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Oí FICES TO BEJiï! Al'uu'siiit 'offices over the Farmers Mechanic's Bank, Main Bt., Ann Arbor. Enquire at Coi ribb olfice. SPECIAL SALE OF Advanced Styles in New Fall Dress Goods Trimmings in'Black, Golorsand Fancies thefirstTnThefield With New Fall Goods. Our Dress Goods stock shows Novelties not seen in other stores. Such as Camel's Hair Chevoits, Snowflakes, India Suitings, Bedford Cords,Tweeds, Broadcloths, Cable Twills, French and English Novelties, and other Rough Effects which are so stylish this fall. Rich E uro pean Bressen, eaoi andevery one a beauty to look at. As a Special Bargain, and to give our Dress Goods Department a Big Boom, we offer 75 Stylish Dress Patterns at $3.97, a Snit worth $5.00. 48 Pieces New Fall Dress Goods in Rough Effects at 50c a yard. One Case 36 in. Fancy Serges at i5c a yard. 65 Pieces New Black Goods at 50c and 75c a yard. 500 yrds All Silk Surah in Black and Goiors at 25c yd. 15c PiecesCoin Dot Curtain Scrim at 5 a yard. 35 Pieces Dark 10c Outing Flannel at 6c a yard. 25 Pieces White Shaker Flannel at 5c a yard. 100 yards of Spool Silk at 5c a spool. Best Quality KnittingSlikat35c aball. One Case Dark Prints 3Lc a yard. 50 Pieces wide Twill Toweling at 4c a yard. Yard wide Bleached Cotton at 5c a yd. Big lot Lace Curtains at 59c a pair. All of which we invite inspection. SCHAIRER&MILLEN Leaders of Low Prices and ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. There does not appear to be near as much talk of or desire expressed aniong our people for the Exposition at Detroit this year aa there been heretoiore. It i.s getting to be an old story. The feeling appears to be more favorable bis time for all to turn in and help our own eounty exhibitions, instead of expending money for a tedio us day at the Detroit jshow wltfl littlr oi' nothing gaimed nfter returning home. Several have eaid to us vvhen asked if they were going to tlie Detroit Expositiou this year: "No, I do not care to go anymore. I have geen it once or twicc, and it is about the same thing over and over again. It is a liard day's -n-ork, and what one sees and learns doesn't pay for the outlay." That ans-nr expresses the (eeliags oí many people hereabouts. Wli o can dispute the correctness of it V The worst Xasal Catarrh, no matter of liow long standing, is permanently cured by Dr. öage'a Catarrh Tlemèdy. We will sell round trip tickets for Farmer's Picnic, at AVhitmore Lake, Aug. 2th, for 50 cents irom Ann Arbor, good going and returning on passenger train on that date. B. S. GREENWOOD, Agent. Pecu i iar Many peculiar pointe niakc Ilood's Sarsaparilla superior to all otlier medicines. Peculiar in combination, proportion, and preparation oí ingred:ents,T Hood'8 Sarsaparilla possesses V" tlie (ull curativo valué oí fue jf ( r best knowu remcilios' "ot the vegetable k g-W ciomPeculiar in ils T streugth and eeonomy- -f fs 'V VIIoo1'5 Sar" saparlUa is jrHjS' fue onlv medicina oí V "% v1'r!i can trlll' besakl. A í ' " Cao Handred Doses One JV_Ök l1'1'"'"'" Medicines in - nO' l;ir;:rr and smaller buttles 'S 10' larjer doses, anddonot prodnee as guod results ;is Hood's. Teculiar in it.; medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsapaiilla aceompllshes cures hitlierto unknown, aud lias won íor itselí J?t the title oí "The greatest bloodO purificr ever discovcied.1' QS Peculiar Ín its " good name r HOr1' home,"- there is non' Vnore of Ilood's Sarsaparill.iV' r sold In Lowell, where iyit is made, than of allr rf other blood purifiors. r .2JVIYculi;ir in its )r _w record of sales abroad, rfrwo otlici preparation has jjmyOircyw attalnedsuch popujr& Szniy in so Short :t time, r aml retalned its popularity ? and confldenco amor.g all classes of people so steadfastly. Donotbe induced tobuy otlior proparaffons, but be snre i i :■! tlo Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla SoUlhyalldrugRists. gl; sixfor g5. rrcparedonly by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecr.rics, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar


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