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MÁ80NIC DIRECTORY. Ann Arbor Cojimandery. N'o. 13, meets first Tuesday of each month, B. F. Watts, E. C. John R, Miner, Kei-order. Washtknaw C'iiAi'TKii. No. r. R. A.M.- Meeta first Monda; eaeh month. L. C. Goodrich H. I'. : N. D. Gates, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. MISS H. E BüBIiLi MODISTE, Makes fine Costumes, Talloi Suit, also Miases and Chlldren's' Sulta. Ladies' Wraps a Specialty. ilii NORTH FIFTH STREET, ANN ARBOR 82_ Chas. "W. Vogel, Dealer in all kinds of Fresh. and Salt Meats. Poultry, Lurd, tc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 E. Ann St., Anx Akbor. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savings Banks, Opp Court House Square. VITALIZED AIR. A dministered. It is njireeable and easy to take, and no prostrating effects follow, whilo teetfi ure extracted without pain. WILL1AM HEH.I. House. Sign, Ornninontal and FRESCO PAINTER ! Papering, Glaziug, Gilding, and Calcimininfi. and work of every description done in the best style, and wiirranted to give satisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. R&OLDIEFFENBACH'S 4Lff. PROTAGON CAPSULES, iSV Sure Cure ior eak Men, ai aS__VA proveí byreportsof leadlnuphyCd A ""-JM t? sicians. State age in ordet-ing. fNKO Sm ö'l'ricc, 81. C'atitloKne Free. n Sri aS& C S O fl A sttie and speedy MxmPÊÊh IV BW IV cure for 6Uet, lfwSWBC Strlcture and all wfiHllMflftr innatural discharges. I'riceSfc. Y nREEKSPECIFICgïe„SoaH '■Üiiï'' W:ind Skin Dlseanes, Sc rothIohh Sores sitnSyphilitlc Affoc-tluus witiiootmercury. Price, $2. Order from THE PERÚ DRUG & CHEMICAL GO. S. 189 Wistonnin Street, MXLWAUKEE, WI8. ■ ■ ■ ■■ 0% "A AKESIS " tfiyei instnnt n ■■relief and is an infallible L Cure for Piles. Price 81. Ity ■ " kDruiridstsormnil. Samples ■ free.A(lilrcss"ANAKKSIS," ■ ■ ■■ ■■ 0m 241tt, Kew York City. University Building - Tenders Wanted. Proposftls will be recsived by the Bonrd of Regenta oí the Dniversity of Michigan ui to and lncludlng August Istioi the erectlonand completlOD of :m luldition to the Law building, and an addltlon to the Engineering building, both on the Dnlverslty grounde ut Aun Plans and apeclflcatiou can be seen at the office of the Secretary of the ("nivorsit y, or at the ollice of the Architect, E. W. Ariiold, 57 BnhlBlock, Detroit. Proposals must be sealed nnd indorsed "Proposala f(ir Univerglty Buildings," and adaressed to James H. Wade, Seoretary of the Board of Refrcnts. Ann Arbor, Mlch. Separate proposals will be requlred for each buflding. andthework must be completed by the Brat uay of January 1892. b tendei must be accompnnled byan approved bond, or certlfled check of flve hunored dollars ($500) as surety that partleswill enter Into a contract should their proposals "■ accepted. Blank schedules wlll be supplled ■ Secretary on appllcatlon. The Board reserves the rlght to reject any or all bid. gne éfío-le. AUGUST23to29 TOWEL SALE. Prepare for STUDENTS Prices for ONE WEEK ONLY IABK&86HHIB Commissioner's Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couiity of ÏFashte huw. The undersigned having been nppointcd bv the Probate Courtof saidcouuty, Commissioners to receive, examine and ad'just all claims and demands. of all persons against the estáte of Francia Woodbridge, late of said countv deeeased, hereby give notiee that six mönths lrom date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to presett claims agalnst the estáte of said deceased, and that (hey will meet at the First National Bank, in the city of Aun Arbor. in suid conutv, on Tnesday the Wth day of September, and on Tuesday the Mth day ol December, next, at 10 o'clock a. m., of each of said receive, examine and adjnst said claims. Dated,.Tune29th, 1891. Chas. B.Davison, ) „ . . ÏÏM.K. Price, 5 CommiHsioncrg. ' POWDER Abeolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baklng powdQT. Hlghest of all in leavinir strength. - Latest 0. S. Qoverniik ut Food Report TO KEEP THINGS MOVING MARKED DOWN TO Rocfc Bottom Prices ! AT J. J. iilü'S PURE DRUGS AND .MEDICINES. Prescriptions a Specialty ! We dosire your patronage aml will give you satisfaction. yfyg v j u MIcured ÏSCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE Hlnstantlr relieves the roost violent atttick anr! Insurtl ■rafortable sleep. Ho WAITI1ÍÍ) for RKSCLTS. Belng Bused t)r mhalsiiou, itaaction Is lmmcdiate, direct and PCERTÁIN, and a cura ia the result ia all curable cases. BA single trial cominees tlie most ekaptictü Price GOc. ■&nd$l, of DrnffgistB or bj mail. Samplen FREK for [atamp. 1)R. R. 8CHIFF3gANN, St.Paul, Minn. XoTrcE to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Notice ia hereby Klven, tlmt by ui order of the Probate Court for the C'ounty of Washtenaw, madeoD the twentiethdayof June A. D. 1801, six niouths f rom that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against tlie estáte of Sfary A nu Pebbles. (Peebles), late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are requlred to present their claims to eaid Probate Court, at the Probate Oitice in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and nllowance, 011 or before the twonty-ürst day of December aext, and that BttCh claims will be heard betore said cuurt.on Mouday, the twenty-first day of September and on Monday the twenty flrst day of December ten o'clock in the foreñoon of each oí said days. Dftted, Aun Arbor. June 20th, A. D, 1801. J. WILLAHD'BA.BBITT, Juclffe of Probate


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Ann Arbor Courier