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A SCR0F0L0D8 BOY Running Sores Covered His Body and Hcad Bones Affected. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. When sis nionths oíd, the left hand of ou llttle grandcbild began toswell, and badevei appea'rance of a large boíl, we iioulticed i bilt all to no purpose. About (ivc monthdiifu t beoame i running BOre. Soon other sore e tormed. llctiit-n iuul twc j5&S$ of tliem 011 Ciu-li hand.aiM jjLËRJgLiPl as Ms hlood Ijïfainc mor Jay""TfiiS ni i1 more impure, it too J kM time for them to bren if Y80 out. A i'iiinc on ti: B & ííw W chin, beneath the under li vi ' y whieb vas vcry oLfensiv S i- yy Hig head was one solld acal y .'t s- dtscharging a frrt-;tt dea t ƒ 'II] - vas í-Mü.liiion a K_. C twentv-two moiillis ole fv5'í when I undertook th I J T jS&iiÈ ofhini.liis m Other 'nayin 71 . 'dt dled when be was a littl more than a vear oíd, o consumption (serofula. of course). He couk i llttle. but could not get np if he fel !o n. and could not move when in bed,bavlni QO ase of liis bands. I linmcdiutcly com l wítli the ( rxicip.A REMEDIES, nsin uil treely. One sore after another bealed, i bony matter formlng in eacb one of these fit deep ones just before healin?. whlch wotilc linallv gron' loóse and were taken out: tliei they would heal rapldly. One of these ugly bone formatious I presèrved. After taking a dozen and a half hottles he wns eompletel; cured, and Isnow, at the ase of six years. i stronandhealthy child. MK8.E.8.DRIGG8. JIaï 9,1885. 612 B. Clay .St.,Bloomlngton,Ill My frnndson remniiis períectly well. No fcigns of serofula and no sores. Mus. E. S. DRIGGS, Feb.7, 1890. Bloomington, 111. CiJLtlciara, Kesolvent The new Blood Purifier, Intcrnallv (tooleanse the blood of all impurities and poisou elementsand thus remove the cause,) and CüTICL'RA.the great Skin ('ure. and Cvticura Soap, an exquisite skin beautifier, externallv to olear the skin and sealp and restore the hair. ('ure every disease of the skin and blood, from pimples to scrofulit. Sold everywhere. Priee, Outicura, 50c; Soap, 25c; Kesoi.vent, $1.00. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. t-Send for"Hov to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 50 illustrations and 100 testimoniáis. DIDV'Q skin and Scalp purified and beautiDIIDI Ú fled by Cuticura Soap. Absolntely pure. 4 RHEUMATIC PAINS. jW In one minute the Cuticura Anti !%v Pain Plaster relieves rheumatic, i sciatica, hip,kidney, ehest.and muscular pains and w'eaknesses. Price twenty-five cents. GOLD ME3AL, PAEIS, 1373. Ï. Baker & Cos Breakfast Gocoa from which the excess oí oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals re nsed in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength oí Coeoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more económica], costing leus than one cent o, cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengtheniug, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & GO., Dorchester, Mass. heaS&hes POR CÜRED Tíftip&S1 _M.?D:C!K'E CO.1 "■ ; RA' ■.: nT.' EBERBACH & SOS. ASJi BEOB. ÏRÜCK and STORAGE Xow ive are rendy with n new liriok Storelipuse for the storage ot' Household Goods, Pianos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS AXD HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Ca.ref-u.H3r ivCo-cred.. All kinds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY. 'Phone S2. Res. and Office 46 N, Fourth Ave. C A. BE 1 T OltTe INSURANCE. REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Pire and Accident Policies written in First Class Companies. Rates Low. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition for sale on easy terms. Office Hours: From S a. m. to 12 ra. and 2 to 5p in. A. W. HAMILTON. Tot twenty-five yearo tho expcrienc9 of milliona of enfferers, nld and JOZmg, and femalo, ave gratefully endorsed the ruimculuui; virtues of This Pliannacentical Psrados of the Age A vitaHzing stimulant without al eohoL A nerve sedative without narcoties. A blood purifler without poison3. