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At The University Of Ann Arbor

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(The foll.-iu ing is talken from the Quincy, IU., Daily Journal, of .Tuly !ih, -which paper waa handed us by Mrs. E. liunl, of State st., and givcs a Btranger'a Impresston of elty): Editor Journal: The writer havIng arrived from Ann Arbor subiniis the following dp.scription of what he considera to lie the grandest nniverslty oí this country. During nis stay he was glven every facfllty ttxr examlnlng in to tlic eapaciiy and npparatus of the college, being shown through all the varioua departments, and from thesa obsorvations concludes that momey spent in such nn institution is in return for vaule recelved. Durtng the paal year tïe anlyeraity had apon its rolla the round num'ber ui' 2,500 studonts. 'l'liis was an incrcise of 1,200 over 1887. Th' srnduatuiiï elasa numbered 20 dadles and gentlemen. The law ciass led in mimbers, bcini; composed of 250 mjembers. Next canie the medical and Mterary classes, eneh well represented. The writcr, looking over tliis BmaU army oí students now abo ut ready iW)'v to begin the battle of real lifo, tlieir o.-.sihi itii-s for benefiting Huir fellotv men aml adv.-i.i'-ini; the Bolences towards pcrfection seeaned boundless. Mr. en. J. Hirth, Jr., of Quniey. was a member of the gradnating elass in medicine. Mr. Hirth, havtog qow eoin]iietei! a thorough course In hls pro'ession. is en route to Europe where lie Intenda to perfect himeeli ly a post-graduate course In clínica and medicine. Aun Anuir is .ui iilc.i! univergity muil. Beautlfullj laid out, in every directton one meets wiiii numberlesa shade trees and lawns decorated with rare l'.oxvei's and ahrubbéry jf every descriptton. TUierels pleosani pivaliy among the Inhabitamts as bo which shall in1 the possessor of the most beautiful ïaivn. The walUs are excellent, and In accord wlfch the beautihil lawns. 'l'here is a decided and aureealile contrast between tbe rush and turnioil oí the usual city üïe and tnls eentei' of qulei beauty and lmtellectual Biirroundings whlch can not fail to ui' pleasure, Jacob Hirth, Be.


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