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The whole world knows where President Harrison stands on the silver shark's free coinage seheme. 'The allianoe leaders have resolved it must hi' remembered, that the ( A. R. is simply an organized effort to loot the ü. 8. treasury. Emperor WlUlam lias grown a bean and Covernor Wiljans has sha ved hls chin wtdskers. There appeara to lx 110 accounting for 1he last es of great men.- Detroit Tribune. The London ( Knglnndi Times, "the Thunderer," is now ooaching the democraey al the United States, and telling them how to win a vlctory in 1892. The Times in that respect appears to be a daagerous rival oi the Oobden Club. The silver speeulatorH wlio are boasttng that eongress wUl Band a freo .silver bilí .to the president as a Chrlstmas present WÏU find, if t'his be trae, that bhe president will sml a veto to cantri-ess as a New Ycar's gift.- St Ixiuie Globe-Democra t . James F. Joy, of Detroit, wlio has just returned trom Europe, says that wjierever he went in Europe he found that the McKinley bill was belng talked alxiut as a measure invidious to European industry, amd therefore eould not help argulng in hjs own mind that it must be laborable to American industry. - N. Y. Press. A question for the allianee: If the Q. A. K., througii their pensions, (wliich every man of them honestly earnedi have a t-endeney t empty the l". S. treasury, how nbout the scheme of the ailia.nce to loan mmicy at 2 per cent. interest to every Torn, Dick and Harry in the country ? Any ,looting a-bont that ? Robert Pursel, of Schoolcraft, died last Wednesday aged 93. He had been a member of the Ma.sonic fraternity 72 year.s. iM'ing initiated when 21 yeirs of age, using the first money he ever earned for that purpose. An rxpenditure he is said never to have regretted. He was buried under the auspices of the Thre? Eivers C-ommandery K. T., of which he was a member. A trip from Detroit to lit. Clemens on Sunday, carrytag a large nuniber of passengere, the motive power being an electric stornge battery. Twenty milos in hour was avoraged, whieh will be araply mifficicnt for streot car requirements. Tho trip was a Huccess, and it is claimed for this storage hattery tliat it wlU run 100 miles without having to be recharged. It is said that tlie Detroit St. R'y ofíii.ils did not see it. I.ieut. W. E. Saíford, U. 8. X.. Spei-ial ('ommissinnor of the AVorld's Fair to Peru and Bolivia, has secured for the Ijatin-American departnimit of the Expo-siti'On. íive samples of the ceremonial dressea of the Jiberos and Zaparros Inilians. One of tlie Jiberos TOstumes is rcpnrted to surpass any of the dresues of eavae tribes yet diseovered, in gorgeous beauty and lovely contrasts of colors. The two Zaparros costumes are woven oí human liair, and are ornamented with geometri':al designs. Tliere will be general regret in "W.islitenaw county over the dcath of Hon. John K. Boise, of Hudson, whlch occurred at Waxhinirton, I). ('., last Prlday, whüe ander treatment for nervous prostration. The deceaaed waa a noble man; noble in t'hought, nolle in impulses, noble in the eharacter of his every day life. He was a successful business man, and a wide aiwake politician, fnvoring all of his life, the principies of the rcpubliean Inrty. There wlll be general regret all over the state at his death. Mr. Belden, of Jackaon, one of the world's fair commissioners for this state, is to get a large slice of the petty world's fair appropriation made by the legislature. He has been detailed to attend all of the county taira this fall - -svon't he have a good time ?- to ltíbby ostensibly, in the interesta of the world's fair. A great scheme that- for Mr. Belden. He is to receive $3 per day aud expenses. It is intimated that he has private inKtructions irom the governor to sáy two words for the democratie party to one for the fair. How valuable a travelling delégate he will make remains to be seen. A yeax r bo ago a number of persons began to agítate the queetion of this city having an electric liglit plant of ite own to run. In that connection it is interesting to note the result In Philadelphia, where the city last year lost $104,145.26 on lts gas plajit, furnishing gaa at $1.50, white fineinnati poople get their gas from a private eompany at $1.25. It is a striking example of the precept that i city has no business in going beyond its proper functions, for great waste oomes thereby. Our ueighbor, Ypsilanti, will nat be five years in findiiiR out wliat is the matter witli running its own electric light plant. Ii is an expenslve ezperlmeot. There are fpw men living to-day, ■svfho can make as good a speech as President Harrison. He is a wouderful man in that respect. He ever elops over, never says too much, and what lie does say is direct and to the point, so expressed tliat the siniplest mind enn comprebemd it, and 90 un[uestkmably true that his most biter enemies can not dispute him. He h;is made more specclies, loth as a candidate and' as prcsidi-ui, that any i her Chiel bxecutlve this country ever ïivd, and nol one word has ever cs:aped hia üiis that the vindictlve po[tioal opponent, alert lor eome slip, iould ever torture Into a club to strike h;nk , nu. iir to use In any way Rainal Mm cwr his party. He diseñaBes the prominent questkras ol the l;iy in a convincing manner, and mets all quesUous manfully.


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