRBlTTEKS PUUR BlTTHHS Milllll it ylll cure yon. notasslst or cure. Iilll CT l,„v„„s.;tr..rxvtt)."eTgrf""3n IthattlredandaUgone cieansethe vitiatctini teeling; ( ! bo, usc i,i00 wl)eD you sei-l I Sülfiil'R Bitters; to impurities lnirstJ I 't " ■" "■''■ ""■ iDïthrough the skinll üpcraüvuswlioare '" t'imples, Bl..the9.j j -closcly conflned in ïnl1 JMr OI1IU E3the milis and 5oF?l'?„.BT1!'S in shops; clcrks.who do ;lncl Health will fol-SSi I lexercise, andallwho c;... ,,,.,,, iuttfrsII llareconflncdindoora, ,viii , ,Jè t iverrom 1 1 HKabew'K r,rasedi itwiUcureS "Ssicklv. l_z M lli 1L vou do not wisti Spi-PHOR IíhtersIJI to suirer f rom Rheum. wl1' hmM '"u "l1 and II atism, use a bottle of make you Btrougandl I Sülphür Bitters : healthy. it r-.-ver fails torure, s,-,,,,,,,, 1;,-,-,.t-ogl HDou't bë without a il! make yourbloodK! 1 bottle. Try it; you pure, rich and wlll not regret It. ind yoor fleeh hardG ITI Ladiea in delicate Try Sülphur Hit-I] health, who are all ntHS to-nlght, anilla rundown, shnulil use you wlll sleep welll II Sül.rill I! i'.ITTKHS. nul fi-i.-l lll'tU'l' f.irit.lll Uo you want the best Medical Work publlshed? Pend 3 2-ccnt stamps to A. P. ükdwaï & Co., Boston. Mass.. and reeeive a copy, free. BEAL & POND, INSURANCE AGENTS Courier Office, 41 and 43 North MainSt, (Successors to C. H. Milieu.) The oldest agencyln the city. Established ovur a qmirter of a (.'fiitnry ago. Representing thefollowlng first-class cbmpanies, with over 60,000,000 Capital and Assets. IIiimf. Ins. Co., of Xew York. Continental Ins. Co., of Xew York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New Y'ork. üirard Lxs. Co., of Philadelphia. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London LivEP.rooL, London and Globe. Rates Low as the Lowcst, Losses Liberally Adjusled and promptly Paid. BEAL L POND. Tö MACKINÁC Summer Tours Palace Steamírs. Low Rates. Pour Trips per Week Betw?pn DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND PetOBkey, The Soo, Marqu&tte, and Lako Huron PorCu. Evory Evening Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Sundv Trijji durlng June, July, August aud SepUnibtr Ouly. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, Kate and Excursión Tickets will be furniahed by your Ticket Ajfent, or Addresa A. A. SCHANTZ, Ass'T Q. P. A., Detroit, Mich., TUE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO. jjfllHflEfc. Smig Htl Ie forluiteshnvcliren modo at II. Ilullett fc Co., IJx' Hoï'NVrt !i! 'int, MaiuD SAW MILLS ENGINES, Improrcd Variable Friction Fecd. Send for catalogue and special prices. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., York, Pa.


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