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Keep An Eye On It

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s ,me uvcks :'X' au agent, purporthig t,j represent a large Wholesale house in Chieago, eame to this city and seeured the s.Tviees of a number of yoting gentlemen) attendlng the universlty, to act as agents during vacatino. He save tlio young men what might Ih' termed a school of inBtructloo in their dutics. As near as we are able to learn, tlie sehcme was lik.' tliis: Tliis great Chicago fii-in dealt in everytliing that a famlly woüld want to boy, and it proposed to form nssoeintions In vnrious locnlities. Any person deslrlng ín il:) so could, b'y paying $5, join the association and be entitled to lts privileges. These privileges constBted of buying any sopplies needed, sucli as teas, sugars, groeeries, hooks, or any thing wantod, at wholesale prlees. Samples of many articles were slio'.vn and prlces quoted far below the selüncr prices of merchants. A lerson eonld order in amy quantitles, not taking over a pmnid of any artiele unlesB he wanted to. This was a temptlng balt. Everybody Is gtrlvIng to 1 uy cbeaper than bis nejghbor, and tlic amount paid to jota would soon 1" s.ivcd. One oí the young gentlemen, who was tii act as agent, began to be a Uttle suapieiouB, and he took a trip 'ieago. Instead of the ïitv eight or ten story building, whicli their carils repreeented them as occupylng, he found, after a patiënt and diligent srarch, tho office of the compiiny in n littli 7x0 room, up onder the roof of a nut very imposinir strncture. He asked soroe questions and conld not obtain satisfactory answers, and so he concluded to cancel hls engagement with the great wholesale house. ;-; particular gentleman this was a hardshlp, for npon what he earned duriiiir tliis gommer, he depended for hls college expenses the coming year. He Hiinks there will be a large number of the boya who will be minus funda to continue their studies this year. It is also stated that those who have joined these aasociatlons have not been satlsfactorily dealt Avith. - seni have not been of the quallty ordered, nor of the kind ordered. time will never come when people eau obtain aometlidng for nothing, hooorably, and those who are satisfied with dealing with our own lmme merebants, hom they know. will in ong run be the best Off. As a rule all our merchante sell their goode at t!ie lowest living priees. CJompetition compela them to do that. and desire for business, prevenís any but straightlorward, bnnest transactiooa on their part. Don't be fooled by outside promises m' greal bargins, for they are apt to be drlusivc


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier