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A Pure Cream o. I I : Povder. Sui evcry other kr.own. Use: nes - 40 Yeai btandard. Delicious Ca! o ight Flaky uble No oth.ïi boking powdec doo3 auch WOrk. CARTER'Sl ff gTFLfSi ii ver gwa ■ Mus. M M IDE VtfKE Sick Beadarho and reliovo all tho trouWos incident to abilioua state of tho tystom, fluoh aa Dizzinesrc, Nausea, DrowBlnesfl, DiBtreas r.fter eattng, Pain Ib the Sido, &c. Vhilo theirmoafc remarkable succoae has bcon ehowu iu curiiig SEOE neodjebo, yet Cnrter"s LitUo JAvcv Pilla ero cqually valuablein Coitetipation, curinf aud proTenting thiaa:inryinucoLiiilaiut,wtiilo thoy also corree talUlisürilcrsol'thostomac k .stimuliitotlia livor end egula'to tho bowela. liven if tlioy 011I7 curcu jj tn nH flft RBIfiht Aohethr.ywollldboaimoatprictilcsstotlioaowhO fiuifer f rom this distrc8slng complaint; brfli'ortuïiatoly thcirgooduese does 110 tciidhoro,ainithoo ■whooncotry themwill find these HUlopilInvaluuble ín soraany ways that thoy vill not bo willing to do without them. Bat nf ter alleick he?.il Is the l.ano of bo many Iive3 that hora la -.vhero wema&eourgraat b ■.l. Our piUsoureitwhlla oüiera don ■■ ■ Carter"a Littlo ;. ■ vory i".a!l and ycry c=sv to ia: a. One 1 1 1 loso. Tbt'v p. ostrictly ■■ po or pnr"o, butby üieir gentío aoiion ploaneall who nmthem. In-rtüst 25 cents ; flvo forti. Sold by droggiata evarywhp-e, or pentby CARTER !,1ED!CINE CO., New Vcrk. SMALLPILL S'AlLDöSE, SM4L1.PRIGE FOR MEN ONLY! LUIJil-lWFf MST or FAILING MANHOOD, Ka liUiWrlGeneral and NERVOUS DEBILITY, CflrlïTrt 1 1 W'itne8 ' B"d7 ao Mlnii' EMt [■■■ V I ■ 1 1 1 f Pttapp w-Ttmctm jn Old or Youngi Kobnst, ohlp lHM!(mi fullj Rf slorpd. Huw to Fnlaru-o and SlrengthenHEAK.ISDKVKLOVKDOIiliAXSil-ARTSorUOUr Alisulotrl; D.irollliik' 1IO.HK TKKATIIKNT- Hpneill In s iíit. Men tefitir fram 5U Staten aml Forfign Countricü. Wrile thera. Descriptivc Kook, explanatlim and proofs m&Hed(fieaIed)frce. iddre.9 ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N, Y. Had the ïïérril Effect I :ï CAiUiOLTjrcx, Green Couztty, 111., No. '83. I higlily roet umiond Pastor KoonJg'a Norvo Tonic 10 anybody that han euffored froin hoodache as my soa did ior five 3 1 ars, heeauao two bottJea of the medicino oured hitn. M. MoTIGUE., iiid.. Jnlyltf, 1800. Abo'átfour yearp 1 waa taken wlth a eongestive oliill that left me so nervuati I was not ttble to do a iay'i work. I took Pa,stor Koenlg's Kervü Tonic, and I at once btigan to get better and am uow dointi my work again. Hany thauks for the good it h dono me. ... LIZZIE LEY. GlbvkIíAND, O., 113 Laurel Bty June 11, 1890. ïhe use of Pastor Kuenig's Neorve ïonic haa enabled me to roaurae work, ind I ani recommending saine to all I see i u need of it, and I findmauy, hopingin pare to uhovv my gratitud j by recomnieuding tilo Toaic. A. AIKIN ftP- A Valuable Rook on Nervotis m tMié m Iiseises st-nt tree to anyaddress, I H f P and poor imtients can alKO obtain IlLks Hiis medicine tree of charle. This reme dy has been prepared bythe Reverend Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wayne, Ind., since 1876, and ib now prepared under bis directlon by the KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold by Dnigstists at SI por Bottle. 6 for 85. tarae Size, S1.75. 6 Bottles for 9. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Peárs atíd Grapès a Specialty A',1 kinds of Fruit, Ornamental Trees and ira. froin i ind Barry. Order v ruall. Syrups. Medicinal WJaes. RaspI meset. Dandelio i and :t:iy tor Invalida, i'utr l'lymouth Koek l SM1L BAUa, West Hm ron St., Ann Arbor. VIGOR OF MEÑ Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. "WeuUness, Nervousness, Deblllty. and all the train of evlls from early ormrtforlater excesses, tho resulta of overwork, hickntïws, worry, etc. Full etrength, dovelopment, and tono given to every orpan nnd portiun of tbo body. Öimpte, natural methods. Immediato improveuient seen. Failuro impossible. 2,(HX) referonces. Book, explanationa ■nna priiofs mniled (sonled) freo. Addresa ER1E MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y.


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Ann Arbor Courier