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Prof, Chute 'has reuirned home trom Ti, i outo, Ont. Mi-s. Dr. Herdman and family have góne to Petoekey. Mrs. R. a. Beal is vlsltlng Mende in Livingston county. Alderman Herz and Kditor Suekey went to Manchester Thursday. Jud.m1 Turner, of Lowvülè, N. Y., lias been vlalting v. W. Whedoo. Mrs. Dr. A. 1.. Worden, oí Detroit, spent Sunday with C. H. Worden. Anflrew Burke, governor oí Nortn Dakota. was in 1 he city the Other day. He expressed great interest in tlie univcrsity. Dr. Breakey goes up to O11 Mlssion to-morrow, tor a few weeks recreatlon. Mrs. DeWitt and daughter Ethelyn, of s. Main st., are vialtlng relatives in Ohio. B. ('. ïliayer takes vhe ]lace of Ix)n Lee as principal oí' the Manlstee iis. Mrs. Chris. T. Donnelly is enterlaining lier Sister Miss Belle Shanklin, oí Cbicago. Mrs. Kx-Ald. Poland, of Broadway, is visitins her sister in Green ll.iy. Wis. Rufus Wa;iles. .Ir., lit. Clase ni '_'. f Brooklyn, X. Y., is home vkiting tor a ir iv days. Mrs. Medaria 'ave a thlnoble party 1d a nniirher of lier lady friends Mouday evenlng. Miss Ruth Dnrheiin will leave to-day tot Meiiominee to comuifoce her scliool duties. George B. Greening, ol Alpema, was ah&king hands wit h Ann Arbor friends Thursday last. Miss Iva Gress. oí the P. O. force, has gone to Marqnette, on a two wck's vacation. Connty Treasurer Bi-chm arrived home Friday ïinicli pleased wlth lii.s trip up the lakcs. Mrs. I'. II. Beleer, of s. Tliayer st., entertalned Miss i.ihiiic Watecwi, of Detroit, over Snnday. Dan H. C'hnreh, of E. Jcfforson st., expecta to vMt friends in PUnt, hls tormer home, this week, Mrs. Norton, of Riveredde, ni., lias been isitini; Miss ('arrie Norton, on E. Aun st., for a few daya Mrs. Chas. J. Durhoim, who has been visitinpj her former home, returned to Muskegon Saturday. Trof. ('has. E. Greene and family left Mooday tor au eastem trip, takinj in t.he Maine eoast resorts. Bddie Beyter lias returned home trom tlic nortliern Avood.s and waters. iiiiicii lmproved in health and spirits. Prof. George A'. Knlgbt and iamlly, of Coltinilius, (Ihio. are guests of iiis father .1. W. Knight, Esq.of E. Willlam streel . Harry Hawloy, of Denver, Ooi., was in towB last week. He enjoys eoraIng tu An.i Ajrbor more and more at every visit . John Helnzman and fainily, acoompanicd Uy Mrs. Laubengaj'er and Mrs. Frank, returned trom Bay City Momday evenlng. On Monday Mr. jund Mrs. Jolin Collar, who have been guests of J. Q. A. Seadona and wile, left for tblr home, at Dawn, Mo. Mrs. Mattie Wilder nee Brown, Avho, wifch her children have been guests of D. I!. Bro.wn, on í. Main st.. have returned home. Miss ilattie Keith and her gnesi Miss Marión (Ir.'iy. of Alpena, and Miss Bouller, if Dexter, were visiting [rienda in the city Moniday. Miss Tberesa Kearas, oí KpriiK; at., is % isitinp: in Lansing tliis weck. John Donovan, of the "th ward, returned home Saturday for a short stay. Miss Jennie Linsday, ivlio has been visitinu hor brother Fred C. Brown, returned yesterday to Sioux Cii,. Ii)-a, for a few weefes wben die wül return to spendthe winter here. Miss Belle Turnbull, with A. Ij. Noble, as bootkeeper, is spending her vacation at lier home in Hamttton, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Schairer left Monday for a trip down throuffh the Thousand Islands, to Montreal, and i on i Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stimson, accompanled by Mrs. Stimson's sister, .Mrs. Ailison. lelt Monday for Hastings, io attend the golden redding of Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mrs. Stimson's párente, whlch odeurs on the 21st. From there tln-y go to (innn l.ake for a stay of a -onplo of weeks. Jerry Walsh paid a ílying visit to Illinois last week. Mra. Aliee .T. Hatcli and famlly havo removed to Detroit. Chas. B. Davison spent Saturday and Sunday in Kalamazoo. Editor and Mrs. Beakes have returnd from a Maektnaw trip. Dr. A. C. Xiclio's and fannily are n ramp at Portage Lake. Miss Mamie Bliss, of Wllllam st., 9 Isitiiie: her brotlier in Jackson. Mrs. Amanda (Madk) Abbott returnd home to Chicago last gaturday. Geo. H. Winslow has Ixen on the i;k list for q few days. Better now. Prof. and Mrs. H. C. Adama have eturned home from their snmmer outisr. George P. TV'anty, of Grand Iïapids, as a callee upou Ann .Arbor frlends ast Saturday. The fainily of Ex-Co. Clork Howlett re at Cavanaugh Lakc oiice more, or the week. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hubbard are pending the week with relatives a.nd iends In Saline. Fred C. Newcombe and wife, Jiave geme to Flint to "visit relatives amd rienda for a few weeks. ■Vill E. Price, of the lst Nat. Bank, s coquetting with the- the- fish, of ourse- up around Wequetonsing. Mr. Chas. Burg is visiting his brothr, Jolm Burg. They are interested together in a cattle ranch lm Oolorao. Proi Lawrence C. Huil, Ut. '81, forïerly principal of a KChool In Detroit, ow of Lawrenceville. Xew Jersey, in the city. Dr. Harry Xickels and wlfe, of Montelier, Ohio, are gneeta of the Dr's arents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Xickels, f S. State st.


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Ann Arbor Courier