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The State Fair

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F'or tiic foHowing facts ín rela to wiiat is being done by the Rta1 Fair autohorlties to malie thls year's exhfcbitkra a success, we are indebted to W. E. Boydeu, ol Delhi Milis, in a letter bo iim, Samuel Johnson, .-e, rei ary, says: "Xoaanay be pjeased to learn uha: has been done ra the way oí preparaünn lor the fair. The grounds are In .nood condition and witth the main bnlldlnga have beem thorouglily cleaned and put in order for exhiblts. Minor repairs on cattle Sheds have been máe. The horse stalls and track, leásed to the Lansing Drivtog Aesociation, by terms' of contract, will 1h' acalril and tumed r I ) the society in good repair and n ell clea aed ten days prior to the fair. "On tii 80th of July the business oommittee Ie1 the contrac for building norse stalls, 38x250 feel after the Detroit Bxposltlon plan. tor $1,577.50, to I). IC. Pulier, of I.ansin. These are bo ba ready for öccupi by the 7th o! September. "The printing and advertising oommittee trave, ia addition to the usual póstera and hangers sent out, drempel it advisahic t o adveri la i quite largely in the weekly newspapefs i:i those portions oí t'.ic state from whlch out patronage asually comes. We have been able fco do tliis on account of the gerterosity ol the press, without any great outlay, and trust H may prove helpful in lncr aaing attendance. "The preliminary vrork of this ofÜce Is, i trusl (?ell in band and the U"t tere reoeived Indícate a wood exliibit nnd encourage tlio bellet that out 43rd fair will be one of the best In the tong history of the Society. "If I enn do anytihlog toward placing the wopk of The departiumt yon Buperlntend, ia shape for you', or if you hiave any simucstions of a general cliaractcr, I sliall be glad to have tiliera. "I have been trylng to atudy the Bituatlon carefully and have the numerous details left in my hands carefully attended to; but I sliall appreclate very beartily any suggestions iliat may help to make OUT annual show a more pronounced success." The fair will Ik; held at Lansing, Sept. 7, 8, 9, lOand 11.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier