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Wonders Are wrought by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor in restoring gray hair to its original color, promoting a new growth, preventing the hair trom falling, kecping it soft, silky, and abiuulant. and the scalp cool, heaitliy, and free trom Uaixlruff (ir liuniors. The universal testiinony is that this preparation lias no equal as a dressing, and is, ttterefore, indispensable to every wellfumlshed toilet. "I have used Ayer'8 Hair Vigor for some time and It has worjted wonders for me. I was troubled witli landruff and was rapidly becomlngbald; hut siuee usinp: the Vigor my liead is perfectly clear of dandruff. the hair has ceased coming out, and I now have a good growth, of the same color as when I was a young wonian. I can heartily reeommend any one suffering from dandruff or loss of hair to use Ayer's Hair Vigor as a dressing." - Mrs. Lydia O. Moody, Iiast Pittstou, Me. "Some time ago my wife's hair began to come out quite freely. Ayer's Hair Vigor not only prevented my wife from becoming bald, but it also caused an entirely new growth ofhair. I am ready to certify to this statement bcfore a justice f tlie peaee."- II. Uulsebus, Lewisburgh, Iowa. "Some years ugo, affcèr a severe attaok of brain iever, my hair all oame out. 1 used such preparations for restoring it as my physicians ordered, but failed to produce a growth of hair. I then tried, successively, several articles reeommended by druggists, and all alike teil short of aecomplishing the desired resnlt. The last remedy I applled was Ayer's Hair Vigor, which brought a growth of hair in a few weeks. I tliink I used eight bottles in two years; more tlian was necessary as a restorative, but I liked it as a dressing, and have oontlnued to use it for that purpose. I believe Ayer's Hair Vigor posscses virtues far above those of any similar preparation now on the market." -Vincent Jones, Kichmond, Ind. Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPAKED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowei!, Mass. Sold by Druggiets and Perfumera. ONB EJISTJOY Both the metbod aud results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant aud refreshing to the taste, aud acts gently yet proiuptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the systein ettéctually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effecte, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its raany excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggista, Any reliable druggist who may rrot have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any jubstitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL LOUISVILLE, KV. NEW YORK, N.ï. %[The Greatest Bloei Purifier% KNOWN. f I I This Grcat Germán Medicine is the#... II III chenpcstaml best. 128dosesof SUL-M + 1 l'HrR15lTTElíSfor$1.00,lesstliunP 5 II ono r.ont a dose. It wlll cure the' gj E worst cases of skin disease, from M a common pimple on the taces L? gg 111 to that awful disense Scrofula. ? I SULPHDB BITTERS is thïff L I best medicine to use in all ƒ 111 Ë cases of such Btubborn nnúffyoxr icid-l I I deep seated diseases. Do,levsln.,. ,,utl II fji uot ever takc oi'oVdiT r-cUl Q BLUE PILLS Jv.l}'"VKEa Iormcirury.thej-avedcadjr1'11 '',';,: fl the purest and best#ou' use medicine ever made. #SuUar BïtterS ! M - IsyonrTongneOoatedfi' ' SS ö vrtth R yellowstickj-Don't walt nnttl yon U HlsubstHncc? Isy[iur#ai-eunabletowalk,orl llbrcath foul ndfare flat on your back, 1 1 yourl)ut get some at OBO6, it I lstomai'li ic; outJTw 111 cure yon. Sulihurl j lof order, Usvjff Bitters is bS' i' 'i'i'iíílsifrhe Invalid's Friend. K lmnn'Ua;e!vTlieyoimfr,then.eedanil ES Ik yoiir l'v-fftevuu} ure soon made wc 11 by 1 1 ine thlok.lts use. RememherwhatyouHI ropyv clovreact heve, it may save yi u t Bil udy, orJMüte, it bas saved imndrcdB. I Ij &- sTDou't M'ait uutil tü-morrov. 3 f'Try a Bottle To-day! E3 1 5 m Are you low-sptrited and wpak.lll 111 Sffov sufferlBg froi the oxcesses itl j .=#youth ? ir so, 8ULPH0B BlTïKKsl II Send 3 2-cent stampa i" A. P. Ordway & Co.. Boston. Mass., tor best medical work ïmblishod? BEAL & POND, INSURANCE AGEflTS Courier Office, 41 and 43 North Main St-, (Successors to C. H. Millen.) The oldest agoncy in the city. Established over n quarter oí a rratiiry ago. Representlng the following flrst-class ooxnpanles, with over )i:SO,000,000 Capital and Assets. SOMB Ins. Co., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. Co., Ol N'OW York. Kiagajra Ins. Co., of New York. Gii'.AiiD Ins. Co., of Philadelphia. Oi'.iknt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London Liykkpool, London and Globe. Rates Low as the Luwest, Jses Líberally Adjusted and promptly Paid. BEAL & POItfD. TO MACKINAC Summer Tours Palace Steamers, Low Ratcs. Tour Tripa per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoskey, The 800, Marqueue, and Lake Hurón Porta. Svery Svenlng Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND SuudftJ Tript during Jane, July, August and Splmbr Only. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, Ra(.ea and Excursión Tickets will ba furniaked by your Ticket Agent, or Addresu A. A. SCHANTZ, AsS'T Q. P. A., Detroit, Mich., TUE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO. CftjHyi?M I'nihirp tin li n o wn uiiimp itvm. H.0Al1etttsCo.,Uox ü80Portland,Moino SAW MILLS, EHGINES, Improred Variable Friction Feed. Send íor catalogue aud special prlces. A. B. FA11QUHAR CO., Tct, P


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