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissuemaker, promoting digestión, nutrition, seeretion, excration and respiration. A lifa-giving ;onio, puro and simple, without tha disastrou9 reactions cf the deadly compound3 of rum and aloohol uauaUy sold a3 bitters. Was never kn:wn tcforc in the World. lts discovery amoi tho medicinal froits, rcote nd herbs or California WAS A MIRACM3, and their combination into a phenomenal lifeiTlag touio A TRIÜBrPH of ie CHE3IICAI, AET. The only change made in the formula durinu ivuil, uvö yesrs nae úeen 10 presunL it in twc combiuations. The old orirjinnl remain unchanged, bnt being efronger, moro laxativo and better. A new font more agieeable to tha taste and better adapted to öelicntetvomeii. nnti -hildren, but compriaing the same tonic propertiea, is now made and the sri,tire.of the tlurld is challengtd to produce theequalof this TRULY & OXLY TEMPEBENCE BITTEES KNOWN or to produce apurely vegetable bitters or medicina of any kind, whose action is at once so safe, so certaiu and comprehensivo es the CALIFOKNIA VIXEGAR EITTEEa, or any componnd whirh from its varied action upon the vital lunctions is equal to the CURE OF SO MANY DISEASES. Thoir nnme is le(on- Ehenmatism, Neuralgia, Oatarrli, Jaundice, Kidney Disnase. Scrofula. Skin liiseases aud Boils. Cousumption, Piles and all disorders arising from indigestión, impura blood, iiervous prostration, and dilupidated constitntion trom a;iy cause Eive way to it like mist before tha sun. wliile its singular power over THE DEADLY MICROBE AND OMXIPEESENT BACJEÏUA lndicates its sr.periority in all diseases of malarial origin, and rendurs it the EEST VER1IIFUGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STYLE YINEGAP. BITTERS in the house, as expressed by thousanda of testt monials. Send for beautiful book. Address, R. H. JUcDOXALD DRUG CO., New Yor Fargo's Sho6s bob for the b ramtly Ss "Box Tip" School Shoes ll% for Boys and Girls. f! &sfe Heeled or Wedge Heel. W ♦SviisN Sizea- 8tolOVi 1.35 Í ''VJFtÍdFI Htol3K 1.50 fHT1 farco's lÜV $2.50 Calf Shoa fi43Ïy&v or Gentlemen. [bift ra- v - üneqnaltd by any shoi si? eñir7 Vin Anitrka ai tho ramo fymjnXJSyyice. In Concre, Iïut■■'Mi "Sásaí ton and Lace, lleu'sainl Boy'ssizes. Y4 ($2.50 LAOIES' BOOT ƒ OSíU x Don9ola or Button, J iSSs V Opera, or Common Ssnse. EÓRfli Tackles and Flexible. tCürL4híi&ffi& ''nrranted the 0KM Nw2SsBfeFií!íííl d -" OOR NAME IS ON THEBOTTOM OF EVERY SHQE. k.??ii.Ur deaIfrfo' Fareo's Shoe. If ho does not C. H. FAEGO & CO., Chicago, Ili. DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS. ANK ARBOR. "M. & H. WITING TABLETS. The Handsomest, Most Económica], and BEST inethod of putting up Writing Papen for home and office use. Get them from your Stationer, or send direct to the Manufacturera, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 536 & 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. N. 1!.- A Hnndsome Tablet suitable for Polite Correspondence mailed for Tuxnty-Fire Cents. Haf 8 later Back ! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot j water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER. BACK. It overcomes all the present troublesr of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great rnany instances becoming dangerous. The outlay of dollars is rednced to dimes. No household using a range : can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water. Bark Mason & Davis Co's. ranges forsale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine thiK useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Plii-mbern and SteamfitUrs. ANN AKBOK, - - MICET V J ! I II ""ch "y f'"'y"MfM persen of.ilhi _ I I II"1' wh0 cn red aild "rite, and who, tUl 1 f ■ lafter iiiBtruction.wUl work induitriouriy. yWWW Vhowto earn Thrfe Thouaand Hollar, i ' ïearmtheirown 'oeatitiei.wherevertheylive.I wilIalBofurniih the situatioQorein]i]uvment,athich youcan oam tliitamount oloney for meunless successfulas above. Kasilyaati quicklv leamed. I deiiro but 011e worker from each district orcoantT I hac alreadjr nught and provided with employmcnt . number, who tre making over Í3000 a yrareach. ll'tA'EW "d '■"■ F"" [articular, Fit feE. Addr.-.. at on" , JE. C. AJLLEX. llox 42, AuK"tu, Mainel' Soo3s:'s Cotton. tRootr I COMPOUNÜ R sÖRf ConïDosed of Cotton u Tangy ani y yl Pennyroyal- a recent ciiscovery by sd (Ljold physician. s mcce&'ully uscd ., Effectual. Pricc $L by mail. Bealed. Ladies, ask your irosicist (or "Cook's ! Cotton Eoot Componnd and take :-n -abstitute, or inolose2 stamps for sesled partlonlars Ad-, dress POND L1LY COMPANY. Ka S Fishei - Blook, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit Ml -h. Wood's 'F''ii.os-ytLO&A.n.&. THE GREAT EXil.lSII UBMEDYVsei for 35 yearsi - jrfr or Youthful folly cesefuJJy. flaAj of later years. anffcd (o cure all % aÏB j ' Gin s immediatc torms of Xervoii. Xr2s3 strcmjth ■ eakness, KSkt. or. Ask drUKglsw slons, ■Wm for Wood's Phos ïSSiu'ÏLÏÏSgi ï?rt',?SietakeoSS : package, $1; slx, $5, by mail, Wrlto for pamphleu Address ThcIWood Chemical Co., 131 Woodward , ive., Detroit, Midi. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS, T A TiiTTC! TRY LEDUC'S "PE Jl-iP.UJ1iE3 RIODICAL" PILLS froiT, Paris. France. Established in Europe Lunada in 17S. For Suppressions, Irreguluri ties, and Monthly Derangemente. A reliabltmonthly medicine. Theyalways relieve. An druggist. $-2. Americau Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer. Iowa. Kobert Siephenson & Co.,' Wholesale agents, and all other druggists in. Ann Arbor. These pills are warrauted ta. bring on the " change. CET THE BEST FIRE fflSURANC! $99.000,000. Securlty held for the ]ratection of tlie polieyholdera. CHfí STIf RS4CH Representa the followlng first-class companies of which onc. the Mtna., has aloue paid ft [oases in sixty-flve years: .flLtna, of Hartford $9,192,644 t'ninküii of Philadelphla .. :;. Germanla, N. Y. ii.7ixi.7-..". Germán, American, N. Y i. London Aasurance. London . 1,116,788 Michigan F. & M„ Detroit 387,606: N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,"9i;.cTt . National. Hartford 1,774,605; Phieuix. Brooklvu 3.759,030 Losse adjasted and promptly paid . Policios Is8ued at, the lowest ratêsoi premium '. HLl I H RE I W '-■"f nd lionuralily, by !!,„„ u!f ■ I l"ltit.whereverlhyliTO.AiiB 1 ■ y ■ ■ Hl ■ onc can lio th woric. Kuiy to lenm.. Wc l'uruish everylhinp. Wc Btart ytju. No riek. Yon can devota, your spare moment, or all your time 10 the work. This i ar. fniircly new lcad.and brinps woiiderful dttccess to every w orker. Bcpiimer are eaniiny from #'Jj to f 50 per weck and upwardi, and more íiftcr a litlle experience. lït can furnitb vuu the entploymentand teach ynu KKKK. No spaceto extilain here. Full afocmation Hlr.K. 'rit l' E t CO., AlGtSXl, lil.M. J[nifCSfl9CnC' orothers.whowisn ti ixTrnin RU S E.n I laCiid UlU papot, or ebtain MünutM . on advortising space when n Chicago, wül find it en fi!e l.j' 45 to49 Randolph Si., ■ MR A VyAUir .BflHI. ÍQOOO.OOa vpnr in heinfrmiulp l-,Iohn R 3Krk üodwin,Troy.N.V.,t work for u's. Ktader BMy Eiay not make as much, but we can _H " ' Mteach yon qufckly how to earn from 95 to ■It-kV10 a daX at lhe ftrt, and more as vou cc H9H Hn Both sexei, all ap.-s. In Ony part of !■■ rBAmerica, you can at dome rvW- LVPinp II your tiaio.or parc ntomentsonlvto % All m-the work. All ia new. Great pay SlIlK'for mrT& very worker. Wc start you, fumUhinir Lr everylhinp. EA8II-Y, STEKDILY learnerl '-ÏL l'AKTini.AllS FKÈE. AddreasatoncJ'


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