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nrPRICrs A Pr:re Cream oí T. 'ler. Supei ii r to every i ,wn. Used MillioE 40 ... n ;trd. Del!c: -,:. Cake 'uk .: Griddie c . and VM.. ; , No o ... ,'urk. carter! CURE Bick Headnche and reliovo all tho trotibleg Incident to a bilious state of tho systoM, t-uch as Dizziness, Nausea, Dro-.vsiiiess, Dlstreas after eatiny. Pain In the Side, &o. Whilo thcirmoat remarkablo Buccess has boen sbowu in curiug IviV Headache, yet Carter's Little ÏAver Pilla ara cqually valuadlo in Constipation, cnringcud proventing thiaauuoyiiiKCoraplamt, whilo they also correct all disorders of tho stoinach.stimulato tho liver and regúlate the büwels. Even if they onl7 HEAD Achethcy wouldboclmo9tpriceleP3tothoaewho suffer f rom thisdiHtrofisiugconiplaint; brftfortuHately their goodnees does notend hero.aud thoso "Whooncetry thcni will find these little pills valuable in somany wayathat they wfll not bo willing to do without them. But after allsick head ACHË Je the bane of so niíiny lives thst here ís Tvhoro we make onr preat boast. Our pills cure it whilo others do not, Csrtor'a Litíle Liver Pilla aro v?ry Rmall and very easy to taLo. One or two pilla makea doso. They arestrictly vcgctabloond do not gripe or parpo, butby Uiclr sentle oction ploaseall who use them. iii vialsat 25 ceuts ; flvo for $1. Ëold by drugyiata overywfc"-'1, or f. utby mail. CARTER MEDÏCME CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL D3SE. SMALL PRICE Had the Desïrod Eflfectl It CaukoIíLTon, Groen County, 111., Nov. '83. I highly roe rumeud Pastor Koenlg'a Nerve Tonio to anybody that has suffered froiu headache as my Bon dld va ye&rd, bi'uaustj two bottJes of the medicine eured hiui M. MoTIÜUE. Avilh, Ind., July lts, 189U. About tour yearfi a'o 1 was taken with a congestive chili that left me su nervous that I was not able to do a day'ö work. I took Pastor Koenlg'a Nerve Tonic, and I at ouue bgan to get better and tuu now doiníí nay work again. Many thanks lor tho good it hus dono me. MliiS. LIZZIE LEY. Cleveland, O., 113 Laurel Kt., June 11, 1890. The use oí l'astor Koeaig'a Nerve Tonic has enabled nie to remiíae work, and I am recommending sanie to all I see in need of it, and I findinauy, honing in part, to show my gratituda by rucommending tho Toaic. A. AÜKINS. rrtn"A Valuable I?ook en Nervons LUk L Uiseases seut f'ree to any address, f im an poor pattents can alo obtain I llbL this medicine tree of charco. This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend Pastor Koeniu, of Fort Wayne, Ind., siuce lSïti, ano isnow prepared underliis directiou by tila KOEN1C MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Drusgists at 81 per Bottle. 6 for $5. arge Size, .1.75. 6 liottles for $9. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Pears iinü Grapes i Specialty All kinds of Fruit. Ornamental Trees and Flowers, froni Ellwanger nul Borry. Order early by mail. 8yrupe,Medtcinal Wlnes, Raspberry Byrup, Boneset, DandeliOD and other Domestic Grape Wlnee, prepared especially f or invalida. Pure Plyniouth Koek Egs. EMIL BAUR, West Huron St , Qnn Arbor. FORNMpÑLY f-s BET IK THE TOIIS Of THE SIRPEKTS Of OISEASL. Q) They mke herolc efforts to iree themieltei, I y, fï n0 knowíng how to sacceiafullv VCÍySHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKE8 A XvTï " gITe UP ín ÍC"Pir auil link into m erlT Wb-Tl U OUR NEW BOOK V'As. WJaV for11mltedtlra.pUinf J - rr V 'Xfi thephilosophy of DUciI M 'v UJtY ei an ■Afflïctloni of tha . '"Vi 1 ÍVCnV-Í f Otb&os of Man, and how by r1VÏ'jVW HOME TREATMENT, fllsX l liC-fl I ffll bymethcdB excluilvely otir V ïUJKH Mi the wont raufHiof -Ca=zXfv-v=Avsy" f LoBt or F1111? Manhood, X bL Onrl and Kervou DeU Obllltv. Weajinesi of Body f and Mlnd, Etlecta of Errors fihrnnkcn Organs pan be Cnred. Bsneflti ín a day. HowtoEnlargeandStrenKthenWEAK.UNDEVELOPED 030AN3 A PARTS of BODY made plainto all interested. Wen tmtifj frnra 50 States, Territorici and Fortign Countrie. Yon caá writp th'm. Por Hook, fiillexplRDatiooand proofa, aiWrem ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO.N.Y.


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